BRINGING IN SHEAVES. BY REV. A. B. EARLE 1869. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by JAMES H. EARLE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Stereotyped at the Boston Stereotype Foundry, No. 19 Spring Lane. TO ALL WHOSE PRAYER IS, "O LORD, Revive Tht Work:' This Book Is Affectioxately Inscribed BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. The publication of this volume has been urged upon me by ministers and laymen of different denominations, for a number of years past, as a duty I owe to the cause of Christ. Among the requests for such a work, one came to me, some ten years ago, signed by nearly two hundred persons. But, while I have believed that such a work might be useful, it has, until recently, seemed unadvisable for me to undertake it, as there appeared to be no way of doing so without turning aside from my loved and aj)pointed work as an evangelist, which I was unwilling to do so long as strength was given me to preach to perishing men. A few months since, however, the way seemed opened : My sons, having finished their college course, were in a situation, before entering upon their chosen avocations, to assist me in preparing the work. Accordingly, when they had rested for a season from the fatigue of study, and myself from the exhaustion and weariness of my Pacific tour, the book was commenced, and has been carried forward as rapidly as possible under the circum- stances. I have only been able to work on it at inter- vals, as I have found here and there a spare hour, until my return home in June, for a season of rest from con- stant preaching. In all the variety of matter and subjects which have been presented, the principal aim has been to answer the question that Christians are everywhere asking, — " How are we to labor the most successfully to promote revivals of religion ? " I have endeavored clearly to present my own experi- ence and observation in revivals ; and in these I think will be found the means which God has appointed and signally blessed in the quickening of his people and the conversion of souls — means which I have always, I believe without a single exception, seen blessed to the renewing of God's work. I have given no system of rules, or set of measures, to be used in revivals, as I know of none. Perhaps my views can most clearly and fully be learned from Chapter I., and the sermons on " Faith," and " Joy Restored." The chaj- *;,ers of " Revival Gleanings " give some idea of the character and results of meetings in which these means have been employed, although they come far short of the reality. Had the accounts of these meetings been fuller, they, perhaps, would have been more satisfactory ; still I trust they will not be entirely wanting in interest, and above all in power to do good. The selection and arrangement of them have not been according to the order of time or importance of locaUty, although, generally, the more recent have been mentioned, because they were most readily remembered. The chapter on the " Rest of Faith," I can but believe will, in some measure at least, meet the earnest desire of the Christian world in helping believers reach that state of union with Christ in which they can more fully honor him, and labor with greater success in his cause. I submit it to the careful and prayerful consideration of all, with the hope that it may prove, as in my own case, the balm for wounded hearts and the rest for weary souls. The book contains " opinions of pastors," and personal allusions and letters which would be wholly out of place but for the purpose I have had of deepening through them the conviction of the need and importance of evangelistic labor; not on my own account, for my reception and the confidence in me have been all that any man could desire, but because I want to see men who have the necessary qualifications entering this department of ministerial labor. A great field lies open, and the demand for laborers is great ; prejudice is rapid- ly melting away ; pastors feel that they are in want of just such help. A few sermons are given because I am so often asked for them. Many persons come to me, and say, in refer- ence to this or that sermon, " I was greatly benefited by it : can I not obtain it ?" The book was not designed to tell what I have done : far fi'om me be such a folly ; and farther still that of taking to myself credit of results in the accomplish* ment of which I have only been God's instrument. To those who are unknown to me the book comes with the hope, deep in my heart, that it may be to them a source of comfort and strength ; to those with whom I have been associated it comes as the letter of a friend, filled with tender regard and sympathy, and an earnest desire and prayer that they may be rejoiced and blessed as they read its pages, — and to all with the hope that, by and byj when the battle is fought, and the victory won, we may meet in the " better country," and sit down with " Christ's whole family," never to part again. O, will one be left out ? Will a single reader of this book go away upon the left hand of the Judge, down to the night of endless despair ? May the messages spoken in weakness be made the power of God unto salvation to every one who reads these pages ! My earnest prayer is, that the book may accomplish its simple purpose, and prove itself a Revival Help. A. B. Earl, Newton, Mass., August, 1868. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. HOW CAN I BEST PROMOTE A REVIVAL ? Revival begins like Fire. — Often with one Christian. — Chris- tian's own Heart. — Definiteness. — Series of Meetings. . 15 CHAPTER n. FAITH. Sermon preached in Fall River, Mass., in 1863 23 CHAPTER III. REVIVAL GLEANINGS. Albany. — East Bridgewater, — Chelsea. — Springfield. — Cincinnati. . . 38 CHAPTER IV. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Seeking Rest. — Finding Work. — St. John. — Burton. — Frederickton. — Grand Lake. — Kindness of the People. . 54 CHAPTER V. JOY RESTORED. Sermon preached in Tabernacle Church, New York, in 1868. . 62 CHAPTER VL INCIDENTS. "Ma, give him my two one-dollars." — "Try it on me.'* — " She wUl never call me ' Father ' again." 81 CHAPTER VII. REVIVAL GLEANINGS — CONTINUED. Amsterdam. — Abington. — HaverMll. — Fall River. — Wash- ington 89 CHAPTER Vm. INCIDENTS. Sermon on a Wood-Pile. — " Jesus will take care of me." . . 107 CHAPTER IX. WHY MUST I GIVE UP MY WILL ? The Will the Seat of Rebellion against God. — Case of Lady in Massachusetts. — Business Man. — Teacher in College. — Judge. — "Measures." 117 CHAPTER X. UNPARDONABLE SIN. Sermon delivered, Sunday Evening, October 14, 1866, in Union Hall, San Francisco, Cal 128 CONTENTS. 11 CHAPTER XI. FIREMEN'S MEETING. Report from Brooklyn Daily Eagle 145 CHAPTER XII. LETTERS FROM YOUNG CONVERTS AND OTHERS. Little Sadie. — Family Letter. — Ohio Letter, sent with a pair of Socks. — *' Would like to be a Minister." — Twenty-five Years of Wandering. — "A Happy New Year." — A Sabbath School Class not too young for Jesus. — "Almost Fourscore." — " Part Way up." — A Granddaughter's Request. — Little Scolder. — Grateful Deacon. — From two little Brothers. — *' In such an Hour you came." — Burdened for Friends. — Cannot save ourselves. — " No other Refuge." — The Way little Freddie made his Will. — From two little Sisters. — " Must work as well as wish." 152 CHAPTER Xm. VERMONT MEETING. Origin. — Character. — Influence 167 CHAPTER XIY. COME OVER AND HELP US. Elizabeth. — Richmond. — Grand Rapids. — Lynn. — Napa. — Vancouver. — Vallcjo. — New Hampshire. — Corvallis. — Baltimore. — Newport 176 CHAPTER XV. THE OPINION OF PASTORS. Geo. B. Ide. — Edward N. Kirk. — Robert Turnbull. — J. D. Clark. — S. D. Phelps. —H. Harvey. —Wm. Hague.— Geo. C. Baldwin. — J. R. Kendrick. — Thomas Armitage. — Geo. D. Boardman • 187 CHAPTER XVI. TITLE EXAMINED. Sermon preached in Tremont Temple, Boston 202 CHAPTER XVIL EVANGELISTS. — THEIR TRIALS AND JOYS. Division of Ministerial Labor. — Work of the Evangelist. — Trials. — Much of the Time away from Home. — Distrust and Prejudice. — Necessity of saying " No." — Parting with new-made Friends. — Joys. — Necessity of living near the Savior. — Constantly making new Friends. — Immediate Results. — Greatest Joy in Reserve 228 CHAPTER XVIIL UNION MEETINGS. Consistent with Denominational Differences. — Require no Compromise. — Reasons for Confidence in them. — Lead Christians to speak more kindly. — Convince Unconverted of Reality in Religion. — Gambler. — Physician. — Two Instances of such Meetings. — Churches prepared to receive Converts. — Spirit moving Denominations 230 CHAPTER XIX. FOUR DAYS' MEETINGS. Chester. — Charlestown. — Ogdensburg. — Fairfax. — Bristol. — Saxton's Kiver. — Amsterdam 251 CHAPTER XX. REVIVAL GLEANINGS — CONTINUED. Boston. — New York City. — Philadelphia. — Lawrence. — Dover, Great Falls, and South Berwick. — Concord. — Bid- deford and Saco. — Brooklyn. — Syracuse 2G9 CHAPTER XXI. THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Sources. — San Francisco Ministerial Union. — Their Letter. — Acceptance. — Farewell Services. — Arrival on the Pa- cific Coast. — Meeting in San Francisco 280 CHAPTER XXIL THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST — CONTINUED. Sonora and Columbia. — Oakland. — Stockton. — Sacramento. — Petaluma. — San Jose. — Santa Clara. — Marysville. — Placerville 295 CHAPTER XXIII. THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST— CONTINUED. Oregon. — Portland. — Oregon City. — Salem 318 CHAPTER XXIV. THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST — CONTINUED. Nevada. — Virginia City and Gold Hill. — Carson 331 CHAPTER XXV. THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST — CONTINUED. California. — Nevada City. — Grass Valley. — Santa Cruz. — Farewell Services. — Return Home 340 CHAPTER XXVI. THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST — CONTINUED. Retrospect. — Results. — General Features. — Expressions of Feeling. — Messages. 351 CHAPTER XXVII. THE REST OF FAITH. The Desir : — Testimony. — The Way. — How retained. — My own Experience 363 CHAPTER I. "HOW CAN I BEST PROMOTE A REVIVAL? »» MANY pastors, who have been unable to secure the needed help in holding a series of meet- ings, write me, requesting an answer to this question : " How can I best promote a revival of religion ? " Others, with whom I meet, are saying, "It has been many years since we have had a revival in our town, and I am half discouraged — I know not what to do." Frequently the remark is made, "Our congre- gation is small, and but little interest is manifest in the subject of religion ; if you can come, do not be in a hurry to leave us — this is a very hard field." For these and all other laborers who desire to know my views concerning the best means of pro- moting revivals of religion, and with whom I can- not converse in person, the thoughts, in this brief chapter, are specially written. A revival of religion, like a fire, must begin somewhere : " Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth ! " A fire often begins with a little match, and works its way through the combustible material about it until it has swept over a wide region. The great fire in Portland orighiated with a fire-cracker. So a work of grace often commences with a single Christian — never with the whole church. As soon as that one Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit, he goes after others, to lead them to the Savior, or to induce believers to join him in efibrts for a re- vival. Jesus fulfils his promise, " Lo, I am with you ; " and others are soon moved and melted, and the work begins to widen. So that whoever would promote a revival of re- ligion should begin with his own heart, and pray, and confess, and believe, until he feels his heart all subdued and melted by the Holy Spirit, — until his love to Christ is glowing, fervid, burning, — and until he finds himself groaning over the lost con- dition of men, and, like Jesus, being in an agony prays more earnestly. Then, when his heart is in this state, let him get a few, if he cannot many, to join him in special prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit. Let that little company hold on in united, persistent prayer, " nothing wavering," until the windows of heaven are opened. The disciples at Jerusalem continued in prayer about ten days, before they received the promised power from on high. It does not appear that the meeting, with so many ministers in attendance, attracted much attention, until the disciples were fully anointed, and filled with the Spirit. They could have accomplished but little had they preached and labored without this preparation ; but as soon as it was received, the multitude were drawn to the place in great numbers, and were con- founded when they saw the power that rested on those Galileans ; a new power attended their preach- ing. This work commenced with those believers, and spread with great rapidity all over the country. So it must be with all who would labor success- fully in leading souls to Christ; they must tarry at Jesus' feet until they have power with God; — then they will have power with men. The gift there received will be with them wherever the}^ go, diffusing its sweet and holy influence, and God's work will be revived, and sinners converted. 1 have observed, for nearly forty years past, that the secret of success in promoting revivals of re- li«:i()n is in havinoj our own hearts filled with the Holy Spirit. It IS not enough for those of us who preach, that our sermons be able, sound, and well delivered, or that we preach what are sometimes called revival ser- mons, and that we also visit and converse with men about their souls' interest. It is not enough that the church be aroused and go to work actively for a re- vival : all this can be done, and but few souls be saved. Nothing can be a substitute for real " power from on high." No amount of study or talent, no effort, however untiring, can take the place of the fullness of Christ's love; "Not by might, nor by power [human], but by my Spirit, saith the Lord." I have known ministers to preach, and their churches to unite with them, day after day, for weeks together, for a revival, and yet very little to be accomplished. The failure was not because the Spirit was un- willing to work with them and bless their efforts, nor because a continued meeting is not of divine appointment, but because they had not the needed power with God. I am often invited to assist pastors and churches in a series of meetings, with a view of gathering in the multitudes, " who are unreached by the ordi- nar}^ means of grace." Important as it is to reach this class, I have never found any way of doing so, or of reaching the unconverted in the regular con- gregations, until Christians were filled with the Spirit, and humbled iu the dust in agonizing prayer. The multitudes flock to the house of God, when Christ's children enjoy the fuHness of His love, and no more complaint is heard about small congrega- tions, and little interest in the subject of religion. For this reason, it is usually quite as well to com- mence a series of meetings with a small assembly, and in unpleasant weather; since, under such cir- cumstances, the church — at least some portion of it will be more likely to get fully into the work, and have power with God, than when the congregations are crowded, and the surroundings more promising. So clear has this point been to my ov/n mind for years, I have said to the pastors and churches with whom I have been called to "labor, that, if there was not a revival of religion, I should not complain of the church, but take the blame mostly to myself, believing that if I am right and have power with God, others will feel that power, and sinners will be converted : there will be a revival. Let me say, then, to pastors and to the churches : If you believe the glory of God demands a revival in your midst, and you desire to be instrumental in ad- vancing the work and bringing sinners to the Savior, first see that your own hearts are thoroughly melted and subdued, under a deep sense- of the condition of lost men, and that you are filled with the Spirit and constrained by the love of Christ ; then get a few, if you cannot more, to meet with you, and pray with and for one another, until, like those who prayed with Peter and John, you are all filled with the Holy Spirit : then expect a powerful revival of religion. Barnabas was "a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith," and, as a result, " much people was added unto the Lord." Do not seek to produce an undue excitement in the community, neither be afraid of as much interest as was manifest among the people on the day of Pentecost. In your prayer meetings have a definite object in view. If you desire an immediate outpouring of the Spirit, ask God for that ; if the fullness of his love in your hearts, let that be the burden of your prayer; if the conversion of a friend, agonize for that : whatever you desire, look for it at once. " What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, be- lieve that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." If you would have a great blessing, ask for it in faith, in Jesus' name. The Father has nothing too good or great to give for his Son's sake. Jesus is the pledge of all that Infinite Love can bestow, or that we can receive. "How shall he not with him also freely give us all things." If, in your judgment, you need some one to assist you for a few days or weeks, secure such aid, but do not rely on any human arm ; make any special efforts you think needed, but rely chiefly on having power with God in prayer yourself. Human in- strumentalities must be employed in the convers on of sinners, but the excellency of the power is jf God. One of the divinely appointed means for pro- moting revivals of religion, is, at suitable times, to hold a series of meetings for days or weeks together. Among the other departments of ministerial labor, the Savior appointed evangelists to assist in these meetings, whenever and wherever they might be needed. In the days of Nehemiah, we find Ezra, the priest, on a pulpit of wood, which had been made Aor the occasion, engaged in a series of meetings, which continued for many days. Ezra and those who assisted him read and explained the word of God one fourth part of the day, and spent another fourth in prayer and confession of sin ; in this way they continued the meeting until there was a great revival of religion among them, and a marked re- form in their habits and manner of living. Neh. viii. ix. The apostles also, after Christ's ascension, held a meeting about ten days, with a large number of minist< rs present. " These all continued, with one uccord rUay by day], in prayer and supplication with the women," until the Spirit was poured out upon them, and they received the promised power from on high. Then they were ready for a larger congregation ; and the multitudes were quickly attracted to the place, and the displays of grace "vere so marvellous, and the conversions so numer- ous, that there was an addition to the church, on a single day of the meeting, of about three thousand new members. Let me, then, again say to all Christians who desire and labor for the conversion of souls : First, be right yourself; spend days and nights, if neces- sary, in humiliation, fasting, and prayer, until the Spirit comes down upon you, and you feel that you have power with God ; then you will have power with men in leading them to Christ. Let none of us, w^ho proclaim the gospel, preach complaining, scolding sermons, or make unkind remarks about those who differ with us, or who do not come up to the work as we would have them. Let the melting, subduing love of Christ flow from our hearts and lips ; the unconverted will then be- gin to cry out, " Men and brethren, what shall we do ? " and we shall find ourselves in the midst of a glorious outpouring of the Spirit, with a host of busy hands and loving hearts about us, reaping and bringing in the sheaves, and with no more need of asking, "How can I best promote a revival? " CHAPTER n. FAITH.* ** Have faith in God." — Mark xi. 22. FAITH is a persuasion of the mind, resting upon evidence. Faith must have a basis to rest upon ; we cannot have faith in the absence of evidence. God never asks any one to believe anything without furnishing a basis for that belief. Does he ask us to believe in his own existence, — he opens the great volume of nature, and bids us look up. Does he require u^ to receive the Scriptures as divinely inspired, — they bear in themselves the evidence of their divine origin. Does he bid us come to him in prayer, — he furnishes us with daily answers to prayer. Some persons have faith in appearances ; that is, they believe they are going to have a revival of religion, because there is a general solemnity and seriousness in the community. This is not faith in God, but in appearances : withdraw these indications, and faith has nothing to rest upon. To true faith in God the darkness and the light are both alike. We hear others say they have faith to believe th^ would have a glorious revival, could they secure the labors of a favorite minister : this is faith in a minister or measure — not in God. Get your minister, if in your judgment he would do you good, but let your faith anchor in God and his promises. As faith must have a basis to rest upon, let us see what ground we have to expect an immediate revival of religion, and souls to be converted to God, if we go on with this meeting, and preach, and pray, and exhort, and sing, and visit. 1. God appointed these means to effect this end. God, who cannot make a mistake, and who knows all about the difficulties to be overcome in a dark, cold time, bids us go and preach, pray, exhort, aflJi sing, in simple faith, and he will bless. No matter how dark, or cold, or dead, — we are to look for an immediate outpouring of the Spirit, in the use of these means. I have come to believe that God means just what he says in his word, and I expect an outpouring of the Spirit w^henever and wherever the means are used in faith. If God had told me to go into your graveyard and sing "Old Hundred" among the graves, and that by this means the dead would be raised, I would come to one and another of you, and ask if you had any friends in that graveyard ; and if so, to get ready to receive them — they were going to be raised. Perhaps you would ask me, "Can you raise the dead?" I should answer, "Xot at all ; but God has sent me to sing 'Old Hundred' among the graves, and says through this means he will raise the dead," I should expect to see the graves open, and the dead come forth. My faith would not rest in any power of yours or mine, but in the fact that God appointed this means to effect this end. Just so when Jesus sa3's, " Go preach my word, and, lo ! 1 am with you, and will pour out my Spirit upon you," we should expect him to do it. I do expect it ; I have not one fear but that we shall have a glorious result, if we use these means in faith in this place. Moses had faith in God, when he lifted the brazen serpent to the bitten Israelites ; his faith was not in the piece of brass, nor in his own power to heal, but in the fact that God had appointed that piece of brass thereby to make his power known. As Moses lifted that piece of brass in the wilder- ness, so must Jesus be lifted to the view of lost men. We can have faith in God, in using these means, then, because he appointed them to eflect this end. 2. Another strong ground for faith in God, in using these means, to expect an immediate revival of religion, is, that God's heart and hand are in this wo]k. God felt so deeply for the salvation of souls, before we cared anything about it, that he gave his own Son to die for them. *' This was compassion like a God, That, when the Savior knew The price of pardon was his blood, His pity ne'er withdrew." God sees the end from the beginning, and tries no experiment — has all necessary resources of providence and grace ; so that we can follow where he leads, with unwavering faitli. How often does some providence occur, that is made the means of a powerful work of grace. In one part of Maine, nine churches united in asking me to assist them in a series of union meetings ; but before I reached the place, death had taken one of the pastors, ahnost instantly, out of the world. This pastor had drawn off the names of more than twenty persons, whom he Avas going to seek, at once, to bring to the Savior. One day, with these names in his pocket, he went to the post-office, and died before reaching ,\i\ii home again. The eti'ect was so great upon his congregation and the coimmunity, that it was necessary to commence meetings at once; and, when I reached the place, more than a hundred persons were anxious about their souls. While I was holding a series of meetings in , N. Y. j'one evening a hidy was passing near the church door, and one of the sisters asked her to come in, saying, "We are having good meetings here; quite a revival has commenced, and I would like to have you attend some of these interesting services." The lady replied, " Do you think I would go into such a meeting — a re- vival meeting? No, never!" This lady went on home, scorning the meeting and religion. A day or two after this she was passing that church door ao^ain while the conore2:ation were sinijinof one of their sweet revival hymns. The notes went through the open door and reached her ear. She paused, and said, " That sounds good." The same sister who had invited her in before, again at the door, said, "Come in and hear more." She replied, "I am too proud to sit down in a meeting-hou^^e, mdess I can own a seat." The sister told her she might have their seat, which could be emptied for her at once. This was done, and the lady spent the rest of the evening in our meeting ; her heart was deeply moved. Within one short week this lady and her husband w^ere both rejoicing in a Savior's love. Very soon both iiDited with that church. So we see that God here blessed the songs of praise to the salvation of souls. One of the greatest victories ever won by Jehosh- aphat w^as won by singing : " And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army, and to say. Praise the Lord ; for his mercy endureth forever. And when they began to sing and praise, (their enemies) were smitten." 2 Chron. 20: 21, 22. We find, then, as in all ages, God blessed his people when they sung his praise. I would urge all who desire to promote revivals of religion, and to lead men to Jesus, to have the best singing you can in all your meetings. Sing with life and spirit. God appointed singing, and will bless it. Have faith in God. How often we see a whole community moved by the power of a little prayer-meeting. Peter was brought out of prison, while the church were pray- ing in the house of Mary, the mother of John. "Prayer is appointed to convey The blessings God de?igns to give." Lot the " nothing-wavering " prayer be offered, and it cannot fail. Have fiiith in God when you pray, for he ap- pointed these means to effect this end. " Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto vou ; " but let it be done in faith. 3. God has always blessed these means, when they have been used in faith. None ever knew a failure, except when faith was lacking. The w^alls of Jericho fell down after they had been compassed about in faith ; yet I presume many of those who went round those walls, like many church members now, had no faith in God, but marched with those that had. God honors all the faith he finds in his people. I would advise all to use what faith they have, for in this w^ay faith grows — it is strengthened by use. Just as David's faith, after he had rescued the lamb from the mouth of the lion and the paw of the bear, became so strong he believed he could kill Goliath. Naaman, the Syrian, went into the Jordan to wash seven times, with very great unbelief (yet he must have had a little faith, or he would not have gone at all) ; but, after the wonderful cure, he went home with strong faith. He found God's word reliable. God always blesses the use of the means he has appointe 1, when used in faith; and he blesses in proporti^ n to the strength of our faith. When Ezekiel preached to the dry bones, there was nothing remarkable in his sermon or manner of presenting the truth, but simply in his faith in God. His faith did not rest in any wonderful skill, or power in preaching, nor in any favorable appear- ances, but in God. He would do just what God directed him to do, knowing that God could not make a mistake, and that he was able to do just as he promised. So, standing up among the bones, — dried, and bleached, and scattered as they were, — Ezekiel began to cry, "Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord ! Dry bones, live ! Dry bones, come together!" Power accompanied the means ^od appointed, and bone came to his fellow-bone, and they were clothed with flesh and sinews. But the breath of life was not yet in them. Then followed prayer, or calling on the wind to blow upon the slain. The breath of life entered into them, and there stood upon their feet an army of men. By this figure Ezekiel was shown how God saves sinners. As Ezekiel went among those dry bones and preached to them, and called on the wind to blow upon them, and they lived, so Christians must go among wicked men, and preach and pray, and use the means God has appointed, in faith, and he will bless these means, and save souls, and build up his church. Perhaps some one will ask why God docs not bless the labors of all his ministers, alike, in the conversion of souls. It is because they do not ex- pect it. They hope God will bless their labcirs ; they pray him to do it ; they really desire it, but do not in faith, without wavering, expect it. Faith is as necessary here, as is lire to produce heat. Persons may perish in the cold, surrounded with good fuel, for the want of fire to kindle it ; so men can go down to eternal death, under the ablest pre- sentation of truth, just for the want of faith in God on the part of the preacher and those thnt hear. So important is faith in God, that Jesus said to the anxious around him, " Only believe ; " "All things are possible to him that believeth." " Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone : Thou must save, and thou alone I Nothing in my hand I bring; Simply to thy cross I cling." A beautiful illustration of this occurred in one of my meetings. A citizen, about thirty years of age, had such a clear view of himself as a sinner in the sight of God, and felt so deeply that he must have help or perish, that he came to my room, after midnight, to know what he should do to be saved. O, the agony of his soul! He walked the floor crying, " I shall perish ! What shall I do ? What shall I do?" He kneeled down by a chair, and literally laid his face on the carpet. But he soon rose, saying, " I must be lost ! " His groans and cries were heart-rending. I saw plainly that he needed to get a clear view of Jesus and his work, and asked him not to groan, but to be calm, an:l listen to me for a moment. After getting his attention, I told him that his tears and overwhelm- ing anguish Tvould not help him, but he must let go of all reliance upon anything but Jesus, and simply believe. I then repeated a portion of the old Scotch hymn (God be thanked for that good Scotch brother who wrote it !), — " Nothing, either great or small, Nothing, sinner, no; Jesus died and paid it all, Long, yes, long ago. ** Jesus paid it all, All the debt I owe ; And nothing, either great or small, Remains for me to do." Looking up through his tears, he asked, "Is that it, Mr. Earle? Is that the way?" I replied, " That is exactly the way." But the light was not yet clear enough for him freely to embrace Jesus by a simple faith. He commenced groaning and pleading again, saying, "O, what shall I do?" I said to him, " Don't groan ; let me have your attention a little longer." I then repeated the last stanza of that beautiful hymn, — *' Cast your deadly doing down, Down, all at Jesus' feet ; Stand in him, in him alone, All glorious and complete. "Jesus died and paid it all. All the debt I owe ; And nothing, either great or small, Eemains for me to do." As the Spirit shed light upon his dark mind, he smiled through his tears, and said, "I believe that is it; yes, that is it — 'Jesus died and paid it all.' I thought I must do something, and could not see what I could do. How glad I am that I came here to-night. I can trust Jesus now ; yes, I can trust him." I then asked him to kneel down and tell Jesus he could trust him. After doing this, he left me, saying, " O, I am so happy now 1 " So that not only does our success depend upon our faith in God, but the weeping, groaning, peni- tent sinner cannot be saved without faith in Jesus. How necessary, when we use the means God has appointed for the salvation of men and the spread of the gospel, that we " have faith in God." Let me mention an incident or two that have greatly strengthened my faith. A few years ago, in a ministers' conference, the text for criticism was, "Is not the set time to favor Zion come?" Among other questions raised, was this: "Is it perfectly safe for a minister to commence a series of meetings in a church or community where there are no indications of a revival of religion? Ought he to go to work expecting an immediate outpour- ing of the Spirit?" I had just begun, as it were, to believe God, and take him at his word, and, with several others, said, "It is safe." In. a few days I commenced a series of meetings in a little church of about twenty members, who were very cold and dead, and much divided — the only green spot being a little prayer-meeting, kept up by two or three sisters. I preached the first evening, and closed the meeting at eight o'clock. There was not one to speak or pray. I succeeded the next even- ing in getting one brother to say a few words, and closed again about eight o'clock, but said to the people, " We will go on with the meeting." All around looked dark, but to the eye of faith the darkness and the light are both alike. The next morning I rode six miles, to a min- ister's study, to get him to pray with and for me. We both kneeled at the same chair and prayed, feeling and believing that faith in God could not be disappointed. I went back, and said to that little church, "If you can just make out to board me. I will stay with you until God opens the windows of heaven. God has promised to bless these means, and I believe he will." I trusted it all to Jesus, and went to work ; and within ten days there were so many anxious souls, that I met one hundred and tifty of them at a time at an inquiry meeting, while Christians were praying in another house of worship. A powerful work of grace followed, and I thmk several hundred souls were led to Jesus. This greatl^^ strengthened my faith in God. On another occasion I commenced a meeting near Boston, and preached the first evening on this same subject — Faith in God. We had a pleasant even- ing and a large assembly. Everything seemed favorable. I told the congregation that I believed we should have a great work, and they must pro- vide seats for the aisles of the meeting-house. The very next day a terrible snow-storm came on, so that we were shut out of the meeting-house and in our homes. For six successive days I preached in a private parlor at my boarding-place (which was only a few rods from the church) to ten or fifteen persons. This w^as a trial of my faith ; yet I knew God was able to fulfill his promises, and I believed he would. About the seventh day, the storm being over, we came together again in the meeting-house. On the first or second evening one hundred men and women cam forward for prayer, deeply convicted. While the}' were "shut up at home, the Spirit of God had been at work upou their hearts. God had given a voice to the howling winds, and moved the hearts of his people just as well as though they had gathered in his house. A great work followed, and many precious souls were brought to Jesus. With these and many other tests of God's prom- ises, I have come to believe and trust him, so that I can follow where he leads. Let me ask you all to go home from this meeting, to preach, and pray, and sing, and visit, in faith. Do all you can ; speak to all of Jesus ; but rely alone on God, asking and expecting great things. If the clouds look dark, and the angel says, "Let me go," let your grasp be firm, and say, — *' Nay, I cannot let thee go, Till a blessing thou bestow; Do not turn away thy face — Mine's an urgent, pressing case. Once a sinner, near despair, Sought thy mercy-seat by prayer : Mercy heard and set him free, — Lord, that mercy came to we. " Many years have passed since then. Many changes have I seen. Yet have been upheld till now, — Who could hold me up but Thou? Nay, I must maintain my hold ; 'Tis thy goodness makes me bold ; I can no denial take, When I plead for Jesus' sake." Note. — The meetings in Fall Eiver began with seventeen persons present at the first one ; at the closing meeting there were present nearly two thousand. It was thought there were one thousand cc nversions as the immediate fruit of this meetinsr. CHAPTER III. REVIVAL GLEANINGS. ALBANY, N. Y. — In this city I have labored in two meetings ; the first was held on Wash- ington Avenue, in a hall fitted up for the purpose. Ten or twelve members from different churches in the city had united in forming a mission station on this street, and I was invited to hold a series of meetinofs there. This was in 1859. So much interest was manifested, that several times when we closed our evening meeting at nine and a half o'clock, and a part of the audience left, there were enough outside, about the doors, to fill all vacant places in the hall. On one occasion I said to the congregation, "If any of you feel that you are sinners, and will do anything you can to find Jesus, I will stay with you until you do find him. I feel safe to take God at his word." Six men and five women took the front seats, feeling that they were great sinners. This was after dismissini? the cons^reofation twice. After all but a few who remained to pray had retired ? and the way of salvation through Jesus had been pointed out, we all bowed in prayer for the imme- diate conversion of these eleven individuals, they having said, "We will pray for ourselves, and as far .as we know will give ourselves now to the Savior." It was a moment of deep solemnity. The Holy Spirit was there to enlighten and lead the blind to Jesus. Within two hours every one of the eleven had found Jesus. This w^ork went on for four wrecks with increasing interest, and many hearts and homes were made happv in Albany. After a short time many of the converts came together, and asked the few Christians who had labored so earnestly for their salvation to organize a church and receive them into it. Accordingly six brethren and four sisters united in forming what was then called the " Washington Avenue Baptist Church." This was done on Thurs- day. The following Sabbath I baptized forty-four happy converts, and administered the Lord's Sup- per in the evening. On that occuision the following vijies were sung as I had never heard them before : " All hail the power of Jesus' name 1 Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, A'^.d crown him Lord of all." Deacon Patten gave the building and land to the new churjh, and became one of its members.- After a brief connection with this church, this dear brother was called home — " crossed the flood " — to join the other branch of Christ's family. He remembered the church in his will, leaving them ten thousand dollars, which, with other blessings of God's providence, and the faithful labors of their first pastor, Rev. William P. Everett, enabled them to purchase the State Street meeting-house and land, changing their name to the " Calvary Baptist Church." This is now a strong church, of nearly four hun- dred members. I shall always feel a peculiar interest in this church, and it will ever hold a warm place in my heart. I went to Albany for the second meeting, at the request of the Pearl Street Baptist church. Rev. W. Bridgeman, pastor. Soon after commencing, it was thought desirable to have a union meeting, and for five weeks services were held alternately with the Pearl Street church, and Dr. E. L. Ma- goon's church on Hudson Street. On the last Sabbath of the meeting a union com- munion was held in Pearl Street Church. One hundred of the converts, having bern pre- viously baptized, at this time received the right hand of fellowship, in the following order : Those uniting with the Pearl Street church received the right hand of fellowship from their pastor, while Dr. Magoon and myself follow^ed, cordially grasp- ing the hand of each of the new members. Those going with the Hudson Street church received the right hand of fellowship from their pastor, while Brother Bridgeman and I followed, giving each a hearty grasp of the hand. It was a delightful hour, and no one present will soon forget it. At the close, all joined in singing, with overflowing hearts, *' Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee ! " East Bridgewater, Mass. — There had been formed at this place a Methodist class, numbering about twenty persons, and they had hired for a place of worship the meeting-house belonging to the Universalist society. Thus, with so few sup- porters, and with prospects to the eye of sense so uncertain, this church began a career which, as we look back upon it after the lapse of a few years, we can see was one of great influence for good. At this early period in the history of this society I was invited to labor in a series of meetinofs with them. From the commencement, God was with us and blessed our efibrts. The town seemed to be shaken to its very foiiudjitioii by the power of God's Spirit working upon the hearts of men; and sinners by scores flocked to the fold of Christ. The " Abington Standard " published the follow- ing, in regard to the spiritual condition of this town at the time of the revival : " There is one event in the religious history of East Bridge water which soems worthy of notice. When the celebrated Whitefield was in this country, some one hundred and twenty years ago, an efibrt was made to secure his services at that village, and he himself expressed a strong desire to labor there ; for even then the place was notorious for its wickedness. The efibrt, however, failed, and an old gentleman publicly prophesied that there would not be a revival there during that generation. " Until the present time there has been none ; and, during the century and over that has intervened, that part of the town has been known by its own inhabitants as the * God-forsaken village.' Now a change has taken place. Meetings are crowded, and many are turning from their evil ways." A business man came to my room one day, deep- ly concerned about his spiritual welfare. After a little conversation, he asked me if he could not be come a Christian and be a " silent partner." Being assured that there was no provision for " silent partners" in the great company of Christian be- lievers, he humbly submitted to Christ, aud was willing to confess him before men. A young man, who had seemed to have no regard for the teachings of the Bible, was convicted of sin, but hesitated to give himself to Christ, through fear that he could not meet his old companions. But, after a little delay, he yielded, and found pardon and peace in Jesus. Still that dread of meeting his former associates worried him ; and one day, to avoid meeting them, as he thought he was certain to do if he went by the road, he took a circuitous way through the fields. But way back there he met the very group which he had sought to avoid. They at once asked him if he had become religious. Then his fear left him, aud he talked to them about Jesus, and in- vited them to come with him. They, instead of making sport, as he had expected, seemed not only willing, but eager, to hear his testimony and heed his warnings. Thus what appeared to be a mountain of difficul- ty, was now a pleasure. "It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." While additions Avere made to other churches, as the fruit of this meeting, that little Methodist class of twenty persons in a few months became a church wdth over two hundred members. They have since built a nice and commodious house of worship, and constitute one of the largest and most prosperous churches in that region. Let me relate, for the encouragement of those who desire to be active laborers for Christ, how I came to go to East Bridgewater. A Christian brother, who had been an earnest worker in the meetings held in Abington, and who was well ac- quainted with the religious history of East Bridge- water, and mourned the eflect of the long spiritual drought, had for a long time felt a great desire to see a work of orrace in that villao;e. Doubtless he had prayed to God for the fulfill- ment of this desire ; but that was not all : feeling the value of the soul, and the need of immediate effort, he came to me, and presenting the great wants of the place, urged me, w^th more than usual earnestness, to go and labor for the salvation of this people. In addition to this, he voluntarily took from his own purse quite a sum of money, to be used for the promotion of this work. So I think it safe to say he was not only the means of my going to East Bridgewater, but I be- lieve hundreds of souls to-day, rejoicing in the Savior's love, are indebted, so far as human instru- mentality is concerned, to the prayers and efforts of this good brother. Chelsea, Mass. — The union meeting held in this city, in the spring of 1866, was blessed with a deep and far-reaching work of grace. There was a marked spirit of unity and harmony among Chris- tians of different denominations : they seemed to feel that they were indeed members of Christ's fiimily, and were laboring for a common cause. An unusually large number were engaged in these meetings, as may be judged from the follow- ing incident : At one of our evening meetings, after a short discourse from the words, " AYho is on the Lord's side ? " an opportunity was given for any present to speak of their reasons for being on the Lord's side. Then there rose up, one after another, — from the gray-headed grandfather to the little schoolboy, — three hundred ana seventy-five per- sons, — and spoke for Jesus. At this point the hour for closing the meeting had arrived, and the people were dismissed, although many more were ready and waiting to " stand up for Jesus." The following extract we take from the " Congre- gational ist : " — " The religious interest in Chelsea is increasing. On Sunday evening last Kev. Mr. Earle preached to an audience of not less than fifteen hundred per- sons, in Kev. Mr. Plumb's church, and the latter preached at the same time in the vestry, while it was estimated that as many were obliged to turn back for want of room as were present at both services. "Meetings, in which the two Congregational and the two Baptist churches join, are held daily. Among those who have publicly and heartily borne testimony to the saving power of the gospel, and consecrated themselves to the service of Christ, are a lawyer and a physician, both of whom have long been among the leading men of the city." The membership of several of the churches was largely increased by this revival, particularly of those with which the meetings were chiefly held — Rev. Dr. Mason's and Rev. Mr. Plumb's ; with the latter over one hundred united at a single com- munion season, more than forty of them being heads of families. Springfield, Mass. — Although I was invited hftre to labor more particularly with Dr. Ide's church, the meeting soon became, in spirit and form, a union meeting, embracing the different evangelical denominations of the city. City Hall, the largest audience room in the city, was secured for many of our meetings, where were sometimes gathered as many as three thousand per- sons, while many were obliged to turn away, being unable to get in. As the interest was not denominational, so it was not sectional ; but throughout the entire city the great subject of conversation was " The Meeting." War was not the all-absorbing question ; but men found time to talk about Religion. The awakening was not confined to Springfield, but, to an extraordinary degree, was felt in many of the villages and towns in "the surrounding country. Special trains of cars were run for the accommo- dation of those wishing to attend the meetings ; this was particularly the case on the railroad con- necting Springfield with Chicopee and Northampton, when extra trains waited until after ten o'clock at night to carry the people back to their homes — some with hearts overflowing with love to God, and others deeply concerned about their souls. The "Daily Union," of March 17, 1864, says, in reference to an evening meeting in City Hall : "Strongmen, in the pride and strength of man- hood, were led to inquire what they should do to be saved. No one who was there could doubt for a moment the reality of religion. There was no ex- citement, no shouting, no noisy demonstrations ; but every one was calm, thoughtful, and deeply impressed with the solemnity of the occasion." The Spirit of God reached all classes. Work- men connected with the U. S. Armory at Spring- field were constant attendants of these meetings, and manifested their interest in them, and in the subject of religion, by sending the following petition, signed by nearly six hundred of their number : - " Springfield, March 9, 1864. "Eev. a. B. Earle. "Dear Sir: Are you willing to hold a meeting at City Hall, some evening during your stay in our city, with special reference to the men connected with the Armory where we are employed?" This petition is in my possession, with that long list of names, just as they were signed upon one roll, very much soiled by the finger-marks of those working-men, and I prize it just as it is. In compliance with this request the meeting was held, and it was a solemn, heavenly season — one which we ma}^ believe many of those noble men will look back upon from eternity with great joy. It was thought over four hundred persons rose that evening, and requested the prayers of Christians that they might be brought into the fold of Christ. Among the business men who were earnestly ensraofed in these meetins^s was W. J. Holland, a publisher. Though Springfield was his place of business, his home at that time was in Belchertown, some twenty-five miles distant, where he was teaching a very interesting Bible class of young ladies. He became so anxious for the conversion of this class that he determined to make an efi'ort to bring them where they could attend our meetings. Five of the eight members of his class came with him. For these he obtained boarding-places, and went with them to liieeting. One afternoon, after his class had attended sev- eral meetinirs, Mr. Holland felt so anxious about them that he could not go to meeting nor attend to business, but spent the time in his room in agoniz- ing prayer for their immediate conversion. During that afternoon service they were deeply concerned about their souls, and, before leaving the church, each one of those five young ladies sought and found Christ ; and when they met their teacher in the evening, all were rejoicing in a Savior's love. The object of their visit was uow^ accomplished, and it became necessary for them to return to their homes. The evening before their return, this happy band of classmates gathered in front of the pulpit to have a parting grasp of the hand with the Chris- tians to whom they had become so much endeared. They came among us — strangers ; but now were going to leave us — " no more strangers and for- eigners, but of the household of God." Much that is pleasant and important in their life experience must ever centre within the few days spent in Springfield. Mr. Holland presented me with a beautifully bound album, made expressly for his class, and containing his own photograph and that of each member of the class. One day, while in Washington, a soldier, dressed in uniform, stopped me on the street^and, grasping my hand very earnestly, called me by name. I did not know him, but he knew me, and said, " I came from my home in Connecticut, and attended one of your evening meetings, and heard you preach, while you were holding a meeting in Springfield. I felt that I was a smner, and from that time had no peace until I gave my heart to God. The Savior is precious to me now." I could but rejoice with him, as I looked upon his happy face and heard his words, tracing back his present joy to the " godly sorrow " of that one night in Springfield. " Cast thy bread upon the waters : for thou shalt find it after many days." Without attempting any estimate of the number of conversions, some idea may be gained from the words of one of the pastors ; " As the fruit of this meeting, over six hundred united with the churches." A new Baptist church sprang up from that meeting, and has been a growing, working church ever since, and is exerting a deep and wide- felt influence throughout the city. Many converts were also gathered into the churches in adjoining towns, as the result of that meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio — The following extract from the " Journal and Messenger " gives a very correct idea of the meeting in this city : — " Last Sabbath was the final day of brother Earless visit to our city. It was every way a most solemn and important day. In the morning, at the Sab- bath school of the Ninth Street church, the regu- lar lessons were dispensed with, and an hour devoted to prayer and short addresses from various persons. But the marked feature of the session was the declaration from a number of scholars that they had found the Savior. In their own childish way they rose and confessed a new-found trust in Jesus. Just as the hour for closing came, a large number of the scholars signified a desire to become Chris- tians. It was an atfectinc^ siofht. "In the afternoon a union service was held in the First Baptist church. Brother Earle preached from the words, * Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment?' The design of the sermon was, to show through what difficulties of the divine placing a man must press his way to ruin. "Then followed a union communion of the three Baptist churches. The entire house was filled with communicants. After this service, the fol- lowing resolution was passed : — " * Since for several weeks past, brother A. B. Earle has been with us preaching a Savior for lost men, f nd siuce quite a number among us have received his message, and come to the Savior, and found for- giveness for sin, and because many, widely wander- insr, have returned witli renewed resohition to the Shepherd and Bishop of their souls, therefore we, the members of the three churches herein named, the Ninth Street Baptist, the First and Second Baptist churches, of Cincinnati, who have been united in this w^ork, esteem it simply due our brother, that, in this public manner, we express our confidence in him, declare our Christian affec- tion for him, thank him for the great good he has done aaiong us, and that we do now most heartily (.ommend him to the churches in his important work.' " The closins: service was held in the Ninth Street church in the evening. " The results have been great. Many have come to the Savior, and many are now seeking him. In- deed, it seems as if the work in this direction had but begun. Many who have been negligent are now earnest and at work. The accumulation of moral power to the churches is most noticeable. Religion holds a larger place in the thoughts of men than it did. They are easier of approach. All through the city there is an unwonted thought- fulness. "The churches have clasped each other's hands. and felt their warm pressure, and do not mean to let go. As churches, we are better organized for work than, perhaps, we ever were before. The brethren are aroused and ready for toil. With God's help, we shall, in all the churches, accom- plish much for the Master this winter. And our prayers, our love., and our thanks shall follow brother Earle." CHAPTER IV. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. IN the summer of 1858, after a year of hard and constant work in the " States," during which I had preached more than five hundred sermons, I went, with my family, to one of the British Prov- inces, hoping to find retirement and rest for a few weeks on those quiet, healthy, hospitable shores. The steamer in which we embarked at Boston 'anded us safely at the wharf in St. John, New Brunswick, Friday evening, July 23. " A man's heart deviseth his way : but the Lord directeth his steps." * I had sought this land for rest; and, I thought, "I am among strangers, my plan will surely be carried out, and I shall not have to preach for a few .weeks, at least not often ; " but God's purpose seemed to be that I should preach from fifteen to twenty times a week. The seed was already sown, and the way open for me to go to V ork at once and help gather in the harvest. Before I had been three days in the city I com- mencccl pieaching, and went on from that time until, within about five months, I had preached, in different parts of the province, over three hun- dred times, and trust fifteen hundred or two thou- sai;d souls had been " born again," as the fruit of our meetings. I found a kind and generous-hearted people there, everywhere welcoming me as a servant of Jesus. It would give me much pleasure to " repeat the vision so divine." Many of the scenes in which I was' permitted to take part were very interesting, and have left a deep impression on my mind. At St. John a large number found tiie Savior precious, and connected tvith the difterent churches. Though more or less characteristic of all revivals of religion, it was especially true of the work in this city, that many who had wandered far away from God saw their sin, and, returning, sought with tears their Father's face. Some who had once confessed, but since denied Christ before men, ct lid now say, " The Shepherd souglit his sheep ; The Fatlier sought his child ; They followed me o'er vale and hill, O'er desert, waste, and wild : They found me nigh to death, Famished, and faint, and lone ; They bound me with the bands of lore ,' They saved the wandering one. " I was a wayward child ; I once preferred to roam ; But now I love my Fatlier'y voice — I love, I love liis home." It gives me pleasure to add my tribute of love and respect to the memory of two warm-hearted, active men, who w^ere here my fellow-laborers in the work of the Lord — Rev. Mr. Robinson, of the Brnsscls Street church, and Rev. Mr. De Mill. As we labored toij^ether in that precious revival, we did not know which of us hetd the longest lease of life ; but now, only a few years have passed, and they have been summoned across the swellings of Jordan, to give an account of their stewardship, and, I believe, have, been welcomed to the "mansions" of the blessed, and have received the approval, " \Vell*done." After preaching a hundred times in St. John, I went up the St. John River, to labor a short time at Burton. The quiet ride on the broad bosom of that beau- tiful, majestic stream, lined as it was on either side with so much to attract and delight the eye, seemed a fitting introduction to the sweet and holy scenes of the work of grace that followed. At one point, high, rocky cliffs pictured their ragged forms in the clear mirror at their feet, while from the op})osite side a thick forest let down its w living image uptm ilie river's surface. At another turn of the river the Indians had taken temporary possession of the land, by phicing here and there little conical wig- wams, built of poles and bark, 'from the top of which we could imagine the curling smoke w^as bearing upward with it to the "Great Spirit" curses upon the white man for d whosoever speaketh a word against the Son op man, it shall be forgiven him : but whosoever speaketh AGAINST THE HOLT GhOST, IT SHALL NOT BE FORGIVEN HIM, NEITHER IN THIS WORLD, NEITHER IN THE WORLD TO COME." — Matt. xii. 32. EVERY person will see at once that there is a difference between speaking against the Holy Ghost and speaking against Jesus. If you will look at the connection you will see that the Phari- sees had been charging Christ with being in league with the devil. "Now," said the Redeemer, "you can call me a devil, and say I cast out devils through the prince of devils, and yet be forgiven ; but when my Father comes, by his Spirit, and bears testimony that I am his Son, and you reject that testimony, for that sin there is no forgiveness." One is speaking * Delivered Sunday evening, October 14, 1866, in Union Hull, San Francisco, Cal. Rjrainst Jesus in the absence of li^^ht, and the other is speaking against him under the clear evidence of his divinity. I understand this to l)e the distinction between speaking against Christ and speaking against the Holy Giiost. I know there are various opinions about the un- purdonable sin. Some suppose it could only have been committed by those who saw Christ's miracles, and heard his instructions from his own lips ; others think it has been committed since that time, - but in very rare instances ; while others believe they have committed it, and spend their lives in gloomy forebodings, unfit for the service of G(jd or the society of men. And yet I believe this sin has been committed in thousands of instances little sus- pected. I heard, some time ago, of a dying man asking a minister to pray with him. The minister kneeled down, but could not utter a word, and rose from his knees. Said the dying man, "Why will you not pray with me?" The minister replied, " I do not know why I could not speak in prayer, but will try again." He kneeled down and tried in vain to utter words in prayer. God has said, "There is a sin unto death ; I do not say you shall pray for it." God does not always mark this sin in this manner, but clearly shows us that when it is com- mitted he will not hear prayer for it. I shall answer, as clearly as I can, four questions. 1. M^hat is the unpardonable sin? The process by which this sin is committed is very simple : it is to continue to say "iVc>, no, no," to the offers of mercy, until you are a sinner let alone or given np by the Holy Spirit. When thus left, conscience no longer exercises its functions, and the Holy Spirit no longer applies the truth. When this state is reached, the soul is usually calm and quiet. The individual can then sleep well, and go on with his business, without much trouble about his soul's salvation ; the conscience is then measur- ably at ease, the "spirits light and gay." He did not, does not, will not, know or feel that he is doomed. It is generally believed that the Pharisees did finally succeed in committing this sin ; and, if you will go with me, we will see how they managed to do so. We see in their case, from first to last, a wilful and a continued rejection of evidence. No matter how plain and conclusive the evidence Christ gave them of his divinity, they said, "Away with it ! Away with it ! " Look at a few instances of this rejection of light : The sisters of Lazarus sent for Jesus when their brother \yas sick. Jesus waited until Lazarus had been dead four da^^s, then went to the grave, in the presence of a large number of these men, and, when the stone was re- moved, Jesus said, "Lazarus, come forth." It is thought Lazarus lay on something like a table, or shelf, not in a coffin, and that he threw his feet to the ground, raised himself up, and stood wrapped in his grave-clothes. Jesus said, " Loose him, and let him go." This miracle was laid before the Pharisees, as if to ask them, " Will you now receive Jesus as the Christ?" They reply, "Away with the evidence ! " I ask you, my hearers, do you not see in this a wilful rejection of light? But they had not com- mitted the unpardonable sin yet : God is long suf- fering. By and by a girl about twelve years of age died, and was laid out in an upper chamber. Jesus went into that chamber, and said, "Talitha cumi," that is, "Maid, arise ; " and she was restored to the re- joicing family. "Pharisees, will you now embrace me as your Savior?" "Away with him! Away with him ! " But it was not yet too late. After this a young man died, and was being car- ried on a bier to the grave. Jesus approached that bier, and said, "Young man, arise ; " and the young- man arose, and was restored to his friends. This evidence of Christ's divinity was also rejected, and Jesus still waiting to be gracious. The Pharisees heard that Christ was a little out of tovn, preaching, and they sent officers to arrest him. I should not wonder if those officers carried with them chains and handcuffs, to bind him if necessary ; but after listening to him a few minules they were deeply affected, and returned without him. The Pharisees inquired, " Why have ye not brought him?" "Never man spake as this man," jaid the officers. Why did not the Pharisees say, "Officers, if you think he is the Redeemer of lost men, we will weigh the evidence"? But no : they say, "We will not receive him, if even our own officers are converted to him." They cry, "Away with him I " O, the deep depravity of the human heart ! Yet they had not rejected half the light that we have. But there was mercy for these men yet. Christ was brought before Pilate to be con- demned; but, after a fair examination, Pilate said, "I find no fiiult in him; I will, therefore, release Jesus unto you." But they cried, "Not this man, but Barabbas." Pilate, therefore, went back into the hall, and asked him if he was the Son of God. Jesus satisfied him of his divinity. Then Pilate took a basin of water and washed his hands in their presence, and said, "Take ye him and crucify him : I find no fault in him." The Pharisees said, "His blood be on us and on our children." Then Pilate delivered him to them to be crucified, and the soldiers led him away. After he was nailed to the cross, a very affecting scene fo lowed, which gave clear evidence of Christ's divinity. As the blood streamed from his hands and feet, Jesus cried, *• My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" The great veil or curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom, and the sun seemed to muffle its face for three hours over the dying Jesus ; the graves were opened around Jerusalem : and so fully did the Father vindicate the Son, that even the captain of the guards smote upon his breast, and said, " Surely this was the Son of God." Christ here evidently saw the sword of divine wrath raised to strike his murderers down, and cried, "Father, forgive them ; they know not what they do." That is, "Father, my murderers have not all the evidence of my divinity I am go- hig to give them." They went to Pilate, and said (O, what bitterness against Christ !), " We remember that deceiver said, if we put him to death, the third day he would rise again ; now we want a guard, in order to make him secure until three days are past, that we may prove him to be an imposter." A heavy guard of Koman soldiers was furnished, and Christ's dead body put in a new tomb, and guarded from Friday night until Sunday morning. Jesus was sweetly sleeping in the embrace of death all this time : thus teaching his children that the grave is not a gloomy place to those who love God. Sunday morning the Futher seemed to say to one of the angels, "You can now go and roll away the stone." The angel flew to the sepulchre, and rolled back the stone, and sat down upon it, I think, with folded wings, and doubtless said in his heart, "How much depends on the resurrection of that body I " While the angel sat looking upon the corpse, tlie Savior arose, as if it had been from a sweet night's rest, and walked out, in the presence of the sol- diers. The soldiers went to the Pharisees and told them that Christ had done as he said ; that he had just arisen from the dead in their presence. This was soon hushed, and the soldiers were paid large sums of money to swear that his disciples had stolen him away while they were asleep. All this evi- dence they rejected, and still could be forgiven. One more proof of Christ's divinity was to be given them by the outpouring of the Spirit after his ascension. This was done ten days after his de- parture, in a wonderful manner, adding three thou- sand to the Messiah's kingdom in a single day. The Pharisees, by rejecting this last evidence, to- gether with all that had preceded, seemed to fix the black seal of death upon their souls. O, the doom of the sinner when God has giveji him up ! Then he is a sinner let alone. 2. I will now notice, very briefly, the inquiry, What persons can commit the unpardonable sin? If what 1 biive just said is true, then any one who can deliberately reject the offers of mercy, and say 2io to Christ's invitations, is in danger of being left by the Holy Spirit to perish. Our danger is greater than the Pharisees' was, because we have more light than they. All the evidence they had of Christ's divinity we have, together with the accumulated evidence of eighteen hundred years. "In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story- Gathers, round its head sublime." All this light is shining around your pathway ; and it the Pharisees could commit this sin, how much more easily can you commit it, young man, or young woman. I do not know why you have rejected the Savior so long and so often. Do think of it I how many times you have said JVo to the calls of the gospel. O, your peril ! I hope it is not too late ! Do not say JVo to this call to-night. 3. How does this sin show itself after it has been committed? Generally it shows itself in one of two ways. One is, by calling out the malignity of the heart against Christ and his people. In this state, noth- ing torments the sinner more than a revival of religion. The very ringing of the bells that call Christians to .the house of prayer annoys him : nothing is too severe for him to say against religion. But the most ordinary way in which this sin show^s itself is, by shutting up the heart in indif- ference, so that the one who has committed it has no feeling on the subject, no fears, no trouble ; has no idea that he has committed this sin, but is perfectly calm and easy. The terrors of the law cause no alarm. Christ's claims on him do not move him. In fact, no view of religion troubles him ; he is at ease ; he is not, as many suppose, in great distress for fear he has committed this sin ; full of gloom and fearful forebodings, fearing it is too. late for him to be saved. It does not show itself in this way, but, on the contrary,' removes fear ; he is a sinner let alone. We often find persons near death without re- ligion, and yet without fear. If asked a few minutes before death if they would like to have a Christian pray with them, they say. No ; or if they would like to have the Bible read to them, they do not wish to see the Bible. Ask them if they are not afraid to meet God, they say they are not in the least ; they are ready to meet him any minute. In this state, there is great reason to fear that the sin in question has been committed. Wc find many church members, and others who have been church members, in this indifferent state. They do not weep over the unconverted, nor warn them as though they felt for them tit all. Where this has continued long, it is a bad indication : such professors should be alarmed. Do I speak to one in this indifferent state? O that I could sound a note of alarm, that might reach a tender chord in your heart, and break this spell of in- difference ! I do not know that I can show how this sin manifests itself, better than by repeating those beautiful lines of Dr. Alexander ; — ** There is a line by us unseen That crosses every path — The hidden boundary between God's patience and his wrath. " To pass that limit is to die — To die as if by stealth ; It does not quench the beaming eye, Nor pale the glow of health. "The conscience may be still at ease, The spirits light and gay ; That which is pleasing still may please, And care be thrust away. " But on that forehead God has set Indelibly a mark, Unseen by man, for man, as yet, Is blind and in the dark. ** Indeed, the doomed one's path below May bloom as Eden bloomed; He did not, does not, will not know, Or feel that he is doomed. " He feels, perchance, that all is well, And every fear is calmed ; He lives, he dies, he wakes in hell — Not only doomed, but damned. "0, where is that mysterious bourn By which our path is crossed, Beyond which God himself has sworn. That he who goes is lost ? " Let me entreat you, my dear hearer, if it is not too late, if God's patience is not exhausted by your long-continued rejection of his offers of mercy, if one faint wish or desire lingers in your bosom to become a Christian, cherish it as you would the last ray of hope of heaven. Let everything go until you find Christ precious. To-morrow it may be too late, even if life is spared. Your situation may be like that of a man of whom I lately heard, who entered a dark, winding cave, carrying with him a lamp and ball of twine. That he might find his way out of the cave, in case his light went out, he fastened one end of the twine outside, and un- wound it as he walked into the cave. In this man- ner he had gone a long distance into those dark recesses, sometimes climbing over rugged rocks, and then descending into low, damp passages, until at length he entered a large and spacious apartment, containing very rare and beautiful curiosities. Desiring to bring from the cave some of these rich treasures, he set down his lamp, and placed his ball by it — only for a moment. While breaking off a stalactite of peculiar beauty, his lamp, by some means, tipped over and went out. Supposing he could easily tind his lamp and ball of twine, he commenced feeling about in the dark cave : but his efforts were in vain. No human ear was there to hear his cries for help, as he crawled lirst in one direc- tion and then in another, searching for that thread. Could he but grasp again that weak, that little thread, it would lead him back to the sunlight, never before so dear. Long, weary days and nights were spent search- ing for that only ray of hope ; but all to no purpose — he was never again to look upon the faces of the dear ones at home. His lifeless body was found in that dark cavern lons^ afterwards. O, what reflections he must have had when starving and dying in that cave ! What would he not have given, could he have held once more that thread in his trembling fingers. But the light once gone out, his doom w^as fixed — he must perish. So, my dear hearer, you have a little desire at this hour to become a Christian. The Holy Spirit, though often grieved and insulted by your rejec- tion of his kind and earnest entreaties to embrace Jesus, still shines in the dark recesses of your soul. As in the cave, when the light went out, the thread was lost, so when the Spirit leaves you, the silken thread of desire is lost, and you are in the dark cave of sin without a guide to lead you out to hope and heaven; and your lamentation will be, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." But I must answer the fourth question. 4. Why cannot this sin be forgiven as well as others? If the blood of Christ cleanses from all sin, why not from this? It is not because the person is a greater sinner than others, but because he rejects the only remedy God has for his sins, and continues this rejection until he is a sinner let alone ; then conscience does not exercise its functions, and the Spirit ceases to apply the truth, and he must perish. You remember the fiery flying serpent that came among the Israelites. When it struck a man, it was certain death ; no remedy could be found ; every person stung died. Moses went to God for a remedy. God said to him, Take a piece of brass, of the shape and size of the fiery serpent, and raise it on a pole, and when any man, rich or poor, aged or younir, cries out, "I am stung!" tell him to look at that piece of brass. That was God's remedy — the only one in the world. All who looked M ere cnrcd. Every one knows the brass could not remove the poison, but was a type of the Redeemer on the cross — " As Moses lifted up the serpent, even so must the Son of man be lifted up." Suppose a man to cry out, "I am stung, but will not do anything unless I can give a reason for it." He will not look at that piece of brass for a remedy, but rejects it, and puts it under his feet, and then prays for help. God would say to him, "Your disease is incurable, for the simple reason that you have rejected the only remedy that can remove the poison." So the sinner has only to reject the gospel of Christ and the olfers of mercy, until the grieved Spirit takes his final departure, and God has given him up ; then his sin is unpardonable, because he has rejected the only way by which God can save him. O, how deeply do I now feel the solemnity of this hour, with three or four thousand precious souls before me. Perhaps many of you are making the final decision, whether you will embrace the Savior now, or again say, " Go thy way for this time." Let me urge you not to say it, but open yo ur heart now to the Holy Spirit. *' 0, grieve hiiu not away, *Tis Mercy's hour." I think I feel as the nurse did, in the hospital, with his thumb on the great artery, while a wounded soldier arranged his matters to die. After a severe battle, a soldier had his limb amputated very near his body. The veins had been taken up, and he seemed to be doing well ; but on one occasion, as the nurse was dressing his wounds, the blood began to flow freely. The nurse held the vein with his thumb, and sent for a physician, who, on entering the room, said, "It is well, my brave fellow, that it was not the large artery — I can take this up." A short time after, the blood flowed more freely than before, and the skilful nurse, placing his thumb this time on the large artery, which had broken open, sent again for the physician. After a careful examination of the whole matter, it was decided that the artery could not be taken up without removing the thumb of the nurse ; and if his thumb was removed, the soldier must die immediately. It only remained for the brave man to make immediate arrangements for death. About three hours were employed in sending messages to loved ones, and in arranging his efiects before he left the world. When this was done — the nurse still holding the vein, and knowing that death would follow in three minutes after lifting his thumb — the brave but dying soldier said, " Now, kind nurse, you can take ofl' your thumb : I must go. Fare- well to all." Now came the severe trial to the nurse — how could he lift his thumb under such circumstances ! The accumulated blood already rendered it dif- ficult to hold the artery ; so, turning his eye from the soldier, he lifted his thumb, and in three minutes death had done its work. I think I feel very much as this nurse did — fear- ing, as I do, that with many in this congregation the crisis has come when you are to decide where you will spend eternity. I fear this is for some of you the line "That marks the destiny of men For glory or despair." As the nurse felt that he could not lift his thumb, and yet must, so with me now — How can I close this sermon, and end this entreaty, without know- ing that you will not grieve the Spirit away this time? Let me ask the Eecording Angel to hold his pen, while each one of you in this hall decides the ques- tion — whether you will cherish what little desire you have to become Christ's, what little of the Holy Spirit's influence still lingers about your heart, or say, "Go thy way for this time," which may be forever ! But I must not linger. Let me request every person in the hall — whether professor of religion or not — who intends to cherish what desire he has to serve God, to rise on his feet. Thank God, nearly every one present has risen ! May God help us all to keep our resolution, for Jesus' sake. Amen. At the close of this sermon, a short time was tspent in silent prayer, after which it was believed not less than five hundred persons requested us to pray that they might receive forgiveness of sin. As nearly as I can ascertain, not less than five thiyusand souls have been brought to embrace Christ throuojh the intluence of this sinojle sermon. CHAPTER XI. FIREMEN'S MEETING. ONE evening, during a series of meetings held with the Second Baptist church in Brooklyn, N. Y., I preached, by special appointment, to the firemen, and have thought it might be interesting and profitable, instead of a general account of the meeting, to quote from the " Daily Eagle " of March 12, 1858, the following report of the sermon : — " Last evening the members of Neptune Engine Company, No. 7, of Brooklyn, attended in a body the Second Baptist church, on Leonard Street, to listen to a sermon by Rev. A. B. Earle. As the announcement was made public, the attendance at the church was so great that nearly half that came could not get inside. " The services were opened by prayer, followed by singing, after which Mr. Earle delivered his discourse. He spoke in a plain but earnest man- ner, engaging the deep attention of his audience. 10 " The text selected was from Mark ix. 44 : * Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.' He said he should call their attention more particularly to the latter clause of the text. He thought nothing would grieve them more than to meet with a fire which they could not put out ; they would go home sorrowful at heart should such an event happen to them. They had often met and subdued this enemy — fire ; they had always quenched it ; but he should speak to them of a fire which could never be quenched. " He then divided his text into two parts ; first, What the worm is that dieth not, and why it does not die ; second, What the fire is that is not quenched, and why it is not quenched. "The worm that never dies is guilty memory, — the remembrance of past guilt. Memory is like a living, gnawing worm, producing a restless pain in the soul, as a gnawing worm would do in the vitals of the body. Impressions once made upon the mind can never be eflaced. A name once heard or mentioned, though forgotten for a time, will return in after years when circumstances shall recall it. Incidents of childhood carry their recol- lection to the grave. Memory is active when all else is still. In moments of peril the memory is more vivid and active, and thoughts of the past crowd upon the brain with inconceivable rapidity. "Instances are often related of men in peril, by sea or land, who have seen the events of former days recalled by memory ; words and deeds they had thought forgotten have returned to them ; (heir past life has seemed to come before their mental vision with startling reality. When the soul shall have dropped its fetters, and passed beyond the restraints of flesh, memory will still be fresh and active. This memory which tenants the body during life, and clings to the spirit hereafter, is the gnawing of the deathless worm. This worm draws all its nourishment from this world. " He cited as an instance of the activity of mem- ory, and its effects, the case of a prisoner who was removed from one prison to another, where the treatment w^as better. The man said he did not like the new prison as well as the old one, although he did not have to work as hard, had better food and kinder keepers ; but in the new prison the convicts were not allowed to speak to each other ; and in this terrible silence his memory was ever active — it was all thinks thinks think. So it will be hereafter: we shall be constantly thinking. We should therefore be careful how we store the memory, since its recollections will ever be present with us. " In the second part of his discourse he con- sidered the fire that can never be quenched. " They might believe that no fire could break out in the city which, by their skill and activity, they could not put out ; and their fellow-citizens, con- fident in their ability, went to their repose, feeb'ng that by the vigilance, tact, and energy of the fire- men their lives and property were secure. But there is a fire that cannot be quenched: it is remorse, or the realization of our sin in the dark world of despair. The Savior says it is better to have but one eye than to be cast into hell, where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. " The fire of God's wrath is the sinner's realiza- tion of his wickeduess, and a guilt}^ remembrance of the past. The reason this fire cannot be quenched is, there is nothing there with which to quench it. Suppose a building was wrapped in flames, and the firemen brought their engines to the spot, but could find no water ; they would be powerless, however good their intentions. So with the fire of God's wrath — the guilty remembrance in the world of despair : there will be nothing with which to put it out ; there is nothing here that can quench it but the blood of Jesus. "He called their attention to the heroic fireman, young Sperry, of New Haven, who went into a burning building to save a child supposed to be there, and lost his own life. He felt assured there was not one among that company whom he ad- dressed but would rush, as Spcrry did, into the flames to save a fellow-creature's life. So if he (^the speaker), by rushing into the flames of per- dition, could drag a brother out of the fire, how readily would he do it. "An Indian, who had been converted, was ask ad by a white man to describe how religion came to him. He led the while man out to the woods, and gathering some dry leaves, arranged them in a circle, and put a little worm in the centre of it. He then set the leaves on tire. The worm sought escape, first on one side, then on another, but there was no way out; so, drawing itself again to the centre of the circle, it sank into a numb and listless state. The Indian then lifted the woi'm from the fire with his fingers, and said, * This is the way God saved me ! Jesus plucked me out of the flames." So nothing but the hand of God can save any one ; nothing but the blood of Jesus can quench the tires of a guilty soul. " To be saved we must be born again. Some people suppose they would be happy if they could get to heaven. They are mistaken; they could not be happy there, unless this fire within them had been quenched here. A' guilty soul in heaven would be like a convicted murderer pardoned at the last moment by the governor of a state. He is nt)W a free man, and the law cannot touch him. He returns to his home and his family. His wife welcomes him back with joy, and his children gather around him. Still he cannot be happy : conscious- ness of guilt haunts him. The governor may par- don, but cannot justify. Eemorse preys upon him, and he feels that he cannot stay in that happy home — it is no place for him while blood is on his soul. " The preacher then drew a metaphor, strikingly applicable to his hearers, illustrating the free agency of man in his own salvation. " Suppose the exterior of a building was con- structed of' fire-proof materials ; fire could not reach it on the outside, and it could be opened only from the inside. Suppose this building should take fire from the inside, and yon knew there was a citizen within, liable to perish in the flames. You would go there with your engine, and seek to save him ; but you could not reach the flames from the outside, and could do nothing unless the man opened the door. If he would be saved, he must open the door, and that speedil}^, for the flames were gathering closer around him each minute. So it is with each of us — every man holds the key of the door to his own- heart. Jesus says to every one, Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if you will open the door, I will come in and save you. " There is a fountain filled with blood that will extinguish this fire, and it will be poured upon the guilty soul if the door is opeued ; for the blood of Christ cleanscth from all sin. But when we pass out of this world this blood cannot be obtained, and the fire cannot be quenched. " Mr. Earle, after thanking the audience for their attention, concluded with an earnest exhortation to them to seek for the truth and light of the gospel. "At the close of the sermon the cono^reofation were invited to remain for a prayer meeting which would follow ; many of the visitors left, but the firemen kept their seats until the meeting closed." CHAPTER XII. LETTERS FROM YOUNG CONVERTS AND OTHERS. WE give the following letter from little Sadie, as written by her mother, in Sadie's simple words : — " Tell brother Earle I am sorry that he is go- ing away. Tell him I will pray for him twice a day, and he must not forget to pray for little Sadie. I feel so very happy this beautiful day. Tell him that I love Jesus better than any body in the wide world. I love my own angel Georgie, that went to Jesus when papa was in the war. I want to see Jesus holding our little lamb in his arms ; for Georgie prayed, and I will always pray to Jesus. Tell him that when I went to tell my dear teacher that I was going to give my heart to Jesus, the devil said to me, * Don't go; don't do it, Sadie.' But I said, * Yes, I will.' And when I came home, and- knelt down at the bed, and prayed, he came again, and said, * Don't pray.' But 1 said, 'I will,' and 1 did, and felt so happy. Tell him I will try and be a good girl, and then I \vill see them all in heaven. Your little friend, Sadie. ** Dayton, Ohio, January 29, 18G6." A family letter, signed by the father, mother, and three children : — "Hartford, December 26, 1864. " Dear Brother Earle : The love of Christ coiistraineth us to declare to you that our hearts have burned within us while you have talked with us and opened to us the Scriptures. Our souls are drawn out towards you, as we believe you are one of our blessed Saviors reflectors to our race. When you came among us, two of our number were as sheep without a shepherd ; but now we trust that we are all pursuing the way to the fold on high. God grant that we ma}^ meet each other there." Ohio letter ; sent with a pair of socTcs. ?' Dayton, January 29, 1866. •*Dear Brother Earle: Will you accept this pair of homespun socks — made of Ohio wool, spun and knit, primitive style, b}^ 'Buckeye' in- dustry, insured to be warm and durable, but far less so than the friendship of your many, many friends in Ohio ? I need not, like the old lady who knit socks for the soldiers, attach a note, saying to the wearer, ' Let the toe never be turned from the foe,' for you have told us that in the whole armor of God there is no shield for the back, no provis- ion for the coward, none for defeat nor surrender. So I have no fear but that you will continue to fight Satan and sin as long as your feet need protection from the chill winters of earth. "I pray that you may still be successful, win and conquer, till the great Captain of our salvation promotes you to fields elysian, where, with feet immortal, you haste along the shining ranks, under orders divine, file in with angel hosts, whose feet need not even be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, for no rugged, thorny ways are there to tread, and all is peace." "Would like to be a Minister." *' Dayton, January, 1866. "Dear Sir: I am a little boy twelve years old, but I love Jesus and his people. I would like to be a minister of the gospel. Pray for me that I may become one in God's good time." Another lad, fifteen years of age, writes: "It seems to me, the height of my ambition in this world would be to stand up and preach the gospel. To this end I hope I may have your most earnest prayers." God seems to have planted such seed in the hearts of many of the youth interested in our meetings, and to have nourished that seed, until scores of liv- ing ministers, now gathering sheaves in the great harvest-field, can look back to these same meetings as God's seed-time, when he said to them, " Go preach." Twenty-five Yeaes of WANDERma. " Chelsea, April 18, 1866. "Rev. a. B. Earle. " Dear Sir : As you have not my name upon your little book, will you add it as the name of one who has returned from his wanderings, after a period of twenty-five years, and is now in the enjoyment of his first love ? I thank God for a praying wife, the prayers of Christians, and your kind invita- tions, which have been instrumental in bringing mo back to the Savior." *«A Happy Neav Year." " Sacramento, Cal., January 1, 1867. "Dear Mr. Earle : On this beautiful, sunny morning, I wish you a very, very 'Happy New Year.' I am glad you came to our city, ])ut I am sad that you must leave us so soon. I rellcct, however, that as you made me happy by coming here, so others will be made happy v.he^ever you go. "I shall always remember you, and in truth can say, with my little brother, I wish you could be with us always. I shall, at least, always remember and love you." A Sabbath School Class not too young for Jesus. "Dayton, January 29, 18G6. «Eev. a. B. Earle. " Dear Sir : You will remember me as the Sab- bath school teacher who did not want her class con- verted, because she thought they were too A^oung. I have earnestly prayed that God would forgive me this sin, and convert every member of my class. Two of them think they have found the Savior ; three more are feeling deeply on the subject. "Pray for me, that I may be a faithful teacher, and that each member of my class may be a Chris- tian." "Almost Four-score." ?'Concord, N. H., May 16, 1864. "Kev. Mr. Earle. "Dear Sir: I am almost fourscore years old. I will ask sometimes to be remembered in your prayers, that my heavenly Father will watch over me through the remainder of my earthly pilgrim- age ; keep me from sinning against him ; give me sweet submission to his w^ill ; be my support when called to pass through the dark valley ; and, through the infinite riches of his grace in Christ Jesus, be my portion forever." "Part Way Up." "Cincinnati, January 6, 1866. " My dear Mr. Earle : "By your coming to our city I have received new light on religious matters. My proud heart has been humbled. I have set up the fomily altar, where I read and pray. I have, as yet, but little feeling, except growing stronger in my resolution. I cannot go back ; I must go forward ; my word is pledged. " I feel like being part way up an inclined plane ; to press forward and upward, Jesus may be found ; to go back is sure destruction." A Granddaughter's Eequest. "Dayton, Ohio, Januaryj 1866. " Dear Brother Earle : " I want to ask you to please pray for my dear old grandfather, whose hairs are white wnth many winters. O, do not forget him in your prayers, that he may seek the Savior ere it is too late." From a Little Scolder. " Makchester, N. H., 1864. « Dear Mr. Earle : " You have almost brought me to the Savior. I think I have found him, and he is precious to my soul. You remember my telling you I could not keep from scolding. I prayed that night very earnestly, and I believe God helped me, because the next day I tried very hard and almost suc- ceeded. I am going to try every day. I want to love God still more." From a Grateful Deacon. " Burlington, Vt., June 26, 1866. « My dear Brother Earle : " I have much to be thankful to God for. I hayo a kind, Christian wife, two kuid, Christian daugh- ters, and a little jewel just given us, to be cared for and trained for heaven. O, how much I love them ! Yet I love my dear Savior more than these. "Now, my dear brother, I cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for what 3'ou have been enabled to do for me and mine, and the cause of Christ in this place, during the past two weeks. I have felt, in being in your company, that I was getting as near my Savior's representative as man could get. I have enjoyed your words of counsel and cheer. I have felt that God, by his Holy Spirit, was with you at all times. My heart was drawn out towards you before you came here ; but how much stronger does the magnet draw as I come nearer to it ! Why is this ? The answer to my mind is, Because of your nearness to my blessed Savior. " I feel that I have come to love Christ and his cause more ; have found a nearness to God that I have never known before. I feel that I am abetter man, and better prepared to labor in the vineyard ; my implements are in a better condition for use. My purposes are very much strengthened. " While I say these things for myself, I know I can say the same for my family, and especially would I mention my wife's parents. Mother says, * How many sermons brother Earle has preached, taking for his text. The food he eats, the clothes he wears, and everything his eye rests upon.'" From two little brothers, sons of one of the leading members of the San Francisco Ministerial Union : — " My dear Mr. Earle : I am very glad you came here, for since I gave my heart to Jesas in your room I have been very happ}^ I wish you would stay here a little longer, for I think these meetings are doing a great deal of good. I hope 3^ou will pray for all the boys that have come to Christ while you have been here, and remember that we will all pray for you. Wherever you go on this coast, may the Holy Spirit rest on your labors ; and may you get home safely to your children, and meet us all in heaven at last." From the other brother: — " My dear Mr. Earle : I am exceedingly happy since I gave my heart to the Savior. I know that Christ has received me into his fold. I am very glad that you came to this city. One reason why I am glad is, that by you I found a precious Redeemer. I wish you could stay here longer, and advance the religion of Jesus. I hope that wherever you go you may be the means of leading many sinners to Christ. When you are returning to Boston, you may remember that I am praying for you. I thank you very much for all your kindness to me." "In such an Hour you came.'* / " Cincinnati, January 6, 1866. " Kind Friend : You are about to leave us for another field of labor. I can say, with many thanks, it has been good for me that you have been here. Three years ago a light from the 'shining shore' flickered across my life-path. I listened to a * still small voice,' saying, ' Give me thine heart.' I learned to know that voice, and loved it. I 'laid down my arms,' laid my burdens at the feet of the great Shepherd. One after another have the blossoms in our home-gar- den been culled to bloom anew in Paradise. On the billow of earthly sorrow Christ has laid his hand, and said, ' Peace, be still.' But — must I say it? — there have been times when I seemed all alone — there was no Christ ; weary — no rest ; hungry — no manna. All was dark. In such an hour you came. Your plain teaching and perfect trust helped me to say, 'The Lord is my Shepherd.' I have wept bitter, scalding tears at my unworthiness ; but you have said, ' The Lord loveth his erring ones.' Many of your sermons will be treasured in memory forever ; they will be green spots in the desert of life. "My earnest wish and prayer is, that God may ever be with you, Christ's promises your stay, and holy angels forever over you." Burdened for Friends. '* Stockton, Cal., December, 1866. " Dear Brother Earle : I have an aching heart to-day — a heavy-laden heart. I feel as did Jacob of old, that I cannot let the angel of God depart : 'I will not let thee go except thou bless me.' " I cannot bear the thought that ours may be a divided family in the other world. I desire the prayers of Christians for my dear parents. O, how dreadful if they should be lost ! Will you pray for me that I may have faith in God ? " We cannot save Ourselves. " Sacramento, January 1, 1867. "Rev. Mr. Earle. "Dear Brother in Christ: To-day, I think, is the happiest * New Year ' I ever experienced. " I thank God for the sermon you preached from the text, 'Have faith in God.' From that time 1 have seen my utter helplessness, and inability to save myself by auy act of my own. I have been enabled to see the beautiful simplicity of faith — of taking God at his word. Then and there I took Christ as my all in all, and have since been sweetly resting in him by faith." "No OTHER Refuge.** " San Jose, Cal., February 11, 1867. " Dear Brother Earle : . . . My experience for several days has been gloomy. My mind has been exercised in a peculiar manner, and I have been tempted to doubt the genuineness of my conversion to God. "The doubts in my mind, and the pecnliar rela- tions of my business life and associations at the present time, render my work in the good cause an up-hill one of no ordinary grade. For several days I have not seen a single ray of light — not one bright spot to dispel the inky blackness which seems to press down close on my defenceless head; and often has the cry been forced from me, — • Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing.* " I have no other refuge in this storm but Christ, and to his cross I will cling even though I perish there. "I have made an entire surrender of soul and body, with everything I know of, to God ; and I cannot think .he is doing anything else than testing my faith in the fire of a furnace seven times heated. • O for a faith that will not shrink, Though pressed by every foe, That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woe ! ' " The writer of this letter is a business man in San Jose. He rose one evening in our meeting, and requested prayer for four persons. He says he made this request in derision, but sat down a con- victed sinner, and did not rest until he found peace in Christ. The Way little Freddie made his Will. The following letter was written by Freddie's ?uster : — " Brooklyn, N. Y., March 17, 1866. "Dear Brother Earle : . . . Little Fred- die was always ready to give, especially to the Sabbath school. When the Tabernacle Baptist Church was built, Mr. Spencer, our superintend- ent, asked the children if they would not help pay for the building, telling them that every three cents they brought would pay for two bricks. Dear little Freddie, who was then five years old, collected as much money as he could, in order, as he said, that he might own some of the bricks. But he did not live long, to enjoy the Sab- bath school on earth. The last Sabbath he spent with us he wept bitterly because he could not go to Sabbath school. "He had just been promoted from the infant class, and his teacher had given him a Testament. As we stood around his dying bed, he asked for his Testament, and, clasping it in his hands, said, * Give all my money to the Sabbath school,' and fell asleep, as he had lived, in Jesus." The following letters, from two little sisters, show how differently even young Christians can regard the same truth. To both Jesus was precious. To one this was simply a matter of happy experi- ence ; to the other, it was the evidence of her con- version : « Mr. Earle : I think I have found the Savior, and he is precious, I want you to remember me in your prayers, and I will remember you in mine. Laura." The other sister writes, — « Mr. Earle : I hnow I have found the Savior, because he is so precious. Prav for me that I may be one of God's flowers. Nellie." "Must Work as well as Wish." " Cincinnati, Ohio, Januarys 1866. " My dear Mr. Earle ; . . . I have often wished to be a Christian. You taught me that to become one I must wo7'k as well as wish, — seek if I would find. I felt the truth of your teachings, and sought my Savior, and trust I found him ; for I have sweet peace and happiness, such as life's pleasures never gave. All the years of my life will be too short to serve him. ... I know that with my human heart I cannot live Christ-like, unless he leads me. ... I want to do some good while I live, — to bring some weary, sin-laden soul to Jesus. I want to be willing even to bear the cross, and if, by and by, I may w^ear the crown, I don't want it to be a starless one. "You will always be remembered, for you were instrumental in having my name written in the Lamb's book of life. . . . Georgia."^ CHAPTER Xm. THE VERMONT MEETING. GOD works through means of his own sover . eign choosing ; often, perhaps always, in hii moral world, through individual instrumentalities. It would seem as if God loved to set the great seal of his strength upon what otherwise were weakness. He touches the spring of a single human heart as tenderly and absolutely as if it were the only heart ; then touches corresponding springs in many others, and when all is ready, he places, at the weakest point it may be, a little battery in shape of some event or providence, and the whole unconscious community of hearts is stirred into sudden life and responsive action. In the yecr 1866 the Spirit of God moved in this manner : first ujDon the heart of one man who was to be the mover in the matter, and then upon the hearts of many ministers and church officers in Vermont, producing such a new impulse and inter- est as culminated at length in a unanimous call for a convention of Christians of all denominations in the state, to be held in the city of Burlington, for the purpose of making a united effort to get nearer to Christ individually, and of consultation with each other as to the best means of promoting a revival of religion in the churches. The people came together upon the fifth day of September, and con- tinued the meeting through three days, holding each day three sessions, each session continuing three hours. Some remained in the place of meet- ing from nine o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon, spending the interval at noon in prayer and inquiry for entire consecration to Christ. In the words of Rev. John Quincy Adams, who was present, " No description of these meetings can be given to one who was not present. At the first meeting we attended, on the morning of the fifth, brother Earle, who had been requested to preside over the convention and direct its move- ments, and who had preached the evening previous, gave us a discourse from the text, * Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.' *' At the close of that sermon about fifty ministers came forward and knelt at the altar, making then and there an unconditional surrender of themselves to God. And from that meeting until the close of the convention on Friday, testimony after testi- mony to the reception of the rich blessing of God in lending Christians into a higher knowledge of Christ and his requirements of them, was given. The sensible presence of the Holy Spirit was at times almost too much to be borne; and the whole audience would be melted into tears, or feelings would find vent in sobs or audible expressions of praise. " On the morning of the eighth, by the special suggestion and urgent request of some of the brethren, about an hour and a half was occupied in relating personal experiences of the blessedness and vital importance of an entire - self-dedication to Christ. " Almost every moment between the public meet- ings was occupied in conversation with inquirers upon this subject, who literally besieged us, so that we gladly went without our food to afford time to converse and pray with them. " At the close of the sermon on Friday evening sixty or seventy testified that they had formally Sfiven themselves wholly and forever to God. Old, gray-headed ministers tearfully and solemnly de- clared that they were * never in such a meeting before.' " At the close of the public services we retired to the vestry to hold an experience meeting, to recount the nianncr in which each came nearer to the Savior; and it seemed as if the very place was filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. A correspondent of the "New York Examiner" says, "The meeting at Burlington, Vt., last Aveek, under the direction of Rev. A. B. Earle, was one of an extraordinary character. It was evident that the brethren who met there had been waiting on God in secret before coming together publicly. The attendance was very large ; almost every church in the state being represented, and several brethren from other states being in attendance, and, like the meeting on the duxy of Pentecost, the brethren were *with one accord in one place.' « Earnest desires for personal holiness were expressed by all, especially the pastors of the churches. The most entire, and solemn, and irrev- ocable consecrations were deliberately uttered by one after another. More than once about fifty pastors were bowed together before God, pledging themselves to renounce all worldly ambition and all self-seeking, and consecrate themselves and their entire being anew to the service of God. The testimony of not a few was given to the reception of an increased measure of the Holy Spirit, and, in several instances, the declaration that a new ex- perience had been realized, as the result of an entire consecration to God, and the reception, by faith, of the Lord Jesus Christ, in all his fullness, as their Savior. " Constantly increasing power was manifested \\\)m the commencement to the close. Each meet- ing was better than the preceding one. Frequently the entire audience was melted, and nothing but sobs could be heard. " The preaching by brother Earle was character- ized by great simplicity, and every sermon seemed specially prompted by the Holy Spirit. "When the opportunity was presented for per- sons to come forward for prayer, not less than two hundred took the front seats, which had to be vacated to accommodate them. In some instances the midnight hour heard the voice of prayer in the dwellings and hotels where the delegates were stopping, and in others the rising of the sun was anticipated by earnest supplications. " I think we may confidently look for a glorious revival of religion in Vermont this foil and winter ; and I hope that other states will imitate this move- ment inaugurated at Burlington. '•The universal testimony was, 'I was never in such a. meeting in my life.' " The experiences alluded to in the above did not lose their depth or fervor with the close of the meeting, — the work of the Spirit thus manifesting itself in their permanancy as well as blessedness. One says, several months afterwards, in a letter, " I have been a professor of religion for more than thirty years. I have never lost sight of m}^ Master, although I have followed him a great vvAy off. I now seem to have him by my side by night and day, in the market and in the church, and I do feel that he is a blessed Savior." Another says, "For years I have had the form of godliness without its power ; have been thought to live when I was dead. O, those years of joyless life! — knowing my Master's will, feeling alive to duty intellectually, but not willing to do it ! I have always clung to my church, and never thought of leavinsr it, though well knowino: how unworthy I was. God would not let me alone. But to live a stranger to the peace of God, and yet find no joy in sin, is awful. *I will arise and go to my Father,' I resolved. He met me while yet afar ofl'. O, the joy of being home again ! I cannot tell the comfort and blessedness of the past week. Earth even seems changed ; the Bible is precious beyond all other books, and above all, Jesus is my Savior now. It seems as if I had lived in the twilight, and now I rejoice in summer suns and flowery fields." A minister, called by his brethren " one of the strongest men in Yermont," was able to attend but one day, but speaks of it as one of the most impor- tant days of his life, as he then, with fuller and more solemn purpose than ever before, dedicated himself to God and his cause, and received an im- petus for all coming time. In a letter written by a brother from New York, who attended this meeting, he speaks of being present at some county meetings in his own state, and of engagements to attend several others, simi- lar in character to the one in Vermont, and says, in conclusion, "These meetings were the immediate results of the Burlington convention. I feel that to have been one of the most important meetings since the day of Pentecost." Still another testifies : " The Lord is blessing the feeble instrumentalities made use of throughout the state, such as 'four days' meetings,' &c., which all acknowledge have grown out of that great meeting in Burlington." "The good influence of the meeting held here just before your departure for the Pacific coast," writes another, "has been seen and felt in many direc- tions, both in and out of the state. There seems to be a more general inquiry among the ministers and laymen, * \A'hat can be done for our churches, and for the souls of impenitent men?' Meetings on a lesser sCale are being held all over the state, and in other states also, with blessed results. The meeting at Burlington is often referred to, very tenderly and gratefully, as being a marked manifes- tation of the descent of the Holy Ghost in answer to prayer." Thus God works. And the vibration of that one little battery may have for its circuit a continent or a world, for still the work goes on. CHAPTER XIV. "COME OVER AND HELP US.** THE following letters are given, —as specinaeus of those that come to me by almost every ijiail, —to show the need of more evangelists. To at least twenty-nine out of every thirty such requests I am under the painful necessity of saying, " No." " Is IT NOT THE SpIRIT OF GOD ? " " Elizabeth, N. J., September 4, 1865. « My dear Brother Earle : I can hardly ex- press to you how earnestly we desire your coming among us.' I wrote you three letters a year ago, and when we learned that you could not come last fall or winter we felt a deep regret. . . . « Our church is at a point in its jiistory when a few weeks' labor of an experienced evangelist will, we believe, through the blessing of God, result in untold good. . . . " And now, my dear brother, do not say, ' Nay.' I feel that I cannot have you disappoint us. I seem to hear the cry of the perishing in this com- munity, whom the pastors and churches have failed to reach, saying, *Come over and help us.' If it were necessary, I would gladly go and see you, and lay the case before you more forcibly than it is possible to do in a brief letter. " I have prayed earnestly over this matter, and feel as if I could lay my hand upon you, and say, * You must come.' Is it not the Spirit of God? Is not God moving my heart and the hearts of the brethren to send for you ? I now leave the matter with you and with God. May he direct youK heart towards us, even as he* has directed ours towards you. " Though I have not seen you, yet I feel that I know you in the Lord. Yours in the gospel, G. W. C, Pastor:' "Richmond, Va., 1868. « Eev. a. B. Earle. * My dear Brother : I address you in the name of the Baptist pastors of this city. . . . We have seen with deep interest the accounts of your labors among the churches in the North, and recog- nize you as one whom it has pleased God our Savior to bless with remarkable success in reviv- iiig Christians and winning souls. Our churches are greatly in need of such gracious influences as have attended your ministry. AVe have, therefore, agreed to solicit you ailectionately and urgently, to make us a visit early next fall, and spend several weeks with us laboring tor the salvation of souls. We are prepared to welcome you with open hearts. " We trust you will favorably consider our reijUest, and at an early day appoint a time when wc may expect you. . . . " In the service of a common Master, Yours affectionately, I. A. C." m "Grand Rapids, Mich., August 27, 18GG. "My dear Brother Earle : I wrote, and re- ceived a letter from you almost two years ago, about coming here and holding a series of meetings. We have been laboring and praying, and feel that the time has come for you to do us good. There have been a few conversions. We all feel that we must love Jesus more, and do- more for him. Can you come and preach Jesus to us? You shall have the hearty help oi all the church. . . . Do, mj dear brother, if possible, help us. Yours truly, C. B. S." "Come now." "Lynn, February 9, 1860 « Dear Brother Earle : We want you here — want you very much — want you now. Can you not come, and come soon? One has come out on the Lord's side — others are anxious. There is evidently a preparation and an asking after the Lord. We need evening preaching — evangelistic labor. We need you. I know you, and have fellowship and sympathy with j^ou. The brethren know of you, and say, * Come now.' Sincerely yours in Christ, A. O., Pastor:' From the pastors and members of the evangelical churches of Napa, California : — *' Napa, February 4, 1867. " Kev. a. B. Earle. "Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, pastors and members of the different evangelical churches of Napa, having watched with deepest interest the progress of your efforts since your arrival on this coast, and earnestly desiring that we and ours may enjoy the benefit of your labors, which God has been graciously pleased to bless abundantly in those places which you have already visited, do unitedly and cordially invite you to hold with us a scries of religious meetings as soon as it may bo convenient. "Assuring you of our prayerful interest in 3^our work, and promising our hearty cooperation and support, we hope that ere long you may come to us ' in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.' " To this was attached a long list of names. But I could not go. From Washington Territory : — " A^ANCOUTER, TV. T., April 11, 1867. " Rev. Mr. Earle : The citizens of Vancouver, and the United States garrison at this point, would be pleased to have you come to our city and preach to us. " The undersigned feel anxious that you should visit this city, for a day or two at least. Should you find it in your power to comply w^ith our request, be pleased to have us informed when it would best suit your convenience." To this long list of names, also, I was obliged to say, « No." « Do NOT ANSWER, NaY." " Vallejo, Cal., March 4, 18G7. *»Kev. Mr. Earle. < Dear Sir : Souls are perishing here, and we would urge upon you our claims. Do, we beseech you, come and visit this phice. We feel assured that a great harvest is here awaiting the reaper. Will you come and thrust in the sickle ? Do not answer, Nay. The truth has long been faithfully preached, and we are not without the evidence of God's blessing; yet our hearts are not satisfied, and Christians are unitedly praying for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and there is a general assurance tJiat God will open the windows of heaven and pour a large blessing upon us. Mrs. H. B. R., Wife of Rev. II, B, i?., Pi^eshyterian Minister at Vallejo. "P. S. Since writing the above your communi- cation, in reply to my husband's, has been received, and our hearts are pained. I think we shall have to follow the example of a certain man who caused his neighbor to rise and give him bread because of his importunity. Do try and spare us a little time and effort, and our prayers and blessings will be upon you. " That God may open your pathway to this place is the earnest prayer of your friend, E. S. R." From a cold church : " , N. H., August, 18G5 "Rev. Mr. Earle. " Dear Sir : It is more than twenty years since there were more than two added to our church by baptism at one time. During this period quite a number have left us to form other churches ; many have left town, and others have been called by their Master to come up higher. The remainder of us are very cold or lukewarm, and feel unable to con- tend with the hosts of our adversary. AYe have tried to arouse ourselves at several different times, and to set ourselves about our Master's business, but soon fell back, if possible into a worse condi- tion than before. " There are but very few of us that take part in meetings, and none of us feel able or qualified to do so. " Our pastor has been sick, and is now in a dan- gerous condition. It is doubtful if he is able to preach this fall, if at all. " Some of us wanted to send for you last fall, but others thought we were unprepared to receive a re- vival preacher, because we were so cold. I have talked w^ith quite a number of late, and they are nuanimous in fjivor of inviting you to come and labor with ns this fall. "The churches are very feeble all around us, so far as spiritual strength is concerned." From the President of Corvallis College : — " Corvallis, Oregon, April 12, 1867. "Rev. a. B. Earle : The brethren of the Pres- byterian, Baptist, and Methodist churches, to you send greeting ! "We feel truly grateful to Almighty God for that degree of success which has thus far attended your labors and ministry in Oregon. It is our prayer that God's people may be united in the great work of salvation, and then we may confi- dently expect still greatei displays of divine power in awakening and converting sinners. " We feel great need of revival influence in our midst. For this we are laboring, for this we are prayuig. "To aid us in our endeavors to glorify God, and advance the interests of Christ's kingdom, it is the earnest desire and request of tb- different churches in our city that you spend a few days with us. I am confident there is no city in Oregon where your ministry is more needed. We learn that your visit in Oregon is limited to a few weeks; yet we feel that could you fully realize our wants, a share, at least, of your precious time would be given to Corvallis. May God direct you, and if consistent with his will, give you a mission to our people, and that a mission of salvation ! May God continue to bless your labors I "In behalf of the churches of Corvallis, I sub- scribe myself. Yours fraternally, W. A. F., President of Corvallis College. '*' * Praying God to send you to Baltlaiore." " Baltimore, Md., November 28, ISGi. « Dear Brother Earle : It is with emotions almost impossible to describe that I attempt to pen you this heartfelt epistle. " I have been in Baltimore now over one year, preaching, and God has owned my poor eflbrts, and I have had the gratification of baptizing nearly thirty happy converts, and of seeing my congrega- tion more than trebled, and our prospects some- what encouraging ; yet we are far from a general revival s])irit. " O, what desolation is experienced for the want of some faithful and unflinching one to * stand up for Jesus.' I have been led to cry out in the bit- terness of heart, in the words of the j^rophet, * By whom shall Jacob rise, for he is small?' " There is no such field for well-directed effort in all the land as here. Now, brother Earle, I have been praying God to send you to Baltimore. O, that my j^rayers may be answered ! For do be- lieve, from what I know of you, that you wculd sv.q the salvation of God. Are you at liberty to come? Can you feel that duty calls this way ? O, may God direct ! Yours affectionately, E. F. C." The widely-known and honored Dr. F., of that city, has sent a like request. But I have not yet been able to say " Yes " to either of them. "This Fashionable City." " Newport, R. I., August 6, 1868. «Eev. a. B. Eaele. " My dear Sir ; . . . Can you not come to Newport this August? Even if you cannot stay beyond a few days, or preach more than two or three sermons, come. " I long for this fashionable city, now^ in August, in the full tide of fashion, in all this wonderful pomp of pride and wealth, to feel God's power. " Who knows but God may give you some of these disciples of Mammon and Pleasure as tro- phies for Christ? God is omnipotent. O, what a field this for divine grace ! Most affectionately, yours, C. H. M." Only those in similar situations can know what ii costs me to deny these petitions that are con- stantl}- coming, with pleading so earnest, from large churches and from small churches, from churches cold and from those active and growing, and rep- resenting almost every evangelical denomination. Official calls are usually accompanied or followed by private letters from pastors burdened for their churches; from church members longing to see their pastors more in earnest in the work of saving souls ; from parents weary with praying for uncon- verted children, and from devoted Christian wdves anxious for the conversion of their husbands, each case having its peculiar and strong claims. And when, in response to such urgent need, I am obliged to sit down, and hurriedly write, "I cannot be with you," then am I moved to pray, " O Lord, raise up more evangelists ! Call into this work men after thine own heart, who shall be will- ing to renounce worldly honor and ease, that they may win souls to Jesus." Young men, wdio may read these pages, does not God call upon ^ou to enter this branch of the Christian ministry? The mere fact of a want of more men is not, of conrse, a call to enter this or any department of the ministry, but it is a call for you to offer yourselves to the Lord, and, with a will- ingness to go or stay, seek to know his will. Pastors, has not God, by special adaptation, in- tended some of you for this work ? Christian friends, of whatever name or place, will you not join with me in the prayer that God will multiply the number of those whose special work is the promotion of revivals ? " The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few : pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth more laborers into his vineyard," and, among them, more evangelists. CHAPTER XV. THE OPINION OF PASTORS. BY request, I give a few letters from some of the pastors with whom I have labored. Their value to any one but myself, and my apology for consenting to their publication, are, that they answer the inquiries so frequently made about the character of these meetings, and the permanency of their results, and the work of an evangelist. From Rev. Dr. Ide : — " Springfield, Mass., March 21, 1864. "Rev. a. B. Earle. " My very dear Brother : At the close of your labors with my people I feel it to be both my duty and my privilege to express to you my deep sense of obligation for your assistance iu the glorious work of the Spirit now in progress among us, and my entire satisfaction with your ministrations. "Your preaching has been thorough, sound, evangelical, tender, and winning, adapted alike to quicken believers and to arouse and melt sinners. "During the four weeks that you have been with us, I do not recollect that you have said or done a thing that has not met my cordial approval. " Your labors have been grejitly blessed to the revival of gracious affections in the hearts of Chris- tians ; and hundreds in this city, converted through your instrumentality, will in eternity praise God that he sent you to us. " I believe that the great Head of the Church has given you the office and the qualifications of a true evangelist : that he is with you in your work. "I know that I speak the feeling of every pious heart in the city, and of large numbers who are not pious, when I say that I most heartily thtuik you for your coming, and pray that the same divine blessing that attended your visit here may still fol- low you wherever Providence may lead you. Very affectionately yours, Geo. B. Ide. " From Eev. Dr. Kirk : — " Boston, May 14, 1866. "Rev. a. B. Earle. " Dear Brother : It makes me happ}^ to find a hnppy Christian, made so, not by temperament or indiscriminating good nature, but by the fullness of Ch.'ist's Spirit. "I bless God, and thank you, for your labors in Boston. I have long waited for an evangelist with whom I could cordially coqDerate. After more than twenty years of w^aiting, God has gi*anted me this desire of my heart. " I congratulate you, both on the revelation the Lord has made to you of himself, and on the bless- ing which has crowned your labors here and else- where. The good you have been enabled to accomplish here cannot be comprehended by any statistical statement. It embraces several classes of benefits imparted to great numbers of persons in the city and out of it. " Ministers have learned of you to live nearer the Savior, to preach more scripturally, simpl}^ and earnestly than was their wont. They have learned to draw their hearers to more prompt and definite decisions on the vital question, Shall I submit to Jesus? Backsliders, to an uncommon extent, have been reclaimed during this revival. Sinners have been converted to God. Besides all tliis, a sweet influence has been diffused through the community. Without compromising the truths of the Bible, you have awakened no opposition needlessly. " All pastors who seek the salvation of men will find their facilities for doing good greatly increased in consequence of your labors. " Myself I regard as a better man and minister for having known yon, and been associated with you in this blessed work, the memory of which will enter heaven with us, and diffuse its fragiance through d:ernity. Let us give all the glory to whom it belongs. Yours in the fellowship of Christ, Edward N. Kirk." From Rev. Dr. Turnbull : — "Hartford, Ct., December 2Q, 1864. "Eev. a. B. Earle. " My dear Brother : I wish cordially to thank you for your labors of love among us in this c\iy, in connection with the two Baptist churches. " Incessantly, night and day, have you given yourself to the work : preaching with great sim- plicity and power the fundamental truths of the gospel ; holding inquiry meetings, and conversing with the anxious at your room. «I thank you, especially, for your uniform pa- tience and kindness in all your intercourse with inquirers and others. You have won the cordial esteem and love of the members of our churches and of the pastors who have labored with you. " May the Lord bless you in all your efforts to do g-^od, and in all your future course of life. Your friend and brother, Robert Turnbull." From Rev. I. D. Clark, in the "Watchman and Reflector " : — " I know of no man so well adapted to the work of a successful evangelist as brother Earle. Plain, direct, and forcible in his preaching; careful and discreet, and yet sagacious in his management of a meeting beyond any man I have ever seen ; this, with his almost marvellous faith, persistency, and iron power of endurance, make him, what he has been for years, a power in the church. "Instead of weakening the pastoral tie, he strengthens it, unites the church in a deeper piety, and, like John the Baptist, prepares the way for a still more blessed work after his leaving. At least so it has been with us." From Rev. Dr. Phelps : — '•New Haven, Ct., June 6, 1865. « Mr DEAR Brother Earle : Before you leave lis this afternoon, I must, in a word, express to you my gratitude to God and to you for the great privilege I have enjoyed the past five weeks in being permitted to witness and join in your evan- gelic labors among my people and in this city. "We have been quickened, edified, refreshed, and brought nearer to Christ, in hearing the gospel from you, and in kneeling in prayer with you. "Your conduct of revival meetings has been judicious, scriptural, and adapted to win souls. "The Master has been with us, and made you the honored instrument of the conversion of many precious souls among us. . . . " May our blessed Lord, my dear brother, long spare you to labor as an evangelist ; and may we sometimes share in your labors here again. " You will ever have a warm place in our hearts, and a remembrance in our prayers. Yours affectionately, S. D. Phelps." From Eev. Dr. Harvey, in the "Journal and Messenger " : — " Brother Earle's work with us has been greatly blessed. The sound judgment and clear views of the gospel which characterize him, with his kind, earnest spirit, and strong faith, have given him a large place in the confidence and affection of Chris- tians here, and mark him as a man singularly adapted for such labors. "His sermons have been distinguished, not so much by novelty of subject matter, or mere logical demonstration, as by the vivid illustration of the great common truths of the gospel, and the earnest enforcement of them on the conscience and the heart. "We have had no noise. " The large and solemn congregations which have often crowded our spacious house attest the power of the truth as presented by him." From Rev. Dr. Hague, in the " Watchman and Reflector": — " Again and again have we been asked by friends, far and near, * What do you think of Mr. Earle as an evangelist and a co-worker? Does he exert an influence that is healthful and enduring? Wherein lieth his power?' Some who are mere lookers on ask these questions from the mere impulse of curi- osity, and many others from a sincere desire to know the truth. Now this question as to the secret of power is more easily asked than an- swered ; for spiritual power is like some of the hidden forces of nature, that may be recognized by their eff'ects, while they are so subtile as to escape {uialysis. The realm of material nature is full of hidden forces that baffle every efi'ort of science to define. So it is in the spiritual realm ; there is power that is felt, but ' thou canst not tell whence it Cometh nor whither it goeth.' Its 'springs are in God.' We have often met men, in all depart raents of life, whose power w^e have acknowledged, while we conld not define it or characterize it by any combination of graphical words. " Such a man, no doubt, w^as Barnabas, the co- worker of Paul. His power was great. Luke acknowledges it ; takes note of it as having been mightily felt at Antioch. But he does not report a single address, exhortation, speech, prayer, or sermon ; simply says of Barnabas, *He was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith; and much people was added unto the Lord.' " Now, in regard to Mr. Earle, his ministrations are incessant but never w^earisome. We never feel disposed to report his sermons, but rather say, * Come and hear him,' ' Come and see him.' "First of all, you will say to yourself, he is honest, he is in earnest, he is simple-hearted, he believes what he says, he is a transparent char- acter ; he has gained your sympathy and confi- dence. " Next, you are consciously inclined to give him your attention, and yield yourself to his friendly suggestions, that seem so apt, so judiciously put, so exactly adapted to your condition. They reveal you to yourself; they touch the points of your own unexpressed experiences ; they meet your deep heart needs. All at once, *? before you know it,' as one said, you will respond to bis appeals. You forget he is a minister, so far, at least, as to regard him officially; you think of him as a good man, a fellow sinner, a loving brother, a jo^^ous Christian, \Yho has a heavenly treasure that he desires to im- part, and that you Avould receive. "If you must tell somebody where his power lies, you will say it is in his simplicity and godly sincerity, and a profound heart experience, which tells its own story and wins you." From Eev. Dr. Baldwin, in the " Christian Era" : " Trot, N. Y., February 28, 1863. " Deae Brother Webster ; Yours of the twen- ty-seventh, containing this inquiry, ' Will you oblige me and my readers by giving us an account of the labors of Rev. A. B. Earle in Troy, and their results as far as they can now be judged of?' was duly received, and I make the following condensed reply. * Although I had heard much of brother Earlo, I Lad never met him until he came here five weeks since to labor with me. Without ever having seen him, I invited him ' to come over and help ' me, for two reasons. One was the warm com- mendations I heard of him and his labors, from pastors with whom he had labored. From them I never heard but one opinion. The decisive reason, however, was this : While absent, visiting the army, nearly a year ago, brother Earle preached one sermon in my pulpit. When I came hon e, I found that that one sermon had produced a deep religious imjpression upon my people ; and then I resolved to secure his aid in a series of meetings I proposed to hold the following winter. . . . " With regard to him and his labors in general, I can truthfully say that our expectations have been more than realized. His solemn, earnest, and kind manner; his freedom from all vulgarities of ex- pression, or eccentricities of style; his simple- heartedness and entire devotion to his work ; his honest piety, incessant prayerful ness, and strong faith; his plain, scriptural, pointed preaching ; his obvious dependence on the Holy Ghost, and free- dom from devotion to any particular routine of measures ; his warm and loving exhibitions of < Christ crucified,' and his fidelity in bringing the law truths in direct contact with the conscience ; his yearning after the salvation of souls, and his developments of the blessedness, importance, and means of attaining the higher Christian life, — these and similar elements in him, his preaching and his work, have secured to him the affection and con- fidence of my own soul and that of my beloved people. "To me, as a pastor, he has been a most afFec- tioiiate, confidential friend, as well as a most efficient helper. No man could labor with another more considerately, more faithfully, than he has with me ; and 1 commend him to all my brethren in the ministry as worthy of their most implicit confi- dence. "The work in our church has been the deepest, most thorough, and general I have ever witnessed in a pastorate among them of nearly nineteen years, during which time God has graciously favored us with many precious * visitations from on high.' "The unanimous judgment of my most spiritual people is, that for clearness and thoroughness they have never heard the experiences of those already received into the church surpassed. " We regret that on account of his many press- ing engagements, our beloved brother is abo it to leave us, for the work appears as promising as ever. But we shall always bless God that he came to us ; he is embalmed in our grateful aflfections. All will be rejoiced to see him in Troy, and none so much as myself and my family, who have enjoyed his society during these weeks in our own house. Fraternally, Geo. C. Baldwin." Kev. J. R. Keuclrick, D. D., in the " Examiner and Chronicle " : — "... Brother Earle's labors have been inde- fatigable, earnest, and in one view almost super- human. It is little less than a miracle that his ph3^sical system endures with apparent ease the steady strain of five weeks' continuous toil. "His preaching has been plain, pungent, some- times startling and lacerating in its stern fidelity, yet always kind and free from bitterness, unchari- tableness, and the language of denunciation. It has been marked, not merely by simplicity, direct- ness, and tenderness, which I expected, but by a real power, which, I confess, took me by surprise. It is often fresh, quaint, and truly original, giving a new aspect and force to truths which familiarity and stereotyped modes of treatment have degraded into impotence. "Brother Earle evidently understands human nature very thoroughly, and here, in my judgment, lies one great secret of the efiectiveness of his la- bors, so far as those labors are open to our view on the human side. I have already intimated fjat Lis spirit is gentle and genial, tolerant and encofir- aging towards those who do not fully share his views or unite in all his measures. Thu8 he car- ries with him the warm regards of all those to whom he has ministered, unci lives in pleasant re- membrances after his departure to other fields. " One of the happiest effects of our meetings has been to vitalize the piety of a good many languid disciples, and rouse them to a hearty service in the Master's cause. Our church is left, I think, not in an exhausted state, ready for reaction and depres- sion, but in a healthy, working condition, inspired and exhilarated by Christian love and hope." Rev. Thomas Armitage, D. D., in the same pa- per : — « , . . I have never had an opportunity of toil- ing side by side Avith our brother till now, and although his method of presenting truth is so different from my- own, I shall esteem it a great privilege to pass through another siege with him, whenever the providence of God may open the way. " A number of friends who are not acquainted with brother Earle, have asked me wherein his ability lies. He often takes occasion himself to say that he aims at nothing profound or oratorical in his preaching, yet his sermons are so good that they hold the attention and stir the hearts of almost all classes of minds. He preaches like a man in earnest. Both in the pulpit and out of it, he is a pattern of Christian manliness. There is nothing that borders even on the small and mean, either in his spirit or manner. Common sense is one of his handmaids, and comes at his beck. She seldom fails him. A Christ-like tenderness runs through all his appeals, both to the converted and the unconverted. With this is blended a child-like simplicity. These are followed by an indefatigable toil, the most indefatigable that I have ever wit- nessed. And the w^hole of these are crowned by unceasing prayer, and by an unwavering faith in God. "In leaving us he carries with him the warm love both of pastor and people, and our earnest prayers that he may long be spared to the churches, and that showers of blessings may accompany him wherever he goes." From Eev. Dr. Boardman : — *' Philadelphia, May 5, 1868. « My dear Brother : I cannot part with you without giving formal expression to my feelings of gratitude that you have been permitted to labor among us. ''' For years I have been convinced that Christ, in his administration of his church, has a place for the office of * evangelist,' in the modern, tech- nical use even of that term. My only doubt has been concerninof the fitness of those who have thought themselves called to that office, — not concerning the office itself. " I cheerfully bear record that, in the toilsome and patient fidelity with which you have exercised the office while among us, — in the earnestness and simplicity of style which has marked your preaching, — in the kindness of spirit with which you have treated the severest themes of the law, — in the absence of eccentricities and mechanical artifices, — in the helpful spirit with which you have cooperated with me, and in your full and distinct recognition of the supremacy of the pas- toral office, — in this I recognize evidences that God has indeed called you to * do the work of an evangelist' (2 Tim. iv. 5). "May God long spare your life, and keep you humble, and continue to make you instrumental in winning to Christ multitudes who in His gracious purpose are ordained to eternal life. Aflectionately yours, Geo. D. Boahdman. «Rev. a. B. Earle." CHAPTER XVI. SERMON. — TITLE EXAMINED.* " Many will sat to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And THEN WILL I PROFESS UNTO THEM, I NEVER KNEW YOU ; DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY." — Matt. vii. 22, 23. THE Savior in these few words lifts the veil that conceals from us the future, and permits us to look upon a scene of the judgment, at the final assembling of all people and nations to receive their everlasting sentence. It is one of mingled grief and happiness, joyful surprise and bitter dis- appointment : some, who were all their lives in doubt and fear about their hopes of heaven, receive from Jesus a welcome and a crown; while others, who had been loud in proclaiming their devotion to God, or had gone through life without any fear about their salvation, are doomed to the abode of * Preached in Tremont Temple, Boston. the lost, and turn away in horror and despair upon the hopeless " left hand." 0, who can tell the disappointment, when those who have lived and died in the fellowship of the church, and have gone to the judgment expecting a welcome among the white-robed throng that dwell on the banks of the river of life, receive, instead, the sentence from the Judge, "I never knew you : depart from me " ! What could make amends for the anguish of such a disappointment? And yet, our text tells us, this will be the ex- perience of many at that approaching trial. Let me, therefore, urge upon each one of you, my hearers, the importance of a thorough examination of your hope, or your title to heaven. 1. We should be thorough, because it is a matter of faith, and not of sight. Were it something we could see with our eyes, and our hands could handle, we could then very quickly aud easily satisfy ourselves as to its validity. But such is not the case — it is in no w^ay connected with the bodily senses ; its evidences lie wholly out- side of their province. It is wholly a matter of faith, — we speak of a clear title as the " assurance of faith : " the Scriptures affirm it still more ex- plicitly, telling us, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," as though this faith was to its possessor what the deed of your house is to you — a clear, genuine title, signed and sealed. But while the title to your house can be read at any time, and its genuineness ascertained without difficulty, your title to heaven requires the most careful and thorough examination, because its evidences are, as I have observed, be- yond the reach of the bodily senses ; and it is still more difficult, because these evidences vary with your faith. When your fiiith is clear and strong, they are clear ; and obscure and weak, when your faith is weak and clouded. How unwise and dangerous, then, is a hasty, superficial examina- tion of a title, on the genuineness of which our eternal happiness depends, when the evidences of that title are so subject to change, and must be read only through the medium of the spiritual vision ! 2. We should be thorough, because it is often difficult to distinguish between a movement of the animal feelings and true religious affections and impulses. Many professors of religion go to meeting and appear very happy, and honestly think themselves Christians, and yet, in truth, they know nothing of the love of Christ; their happiness is no deeper than their emotional nature. A person who loves Jesus may be cast down and sad, while another may apparently be happy in him, and yet be a stranger to pa.'doning grace. Emotions come and go, like the waves of the sea, with our changing circumstances. The fruits of tlie Spirit appear, on a superficial examination, to be closely imitated in the natural and unrenewed heart, — so that we want a better evidence than the mere fact that we are happy. We want a title that is unmoved by sorrows ; that neither floods nor tlames can destroy ; — *' A faith that shines more bright and clear When tempests rage without; That when in danger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt. **That bears, unmoved, the world's dread frown, Nor heeds its scornful smile ; That seas of trouble cannot drown, Nor Satan's arts beguile." 3. We should be thorough, because we are in danger of being satisfied with the existing standard of religion in the community where we live. The standard of piety, in most places, is very low. Christians have been " measurino^ themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves," until that dwarfed and imperfect pattern seems to be about the only one we employ, or care to employ. If we reach that, we are quite likely to settle down into a contented state, without making much further eflbrt. Many are evidently relying very much on the fGrms of religion, without its vitality and power, and that, too, in our evangelical churches. The standard of admission to our churches is also low in very many cases ; a few tears over sin, a little outward change, and especially a certain correctness of theory and deportment, far too often open the door to church membership, while the heart is still unrenewed. We need, therefore, great care in our examina- tion, lest we take up with a mere human standard of religion. Jesus has given a pattern in his own life on the earth, and in the plain teachings of his word ; by that, men must measure themselves. O, that we might all do so, for therein would we find safety ! 4. Another reason for a thorough examination of our title is, A deceived soul is a constant dead weight in the church. The man who is deceived may pray, or preach, or exhort, but his heart will not be in his work. He cannot speak from heart experience ; and as heart must answer to heart, you do not feel what he says ; or your heart, if warm and active with the love of Christ, cannot unite with his : it finds there nO answering voice, not even a resting-place, and, like Noah's dove, turns back to its home. A warm-hearted, earnest Christian will some- times kneel down to join in prayer with a deceived soul, and wonder why his heart is not moved and led by the prayer ; he cannot see any cause unless it be in himself. But the secret is, one heart has been made alive by renewing grace, while the other is still " dead in trespasses and sins." The deceived soul cannot pronounce the family lan- guage ; his lips may, but that does not answer, for it is a heart lano^uaire, and no man can make his heart say, « Abba, Father," but by the Holy Spirit. It matters not how rich or influential the deceived soul may be, he is still a dead weight in the church. Simon made a profession of religion, joined the church, prayed and talked with the rest, was rich and influential, and yet he was regarded as an injury to the cause of Christ, just because he was a deceived soul, still " in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity ; " his " heart was not right :n the sight of God," and, so long as that was the case, nothing could counterbalance the burden such a heart w^as to the church. And so it has ever been and ever will be. A deceived soul, in the church, is a dead weight. 5. We should be thorough in the examination of our hearts, because God will be thorough with us at the judgment, no matter how careless we may be here. O, what a fearful ordeal every person will there pass through, whether he be a true Christian, a deceived soul, or one who never professed any interest in Christ! "Every man's work shall be made manifest : for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire ; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is." Like the fire that brings out the half-obliterated letters and designs on a worn piece of silver, the fire and light of the judgment will reveal the real character of the letters on our titles to heaven — ? whether they were drawn with the red blood of Jesus or the pencil marks of earth. O, the bitter remorse of such an hour, when the church member learns that his title is spurious ! Let us, then, before it is too late, examine our hopes carefully and thoroughly, each for himself. Let us not trust to the judgment of the church or of our friends, for no one can know our hearts as well as ourselves. We know best whether we love to pray, whether we weep over lost sinners, whether we love God's people ; and so in regaixl to all the evidences, we can best search our hearts for them. 6. Another reason for a thorough examination of our title is. Many professing Christians, and even ministers of the gospel, have actually found themselves deceived, after having been members of the church for years. A young man of fine talent and promise, after completing his studies, was settled over one of our large churches. The people were delighted with their new pastor : his education, his eloquence, his devotion to his work, and his theology, even, were all they could wish ; his discourses were listened to with great pleasure by large congregations. But soon those who knew Christ experimentally, md had power with God in prayer, became satis- fied that their pastor was an unregenerated man. All was right except his heart. The church, however, did not wish to part with him, or to injure his influence. Accordingly, they, unknown to him, appointed a day of fasting and prayer for his con- version. But as they were assembling to humble them- selves before God for that purpose, the pastor saw a brother who never could keep a secret, passing by his study, and inquired of him why so many of the people were going into the church. The plain, straightforward reply was, "We are going to pray that God will convert your soul, pastor." This information deeply moved the heart of the pastor; he went to his room, fell on his knees, and asked God to show him his real condition. And there, in answer to the prayers of his people and his own petitions, the Spirit revealed to him the startling truth that his heart was still unre- newed, and led him to give himself to Jesus, and obtain an experimental knowledge of the way of salvation. From that day he was all the church could desire. Very many professing Christians have discovered a shuilar mistake in time to correct it, and secure a genuine title. But multitudes, as our text teaches, pass through life in a careless state, expecting to reach heaven, and, dying with that hope in their hearts, go to their final reward, thinking to be wel- come within the " pearly gates " of the New Jerusa- lem ; yet there learn, to their utter dismay and sorrow, they had been deceived, and, when it is too late to make any change, hear from the lips of the Judge their everlasting doom : " I never knew you : depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Who can conceive the magnitude of such a dis- appointment, not of a hypocrite, not of an out- wardly immoral character, but of a soul in one sense sincere, and yet deceived; thought to have been born again, and yet, in reality, in the **bond of iniquity " ! " 0, wretched state of deep despair, To see my God remove, And fix my dreadful station where I must not taste his love 1 " Let me then urge you to make a most thorough examination of your title for heaven. Do not rest until you can say, "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." " Yes, I'm secure beneath thy blood, And all my foes shall lose their aim : Hosanna to my Savior God, And my best honors to his name." To assist you in making this examination, I will answer, as well as I am able, the question. What ought to satisfy me that I am a Christian? And', perhaps, I can do this in no better way than by making use of " Ten Evidences of Conver- sion," which I prepared some years ago, and now have with me on this little card.* On one side are these " evidences," and on the other ten questions for "self-examination," for older Christians, and which were drawn up originally only for my own heart. At such times as the present many wish to obtain them. I have already given away, in this manner, some fifty thousand copies, and now, to- night, any who desire a copy will be welcome to one after the close of the meetiufi:. I wish each one of you would carefully examine these evidences, and settle in your own mind whether you have one, two, half, or all of them ; and if you find one, — and but one, — take courage, and hope for others. 1. " A full surrender of the will to God." As the will is the seat of the rebellion against God, this stronghold is the most obstinately de- fended and the very last to be surrendered. Men will give up their property, their health, their honor, their homes, and in some cases even their lives, sooner than surrender their wills. And yet no one can be regenerated until this is done : though the man give up all else, it is in vain, so lono: as he retires within this fortress and refuses its surrender. So that the first evidence of a genuine hope in Christ is, a will given up to God. In the case of the anxious sinner, this act of surrender is at once followed by a change : it is the first step in the way of salvation. The rebel- lion in his heart is gone, and, like Saul of Tarsus, his prayer is, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?'' He may think himself still in his sins, yet the change is apparent, though he may still be seeking pardon ; he is willing to do the very things he had stoutly refused to do until now. He, perhaps, had said, < No one shall know my feelings, until I am sure I am a Christian ; " yet now he is heard in the crowded assembly, asking for prayer. Or, perhaps, he is the first to accept the invitation to go forward with those who are anxious, although he had as- serted that he never would take such a step. The sentiment of his heart is, — *' I can hold out no more; I sink, by dying love compelled, And own TlTee conqueror." My hearer, have you this evidence of your conver- sion? When the lines are clearly drawn, and you feel that you are called on to give up God's way or your own, do you adopt the latter course? If so, rejoice; if not, you have reason for great anxiety. Christians are not perfect : there are times when they commit this sin of putting self before God ; but if this is habitual, and 3^ou find no real desire or purpose to make God's will first and supreme, you lack the most important evidence of a genuine title for heaven. 2. " The removal of a burden of sin suddenly or gradually." The burden of conviction for sin varies greatly with different individuals : some persons are over- whehned with a sense of their guilt, while others complain that they have scarcely any feeling, and pray for deeper conviction. Yet, when conversion takes phice, these burdens are removed, though, in one case, as suddenly as Bunyau's pilgrim lost his at the cross, and, in others, so gradually that neither the hour nor the day can be told. This difference in the removal of these burdens may be illustrated in this simple way: — Suppose two men each have a sack of sand tied, with strings, upon their shgulders, and in one case the strino^s are cut — the sack with its contents instantly falls to the ground ; but in the other case a small hole is made in the sack — the sand runs out slowly, and the man is so gradually relieved of his burden he scarcely realizes when it was removed, nor can he fix upon any moment, and say, "At that time my load was taken away." Yet the latter was as great and real a change as the former, and the real work — that done by the knife in cutting the strings, and in opening the sack — was as instantane- ous in one case as the other, only the results or evidences followed gradually in one case and in- stantly in the other. If, then, your burden is gone, and you feel that some love to God and his people has taken its place, you have an evidence of a change of heart, no matter though you cannot tell the time of the change. If there be " the full corn in the ear," there has surely been « first the blade, then the ear." 3. "A new feeling of love to Christians and to Jesus." This is one of the best evidences, and almost the first change, the renewed soul discovers. "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." The 3^oung convert seeks the society of Chris- tians — they appear so different to him ; when the prayer meeting has closed, he waits that he may speak with them ; his song now is, — " Lonely I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the ware ; Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave." If you discover this evidence, and only this, be encouraged, and go forward in the Christian jour- ney ; the morning star is the harbinger of the full- orbed sun. I was baptized and taken into the church when I had only this one evidence. I was determined to go forward, and perform the duties required of a faithful Christian. And, as I went on, evidences bi^gan to multiply. I was like the travellc/r, who, finding one mile-post, passes on to another, and then on to still another, and so on in his journey, each one increasing the evidence that he is ou the right road, and, also, is steadily approaching the desired city. God has said, " Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord." If you find one spark of this love in your heart, thankfully cherish it, although it may have come so gradually, and may still be so faint, you can but just discern that it is there. The wind sometimes blows much more softl}^ than at other times ; yet it is as really the wind that whispers in the zephyr as that thunders in the hurricane. So in conversion : some come into the kingdom shouting their love to God, their evidences seem to them so clear ; and others come with but a gentle breath of love ; yet both conversions are equally genuine and pre- cious. 4. " A new relish for the word of God." All true conversions are followed by a new love for the Scriptures. There is a lingering over the inspired page, unknown before ; the words of Jesus are full of beauty and sweetness; the objections that once were made are gone. It is no longer a gloomy book. The convert finds some of its con- tents wrapped in mystery ; yet he understands enough of its truths to lead him to say, " O, how love I thy law ! It is my meditation all the day." There may be times when none of this love is felt. Emotions vary with circumstances ; one class may be wholly thrown out of sight for a time, and another altogether different aroused by some change in our surroundings, — thus all relish for the Bible may temporarily seem to be wanting. But even at such a time we need not be wholly cast down and discouraged; there is good reason to believe we have been " born again," if we can remember seasons when we could say, " My soul hath kept thy testimonies ; and I love them exceed- ingly : " such love is the fruit of a renewed heart. 5. "Pleasure in secret prayer, at least at times." This is a good evidence of a change of heart ; for it is very natural that we should find pleasure in converse with those we lov^ : and since prayer is converse with God, we must have some love for him if we find pleasure in this exercise. " Behold he prayeth," is one of the first signs of spiritual life : a renewed soul will pray. I think no unregenerated person ever enjoyed secret prayer for a single hour. If, then, you do enjoy secret prayer, even at times, and exhibit some of the fruits of true prayer in your life, you have good reason to hope that you are an heir of heaven, although you may never have had the con- viction and the light you desired. " Prayer is the breath of God in man, Returning whence it came ; Love is the sacred fire within, And prayer !^he rieing flame." 6. " Sin, or sinful thoughts, will cause pain." Unholy thoughts are often thrown into the minds of even the most devoted Christians, and while they are endeavoring to serve God — perhaps in the closet, or in the pra3^er meeting, or in the pul- pit. The Christian will always be liable to them while on the earth. But there is no sin in them unless they are cherished. Only when they are pleasing, and are cherished, do they make us guilt}^ Jesus had such thoughts thrown into his mind. The devil suggested to him that he give up the purpose for which he came into the world, and become universal king; but the thought was in- stantly hurled back upon Satan, its author. Afi^ain it was suo;o^ested that he throw himself down from the pinnacle of the temple — only a thought ; but Jesus found no pleasure in it, and rejected it wholly and at once, vanquishing the tempter with the "sword of the Spirit," "It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." And thus He " who knew no sin " teaches his followers that no matter how vile and unholy the thought that may come into their minds, there is no taint of sin about it if it is at once rejected. The question, therefore, for us to settle about these unholy thoughts is this : Do they produce loathing and sorrow? If Ihey do, there is evidence in that pain of love to Jesus. But if they produce pleasure, and are cherished, they are "swift wit- nesses" against us. Are they unwelcome visitors ? Then take fresh courage for your heavenward journey. 7. " Desire and effort for the salvation of others." The natural impulse of the " new man " is, to lead others to the Savior. " Then will I tell to sinners round What a dear Savior I have found ; I'll point to thy redeeming blood, And say, ' Behold the way to God.' '* Andrew's first impulse, after his conversion, was to seek the salvation of those about him. "He first findeth his own brother Simon," tells him what a precious Savior he has found, and then, as we are told, " He brought him to Jesus." And Philip, when his heart had been changed by pardoning love, went in search of his brother Na- thanael; and although Nathanael tried to excuse himself, on the ground that Jesus was a Nazarene, Philip, in his new love and zeal, conquered, and led him to the Master. My dear hearer, do you weep over lost men? Does it sometimes seem as if you must go at once to the sinner, and show him his danger and need of a Savior? Aud yet are you troubled aiid hin- dered by the fear that you yourself are not a child of God? Then let me say to you, Throw aside that fear, and go to work for Jesus, as your heart prompts you. Those desires are evidences of your love to Jesus. 8. "A desire to obey Christ in his commands and ordinances." You need not be troubled to know how you came by such a desire ; but, if you find you have it, accept it with joy as an evidence that you have been born again. I refer, of course, to a desire to obey all the commands and ordinances, not isolated and particular ones. There may be some selfish reason for desiring to obey some particular command ; this must be the ruling desire of your heart in reference to every known command, in order to be of real value as an evidence of a new heart. Our Master says, " If a man love me, he will keep my w^ords : " that means, I suppose, he will desire so to do, and will actually obey those com- mands so far as he understands them and has op- portunity. The heart is the controlling power; whatever a man loves most, to that he devotes him- gelf ; if, therefore, there be the indwelling of a spirit of obedience to God, and an effort to do his will, it is an evidence of love to him. No person should cill himself a Christian while living in known neglect of one of Christ's com- mands or ordinances. The renewed soul is anxious to know and do the whole will of God ; with one of old, he says, " Make me to go in the path of thy commandments, for therein do I delight." *' I would not sigh for worldly joy, Or to increase my worldly good; Nor future days, nor powers employ, To spread a sounding name abroad. 'Tis to my Savior I would live ; To him who for my ransom died ; Nor could all worldly honor give Such bliss as crowns me at his side.** 9. "Deep humility and self-abasement." This must have a prominent place among the evidences of conversion. Whoever has seen himself a guilty, condemned sinner, vile and wretched, under the curse of a holy law, justly doomed to death, with no merit of his own^ no ability to save himself, and one who if saved at all must be saved by pure, undeserved, unrequited grace, — whoever has thus seen himself will, when he has been actually thus saved and freed from the sin and curse that were resting on him, be very likely to feel humble. " 'Tis faith that lays the sinner low, And covers him with shame ; Renouncing all self-righteousness, It trusts in Jesus' name." A whole-hearted Christian will be humble, like nis Lord, who " made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant ; " for we are told in the word of God, "if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." My hearer, can you claim this evidence — "deep humility and self-abasement"? 10. "A growing desire to be holy and like Christ." This is the crowning evidence of all. " A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump : " where the leaven of grace has been implanted there will be this "growing desire to be holy and like Christ," — an inward hungering and thirsting after righteous- ness. The unrenewed man has no such desire ; he may seek to be free from some faults and vices, and to make for himself a character that men will esteem ; but he has no desire to follow Jesus, and imitate him in holiness and self-denying devotion to God. The renewed man, on the other hand, desires this likeness to Jesus above all things else ; hia unceasing prayer is, — «* Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee ! E'en though it be a cross That raisetli me ; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee." And even when the " dark river " has been crossed, and he is being conducted by angel guides towards his home in glory, he is represented as still longing to be nearer and more like Jesus : ** And when on joyful wing Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly ; Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee ! " Let me, then, inquire, my dear hearer, if you can claim one or more of these evidences that you are a child of God? If you can, then offer your thanksgiving to God. If but a single ray of sunshine from the cross has crept into your darkened heart, be encouraged, cherish all the warmth and light thus afforded you, and go forward, lookifig for the coming of other and brighter evidences ; " then shall we know, if wo follow on to know the Lord.'* No Christian, however near the Savior, will real- ize all these evidences at the same time ; generally but one. One day he will, perhaps, say, "I wanted to be constantly in secret prayer, it was so delightful and precious. I could feel the truth of those sweet lines, — * There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads ; A place of all on earth most sweet ; It is the blood-bought mercy-seat.' " The next day he has not so much inclination to pray, but rather a strong desire to read the word of God, and says, "How sweet are thy words unto my taste ! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth." At another time all his thoughts and feelings go out for the salvation of lost men. So he vibrates back and forth, — now to this evidence, and now to that. Do not, then, expect all these evidences to be found in active exercise at the same time. And even though you may, for a time, seem to be con- fined to one, remember that a renewed heart is just as necessary for the production of that one as for all ; the tree, and the usual operations of nature, are as essential to give us a single specimen of ripe fruit as to load our garners. How many of yon, my dear hearers, are now prepared to say, I believe I have been born again ; ^nd, with what evidence I have, I will go forward and perform the duties of a faithful Christian as well as I can, thankful for what light I have, and hoping for more ? j\Iay Jesus bless us all with a genuine title for heaven, and say to each of us, at the judgment, " Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the king- dom prepared for you from the foundation of tho world." Amen. TEN EVIDENCES OF CONVERSION. FOR YOUNG CHRISTIANS. 1. A full surrender of the will to God. 2. The removal of a burden of sin, gradually or suddenly. 3. A new feeling of love to Christians and to Jesus. 4. A new relish for the Word of God. 5. Pleasure in secret prayer, at least at times. 6. Sin, or sinful thoughts, will cause pain. 7. Desire and efforts for the salvation of others. 8. A desire to obey Christ in his commands and ordinances. 9. Deep humility and self-abasement. 10. A growing desire to be holy and like Christ. — 1 John iii. 3. Are ^o\x a CWisiVaii^ \i ivot,^\vy^ SELF-EXAMINATION, FOR OLDER CHRISTIANS, o>«<< 1. Do I search my heart to the bottom, and act out my convictions ? 2. Do I believe I control my tongue and temper ? 3. Do I really believe the Bible is the law of my heart and life ? 4. Do I convince men that I believe there is an eternal Hell ? 5. Am I greatly concerned for the salvation of men ? 6. Do I act like a Christian in my family, and among my intimate friends ? 7. Do I fully believe I have been born again % 8. Do I know that I have power with God in prayer ? 9. Do I believe I have been baptized with the Holy Spirit since my conversion ? 10. Am I sweetly resting in Christ, by faith, now? CHAPTER XVn. EVANGELISTS. Their Teials and Joys. WHEN our Redeemer " ascended up on high, he gave gifts unto men " — "some, apostles ; and some, prophets ; and some, evangelists ; and some, pastors and teachers ; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministrj^, for the edifying of the body of Christ ; till we all come in the unity of the faith, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of Christ." Thus we see that the work was not to be done through one department of Christian labor, nor were different offices to be merged in one, and placed on one man ; but there were to be several distinct offices of ministerial labor, each calling for special qualifications, and each filled by its own special workmen, yet all working in perfect harmony, and for the same end — the perfecting of the kingdom of Christ. The Savior having established these different departments, has always placed his seal of approba- tion on them, and says to those who labor in either of them, " Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." One of these departments, as we have seen, is that filled by the evangelist. An evangelist is a minister who is not settled over a church, at least permanently, but is tempo- rarily to fill a vacancy, to form new churches, and to assist pastors and churches in special labor for the salvation of souls, whenever such labor is needed. Work began in this branch of service w^ith the commencement of the church of Christ. Thus we find Philip, the evangelist, going forth and engaging in meetings in different places, for the purpose of promoting revivals of religion. " He went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them," continuing the meet- ing for some days and perhaps weeks. The work became so deep and general, that Peter and John were sent down from Jerusalem by the brethren, to assist in carrying it forward. After a while these brethren returned to Jeru- salem, but Philip went on towards Gaza, baptizing the eunuch on the way. So pressing were the calls for this kind of labor, that the " Spirit caught away Philip," and hastened him on to other places that were waiting for him. His next field of labor was at Azotus ; but how long he remained there we are not told. From Azotus he went on, and preached in al. the cities till he came to Cesarea. Here was his home — the evangelist's home. Paul and his company stopped with this evange- list, and rested several days. It was no doubt a pleasure to Philip and his family to entertain such distinguished guests. But my principal object at this time is to speak of a few of the trials and joys of an evangelist : One great trial in this work is, the necessity of being from home most of the time. Those who have homes, where the dear ones dwell, and where the purest bliss and peace on earth can be found, understand at once the pain of such separation. It is hard to leave home for a single month ; but to be away from it year after year, for ten months out of twelve, when life is so very brief, is one of the hardest trials in the w^ork of an evangelist. And, besides, home has so many sweet and soothing associations, so many holy, purifying influences, which are just what a minister needs in his work, — to be deprived of all these for so great a portion of the time is no small Bacri6ce. O, the joy of my bounding heart, when, after weeks, and perhaps months of unceasing toil and anxiety, I turn towards my home, weary and worn ! No matter how long the journey, or rough the way, or chilly the winds, I heed them not on the homeward track. I have often, at such times, repeated the ex- pressive lines : — *' What do we reck on a weary way, Though lonely and benighted, When we know there are lips to chide our stay, And eyes that will beam, love lighted?" But when home is reached after such an absence, one or two days are usually all I can spend with my family before duty calls me away to another meeting, already pledged. I often say to my family, 1 trust we shall know each other in heaven, where we may dwell together without interruption, and our joy be the greater, when the " sheaves," gathered through these years of separation are brought into the garners above. With this thought before us, we often sing these beautiful lines : — " When the holy angels meet us, As we go to join their band, We sliall know the friends that greet U8 In the glorious spirit laud. " We shall see the same eyes shining On us as in days of yore ; We shall feel their dear arms twining Fondly round us as before." But yet, with all this prospect of meeting and dwelling with the loved ones in the " better coun- tr}^" the separation from them here is a very severe trial ; and I can only say, as did that heroic missionary, Mrs. Comstock, — " Jesus, I do this for thee." Another of the evangelist's trials is, the distrust and prejudice cherished, even among good men, in regard to his work ! Many pastors feel such a prejudice towards this department of ministerial labor, that they say, "I will never invite an evangelist to assist me ; " and not a few of their members sustain them in this position. This feeling becomes so strong that they honestly think, as Nathanael did about our Savior's coming out of "Nazareth," that no good can come from such a source. This is, no doubt, in part the result of misrepre- sentation, and the want of a careful examination of the subject. And much, no doubt, is chargeable to the want of wisdom, and prudence, on the part of those of us who are attempting to perform the dif- ficult work of an evangelist. But while our mistakes have given cause for deep regret and sorrow, they are not a sufiicient cause for the rejection of this divine appointment. Would there not be the same reasons for reject- ing the pastoral office ? Is it not marked by mistakes and inconsistencies equally great? One of the disciples sold his Lord for a small sum ; another denied, with an oath, that he knew him. Pastors have fallen into grievous sins, while the ministry of others is marked by many im- prudences. Yet we do not cast aside the pastoral relation on that account. We do not say that all work among men should be suspended, because everything that is done is imperfect. So with the work of an evangelist : it has been attended with inconsistencies, which have pained the hearts of good men ; yet, like the pastoral office, it must be perpetuated, notwithstanding its faults. And therefore, those who are called to this work must go forward in it, no matter what its trials. Years ago I made up my mind to go on with this work, and do what I could in the great harvest- lield, and bring as many souls to Jesus as possible, without stopping to defend it against prejudice or opposition. And yet no one feels more keenly ^hau myself an ur^kind word, or look, or act, or IS more sensitive to the touch of distrust or preju- dice. But knowing how siiort my time is, and that Jesus has used, and no doubt will continue to use, imperfect men in gathering the ripened harvest, I aim to speak kindly of all, and go on with my work, grateful for the success that has attended these efforts. *' Soon the reaping time will come, And angels shout the harvest-home." It is a great trial also to be obliged to say " No," to so many calls for such labor. O, how often the Macedonian cry is heard, " ' Come over and help us I ' if not for a week, come even for one day." Al- though the heart yearns to go, a great proportion of these calls must be refused. The burden of soul at certain stages of a meeting is sometimes almost crushing. No one can realize this who has not borne the responsibility of con- ducting a series of revival meetings. It is often necessary to converse and pray with different inquirers many times in a single evening, until Nature seems unable to endure more. When one meeting is closed, he must pass directly to another field, and so on for months without rest, until his whole being seems to be utterly prostrated, and Jesus, by the Spirit, whis- pers, as he did to the disciples, " Come ye your- selves apart into a desert place, and rest a while : for there were so many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat." It is a trial to be obliged to part with friends almost as soon as their acquaintance ii formed. It is necessary in this work to go to a new field almost every month, and sometimes every week. All are strangers, many hardly seeing the necessity of the pastor's calling in such aid. But soon prejudice and coldness give place to warm, glowing love to Christ and his people, and with a company of happy converts in our midst, the acquaintance and friendship formed under such circumstances, even in a few days, are very pure and strong ; and to be obliged to tear away from all this so often is a great trial. Habit does not render it any easier. It is just as painful now, after having held about two hundred series of meetings, in different parts of the country, to part at the close of these seasons, where we have wept, and prayed, and rejoiced together, as it was many years ago. O, the strength of friendship formed at Jesus' feet I " It cannot in Eden be found, Not yet in a Paradise lost ; It grows on Immanuel's ground, And Jesus' dear blood it did cost." Such are some of the trials in the work of an evangelist ; but they are far outweighed by its One great source of comfort in his Avork is the nooesi^ity of livmg near the Savior, if he would have success. Most pulpits are now^ supplied with good, and in many instances talented ministers, who preach clearly the gospel of Christ : the ground is ploughed, and the seed sown, and only needs the showers and harvest sun to commence " bringing in sheaves," so that the evangelist's work consists largely in helping "gather in the harvest." To do this work, he must have " power with God." He must abide in Christ if he would reach and move the hearts of men. It is said, "Barnabas was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and faith ; and much people was added to the Lord." We ought all to abide in the fullness of Christ's love; but if we' do not frvom choice, it is a great blessing to be compelled by the very nature of our work to do so. This alone is an ample reward for any sacrifice we can make. There is also the joy of constantly making new friends — and very warm and lasting friends are those made in a revival. What a joy, then, to be yearly increasing the number of real friends 1)3' tl)()u.sands ! Another joy in this work is that of seeing im- mediate results from his hibors. He hibors for this, and looks for it — if he is right himself — without a doubt, and is not disappointed. Here the reapgr overtakes the sower, and both rejoice together. Every month of his labor he is, perhaps, per- mitted to see hundreds of precious souls gathered into the kingdom of Christ, and the churches great- ly revived and strengthened. Who can describe the joys tliat rise Through all the courts of Paradise ; To see a penitent return, To see an heir of glory born? " But the greatest joy connected with the work of a faithful evangelist is in reserve for him until his labors are ended, and he has passed within the pearly gates of the New Jerusalem. Then, when the glories of that wondrous world have fully burst upon his enraptured vision ; when his feet have really pressed its gold-paved streets, and the bright, beautiful banks of its tlowing river ; when the music of the harps of gold, and of angel voices have thrilled his soul; when he has really seen and bowed himself before the Savior ; when he begins to realize the blessedness and peace of such a home, — who shall describe the joy of his heart, as, from that white-robed throng there come many thousands, gathering around him, grasping him by the hand in gratitude and love, and lead him to the Redeemer, saying, "Jesus, we have believed on thee, and been led to this beautiful world through this one whom thou didst appoint to 'do the work of an evangelist' in thine earthly kingdom ! " O, the joy of such an hour ! And as the endless ages roll on, and his expanding mind ranges in wider fields of knowledge, and comprehends more and more the glories and wonders of the " inheritance of the saints," that joy will be ever growing deeper and sweeter, as he meets from time to time those who were brous^ht there throuo^h his labors. There may be greater trials in other departments of ministerial labor than in that of the evangelist, but there cannot be greater joys. And he whom God calls to this work may well rejoice and give to it all his strength and powers. ** 0, faint not in the day of toil, When harvest waits the reaper's hand ; Go, gather in the glorious spoil, And joyous in His presence stand." CHAPTER XVni. UNION MEETINGS. FOR a number of years past I have endeavored, when convenient, to have all evangelical de- nominations, who were willing, unite in meetings in which I have been called to labor, believing it to be better for the Redeemer's cause in the world, and for the salvation of lost men, that Christians of every name should work together in these special efforts. And although I have often labored with single churches of my own, and also of other denominations, yet I have usually felt satisfied that it would have been as well for that single church, and much better for the cause of Christ generally, had all the churches within a reasonable distance united in the work. 1 have never seen, or heard, or read anything to change my views on this subject, but, on the con- trary, my experience and observation have been constantly strengthening them. I have no sympathy with denominational quar- rels. All Christiaus ought to exhibit towards each other the spirit of their Master ; they should be oue in him, and love oue another as brethren. This they can do, and still differ in their opin- ions. Their highest interests are one ; they have the same Savior, and journey towards oue home, so that however dissimilar their views of some of the o)-dinances in the church, they can love as children of the same Father, and unite heartily in work for him. Nor does this compel them to hold their opinions loosely and half-heartedly ; such a thiug would be dishonorable and unmanly in any one. I respect and love a Christian the more for being firm in his denominational views ; it is his duty, as it is that of every man, fully and decidedly to believe what he professes, and to practise what he believes. My own denominational sentiments have ever been dear to me, and never more so than now ; and so I think it should be with every one. But, as I have laboi-ed, and wept, and prayed with thirteen or fourteen difierent denominations, in our own country and the British Provinces, I have learned to love all in whom I find the spirit of Christ. And, as I cannot and must not be the judge of their hearts, I concede to them, what I ask them to concede to me — the credit of entire sincerity. I never allow myself, when holding nnion meet- ings, to compromise what I believe to be true ; but intend to preach, and pray, and labor just the same as when alone with my own denomination. 11', as some maintain, the churches strive wrong- fully to secure for themselves the new converts, the blame must rest where it justly belongs. But I see no reason for unkind feeling between the different denomiuatigns, although each preach and practise what they believe to be right. I am accustomed, in every revival, to urge the converts carefully and prayerfully to search the Scriptures, that they may learn the will of Jesus, and, having learned it, to go and do what they believe he w^ould have them. Beyond this it does not seem necessary for me to go, nor can I think it would be wise ; because, believins: it best to leave the ^vork in the hands of the pastors while the interest is rising instead of waning, my stay in any revival is usually short, closing while many, frequently hundreds, are still inquiring the way of life. Further and more par- ticular direction, if needed, is left with the pastors and churches. I may have erred ; but this has been my usual course, and probably will be in the future. 1 will mention a few reasons for my confidence in the usefuhiess and [)r()priety of union meetings, where special efforts ure to be made for a revival of religion. They lead Christians to speak more kindly and tenderly of what they call each other's errors. As they work together they come to a better understanding of each other, and learn how few things there are in which they difier, and how many in which they agree. Their hearts are drawn nearer together, and they love one another as never before ; and, as a natural consequence, they speak more carefully and kindly of each other, and of those tilings in which they differ. In times of revival the joy of salvation is restored, and this tends to the same result ; no one, in the full enjoyment of religion, can speak unkindly of another. So that when Christians unite in labor for a revival, everything is at work remov- ing the disposition to speak of others in any way but kindly and lovingly. O that the sweet influences of these seasons of refreshing might permanently abide in the hearts of all believers ! What forbearance, what deep and tender love, what union of effort, what searchings after truth, what casting away of error, what rapid triumphs for Christ, what an attractive exhibition of the real spirit of Christ would then be manifest ! Union meetings convince the unconverted of a reality in religion. When they see Christians who differ in their denominational views, bowing together in prayer and hiboring harmonionsly and lovingly in a re- vival, notwithstanding all they have said and pub- lished in support of the practices of their various churches, they are constrained to say, " We think you are honest. We now believe there is a reality- in religion." A well-known gambler in Massachusetts w^as brought to Christ through just this influence, and said to me, "Mr. Earle, wherever you go, tell the world of my conversion ; tell them I could with- stand the appeals of each denomination when they worked separately, but when they united in a meeting, and I saw the spirit of love prevailing among them, I felt its power, and gave myself to the Savior." A talented physician, who had advocated infidel sentiments for many years, came into one of our meetings on the Pacific coast, and publicly made this statement : " For the last four years I have been convinced that there was no real foundation for infidelity ; and when I looked upon the difierent denominations, often speaking unkindly of each other, and refusing to work together for the salva- tion of souls, I felt there was about as little in the churches to rest upon. But when I attended this union meeting, and saw the brotherly love mani-i festecl, then I felt there was a reality in religion, and that I needed it. Nothing seemed to reach mo until I felt the power of this union of denomi- nations." Such cases are becoming common ; and they show clearly that when the impenitent see intelli- gent men, who honestly differ on points that seem to them of sufficient importance to require separate organizations, so far merging their differences as to toil and weep side by side for the salvation of souls, they are convinced thereby of a reality in religion. I will mention two instances, out of many, where churches of different denominations united and labored harmoniously together for a number of weeks, each administering the ordinances according to their own views, in the presence of the other, without apparently disturbing in the least the good feeling in the meeting, but, on the contrary, pro- ducing a marked effect in leading men to Christ : One occurred in New York more than twenty years ago. Two denominations — Congregational and Baptist — united in a series of meetings, and continued them three months ; afternoons and evenings of one week all worked together in one church, and the following week in the other, thus alternating back and forth, from week to week. When the meeting had been going on about four weeks, the time came for the Baptists to have their communion season and receive new members. At this point, if at all, trouble was to be expected. The ministers and deacons assembled to consider what to do : whether to pass by the ordinances, because the two denominations differed in regard to them, or observe them, each church according to their belief, with the other present as spectators, and thus show to the world that they could differ on these points, and yet love each other, and work together cordially, leaving each denomination to be responsible to God for their peculiar views. It Avas decided to adopt the latter course ; and, accordingly, on the following Sabbath the Baptists observed both ordinances, just as they would have done alone, — oivins: their reasons for not invitini? to the communion table the other church, who were present as spectators. The Holy Spirit descended upon the great con- gregation with melting power, and all seemed im- pressed with the fact that Christians could honestly differ and yet love one another. Thajt w^eek the I'cvival was much more powerful than it had been at any previous time. Four weeks more of this united labor passed, and then the Congregational church observed the ordinance of the supper, receiving at the same tiniG several adults and infants, according to their belief and practice ; — this time the Baptist church v\'ere present as spectators. The house was crowded. Again the Spirit filled the place ; and the ungodly went away, at the close of the service, feeling that they no longer had an excuse for doubting the value of the religion of Jesus. A few weeks after this, when it was thought best to close the extra meetings, the last day was spent in hearing converts relate their Christian experience, in the presence of both churches. Those candidates intending to join the Congregational church were then requested to take seats on one side the aisle, and those to join the Baptist, on the other. When this was done, each pastor brought forward the "articles of faith and practice" of his church, and examined the candidates for admission to that church, as thoroughly as he would have done had they been alone. At the close of the meeting, all bowed in prayer and thanks2:ivin2f to God, who had so richlv blessed his people throughout that delightful three months' union meeting : and all hearts found expression in the language of the familiar hymn, — " Among the saints on earth Let mutual h)ve be found; Heirs of the same inheritance With mutual blessings crowned.** Each pastor has since expressed a strong desire to repeat that union * meeting, so productive of good. The other case- was where the Baptist, Methodist, and Congregational churches united in a meeting, and carried it on, with great success, for four weeks. Many hundred, it was believed, found Christ precious. The meeting was held one or two djiys in one church, then in another, and so on through the four weeks. As the Baptist church had no pastor, I recom- mended, at the close of mv labors, that all the con- verts read and pray and search the Scriptures, as the}^ had opportunity, for five weeks, to learn their duty ; and that, if any one in the three churches spoke unkindly of the other denominations, with an evident view of influencing them to join their church, they mark that member — for it would be an evidence that he was not enjoying much love to Jesus, and therefore his words on those matters should have little weight. AYith these suggestions I left them, promising to return in five wx^eks, and meet all the converts and the three churches, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, to hear experiences. When the day came, we all met according to the appointment. The entire day and evening were spent in bearing the experiences of the young <3on verts. At the close, each '^^"^^i^ *'- the presence of the others, appointed the time and place for meeting those converts who had decided to johi that church, and completing the examination according to tlie views and practice of such church. The utmost harmony and good feeling prevailed between the churches, and Christ's cause was greatly honored and strengthened. These results have been experiened in so many other places as to confirm me fully in expecting them, wherever the different denominations heartily unite in working for the salvation of men. On the Pacific coast, wherever I labored, the denominations united, and I found their power over the community greatly increased thereby. When we are united to Christ, we are strong ; so when we, who are his children, are united, I believe we are strengthened. One may " chase a thousand," but " two put ten thousand to flight." Another reason for a union of difierent denomina- tions, in special efibrt for a revival, is, that the churches where the converts go will be prepared to receive them. When this is the case, the converts, as they join the various churches, are not taken to the arms of a cold mother, but find her warm, loving, and ready to nourish them. But when the revival is confined to one church, and converts — as some are almost sure to do — go to some other church and connect, they find no warmth, no nourishment; and after a little while, we may hear that they have not held uut well, and have been excluded. They may have truly loved Jesus, but the unrevived church had no such warm milk as was needed by these babes in Christ, and so they drooped and fell. The Spirit of God, I believe, is moving the denominations in regard to this subject — not only in favor of protracted effort for the salvation of men, but united efibrt. Calls come to me for such meetings from all parts of the country — from the Atlantic states, the Pacific coast, from our terri- tories and the British Provinces, and even from the Sandwich Ishmds ; so that I have now on hand requests. for such meetings, from at least two hun- dred churches of other denominations, besides those from my own. O for more laborers, and more evangelists, to meet the urgent calls from all parts of the civilized world ! When this demand is met, we may soon begin to sing, — " See, Jehovah's banner furled; Sheathed his sword : he speaks — 'tis done I Now the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdom of his Son. "Hallelujah! hark! the sound, From the centre to the skies, Wakes — above, beneath, around — All creation's harmonies." CHAPTER XIX. FOUE DAYS' MEETINGS. THE BurliDgton meeting closed ; T hastened home for a day, then on to New York, and embarked for the Pacific coast. For nearly a year I was absent from the Atlantic States ; yet during all that time the leaven of that one meeting was at work, and had proved itself of divine implanting. The great and eflfectual door, which our fathers had known forty years ago, had again opened to the church, and into it earnest Christians were pressing. Immediately on my return, calls came for meet- ings, three or four days in length, — " like the one at Burlington." States, counties, and associations had been holding them, and with great success. In October I met the churches of the " Wood- stock Association," for one of these meetings at Chester, Vt. — The interest was wide-spread, and drew together people from all the country around : mechanics closed their shops ; merchants left their stores ; farmers, their fields ; women, their homes, — find came to the place of worship. The " Watchman and Eeflector," of October 24, 1867, contains the following letter : "... Friends in Boston, Burlington, and Brandon had been pray- ing earnestly, as they had at many other points, that the Spirit would descend in great power upon the meeting. . . . "The clouds hung down close upon the moun- tains. Appearances all bespoke a long, uncom- fortable rain ; and before night, sure enough, it came down in torrents. If it shut out those who had not yet left their homes, it shut in those who had come, so that they had nothing but God's promises to rely upon. . . . "Sunday was a memorable day; our Father smiled, and held back the rain, and parted the clouds, and gently, yet powerfully, shed abroad his Spirit in the hearts of saints and sinners. "The Baptist house was too small, and we went over and packed the large Congregational church, above and below. . . . " In the afternoon the subject of the ' unpardon- able sin' was presented, to an audience still as d(ath. All seemed as if taken to the very point of decision ; and when the people were invited to express their intention to cherish whatever degree of interest was then felt, almost the entire assembly arose. . . . " 111 the evening the expression on the part of the congregation was even more full and emphatic than in the afternoon. A second meeting was appointed after the dismission of the assembly. The body of the house was nearly full. From eighty to one hundred came to the front seats for special prajer. When, at ten o'clock, this meeting was dismissed, many bowed their heads and hearts, and could not go. . . . " These meetings w^ere open to all. denominations : Methodists, Congregational ists, and Baptists, alike felt that it was good to be there." The plan was to close that evening ; but so deep was the feeling, I consented to remain through the next day, and take the midnight train for Massa- chusetts. This last day was the best of all. The academy in the place w^as closed, and worldly matters quite generally made secondary, so great was the inter- est. At the evening meeting, at the close of the sermon, those who believed they had that day obtained hope in Christ were requested to rise. Forty-six at once responded ; one hundred spoke for Jesas. The memory of that evening is precious. A month after this meeting it w^as my pleasure to preach again in Chester, one afternoon and even- ing. The work had continued. More than one hundred persons, who either had no hope, or had just started in the way of life, but were groping in twilight, knelt in the aisles and around the desk, to be prayed for. The hearts of God's people were as warm as when I left them ; work for Jesus had brought its reward, as it always does. When we complain of spiritual coldness and leanness, we have only to go to work for the Master obediently and sincerely, and our cause of complaint will be gone. Charlestown, Mass. — At the invitation of the "Boston North Baptist Association," I began a four days' meeting, with the churches of that body, at Charlestown, Mass., October 17, 1867. The attendance, at the opening, was not large ; but the presence of the Master Workman, and the evidences that he had been preparing the ground throughout the association, were marked in the tone of the meeting, and in the requests made by pastors and their people for friends that lay heavy on their hearts. In the afternoon nearly the entire congregation knelt down before God, and solemnly renewed their covenant with him. The second day was one of gracious triumph for Jesus ; the powers of darkness were routed ; the clouds rolled away ; and the place seemed the school of Christ, where all were sitting at his feet, learning of him. On the Sabbath the Spirit fell more especially on the unconverted, a large number of whom asked the prayers of God's people. Monday afternoon the pastors came back to join in a closing service, and all felt it to be a season of delight and blessino^. Among the incidents of that meeting one comes touchingly to the minds of many of us, as we recall the name of our esteemed brother Fulton, fother of the successful pastor of Tremont Temple church, Boston : Prompt at the meetings, quick to hear and obey the call of duty, ready for w^ork, zealous for the Master, he yet seemed dissatisfied with himself and his work. And on one occasion of great heart-searching among Christians, he expressed a deep longing to know, beyond a doubt, that his feet w^ere on the Rock ; and w^hen an opportunity was given, he at once, with his usual decision, went forward and knelt with those who sought a clearer evidence of their acceptance. We wondered then, but now is it not all un- ravelled and made plain? Had not his inner ear caught the footsteps of the dread messenger? the premonition that his title to an inheritance among the blessed was about to be tested at the gates of heaven? Yes, the longing soul was already plum- ing itself for its upward flight, beyond all doubt, and fear, and sin, to rest forever with its Savior; for he had hardly time to reach his western home before there came back the tidings, " Mr. Fulton is dead ! " That prompt tongue was silent ; that ear- nest eye closed forever ; that meeting at Charles- town had, in truth, been the "vestibule of heaven" to him, where we had almost seen him throwing off the sin-stained, travel-worn garments of earth, and gathering around him the folds of the spotless robes of heaven. My brother ministers, who of us will go next? Are we ready to lay down the sickle and meet the summons? I trust many still ivaiting on this side the river, were anointed from on high in this meeting, and are now, even here amid the Avork and trials of life, calmly anchored in the haven of God's promises. Ogdensburg, N. Y. — On the last day of Octo- ber I started for Ogdensburg, to begin the first of a series of four days' meetings, to be held in Novem- ber, stopping on my way at Amsterdam and Herki- mer to or'ive some account of the work on the Pacific coast, and reaching my destination Saturday evening. The meetiug began on the following morning, with a good attendance from among the churches of the " St. Lawrence Association " — the body that had called the meeting. Though we started at the foot of the hill, the progress of the work was by no means slow. The way grew brighter at each step, and soon emerged into the clear sunlight, where we found our hands filled with work and our hearts w4th gladness. Christ revealed himself unto his people, and they communed with him as a Friend. There were those in attendance who learned for the first time, in their own experience, what the love and friend- ship of Jesus meant. Believers bowed anew in submission to their Father in heaven, and looking upon all the events of life, whether sweet or bitter, dark or light, as coming from him, found peace and contentment. Holy faith and love grew rapidly during those four short days ; and from the precious closing meeting on AVednesday evening w^e went away to our phices in the battle of life, happier and stronger for our work than when we came together. Fairfax, Vt. — Long before the dawn of another day the cars were hurrying me away towards Fair- fax, where I was to begin a similar meeting with the churches of the " Lamoille Association." This meeting opened with a hirge attendance, and marked manifestations of the Spirit's presence, and gave to sight as well as faith promise of a good work. The promise was realized : the glory of the Lord shone about us, and his salvation appeared unto many. His people laid their all anew upon his altar, and he bestowed upon them, in turn, his richest gift^. The "river, the streams whereof make glad the city of God," flowed far and wide, increasing in depth and power each day, until on the fourth and last day it rested on all the place " like a sea of glory," and bore to many hearts and homes the priceless blessings of life and peace. A letter in the " Watchman and Keflector," of November 21, says of this meeting, ". . .A large attendance from the churches, with nearly every one of the pastors, mdicated the deep interest felt in the meeting. " Throughout the session the power of the Divine Spirit was very marked. . . . " Christians were very much revived, and re- turned to their churches prepared to work. " At the close of the exercises the following resolutions were adopted : — ^'?'?Resolved, That the Lamoille Association grate- fully recognize the hand of God in the present gathering of Christians at Fairfax, and acknowledge its obligations to him for the wonderful work of grace disphiyed in the quickening of his children and the conversion of sinners. " '•Resolved, That we do cordially recommend to our sister associations to hold similar meetings/ ..." Bristol, Yt. — The meeting at Fairfax closed on Monday evening, and the same night, bidding the delightful town good by, I started for Bristol, to meet the churches of the "Addison Association," for a meeting of the same character. The first day was stormy ; the attendance, small ; the prospect, not very encouraging. We could not tell then, what God had in store for us ; but on the second day all question was gone. The storm abated, and the people came crowding into the village from every direction, for long miles, and gathered together, with one accord, in the place appointed for the meeting. From this time until the close it was a season of rare sweetness and heavenly blessing. On the second day nearly the entire congrega- tion, large though it was, renounced all seltish ambition, and pledged themselves to be the Lord's, in thoir hearts, their lives, and their all. Jesus was present among his people, ratifying the cov- enant by a gracious fultillment of his promises. Genuine consecration to God will at once mani- fest itself in the life — a change will he see7i ; this was mjirkecl in this case. At the evening service following this aftcrnooi>'s work, the Spirit was pres- ent in great power, searching hearts as with a lighted candle. Dnty was thus made plain, and it was promptly met and obeyed. Christians saw wrongs they had done their fellow-men, and con- fessed them on the spot. One brother grasped the hands of two fellow-Christians with whom he had been at variance, acknowledged his wrong, and asked their forgiveness ; and amid sobs and con- fessions, mutual forgiveness and reconciliation fol- lowed. The scene broke down the cono^res^ation : disputes, complaints, and coldness rapidly melted away, and at the close our hearts were one in Christ Jesus. The last evenino^ of the meetins^ was one of mingled rejoicing and weeping : believers were happ3^ in the Lord ; Jesus led them up to Pisgah's height ; the impenitent were in deep sorrow on account of sin, and more than fifty of them asked the praj^ers of Christians. We could not tarry all night, as did the disciplct^ at Troas ; but another meeting, — the final, parting service — was appointed, to be held the next mornii g at half past seven. And at that Pentecostal hour, the weather quite cold, and the darkness hardly gone, a large congregation gathered at the church. I preached a short sermon, and then, in the remain- inir time before nine o'clock, — the hour I was com- pelU'd to leave, — seventy-five persons spoke for Jesus, and others led in prayer and songs of praise. The paper, just quoted from, says, in a letter from a correspondent : " . . .It was not long befoiti the place of meeting was crowded to its utmost capa- city ; sinners were found inquiring the way of life, and converts were rejoicing in hope. " Brother Earle's engagements compelled him to leave on Friday morning, after a meeting as nearly approaching the joys of heaven as anything we expect to participate in, this side the land of rest. "The work continues not only unabated, but with daily augmenting power, and is extending itself into the adjacent towns. From forty to fifty are already rejoicing in a new-found hope, and new cases of inquiry are of daily occurrence. . . ." At a later date. Deacon S. wrote: "The good work still goes on ; Christians are alive to the work, and are taking their neighbors by the hand, saying, ' Forgive me for my poor Christian life and neglect in not coming to you before, and asking you to come to the Savior.' I have seen some toucning scenes of this description between parents and children. . . . " To-day is a day of fasting and prayer, that God may prepare his children to go over the town, anc' converse with every person on the subject of re- ligion. Brethren and sisters are undertaking this work, who, two weeks ago, would have shrunk from it instantly ; so it is, God works through you in Bristol. . . . " I cannot find language to express my gratitude for your coming to Bristol ; and in this I know every soul in the place would join. . . ." Saxton's River, Yt. — Leaving Bristol, I spent an afternoon and evening at Chester, and before the morrow's sun had risen was on my way to begin a similar meeting, at ten A. M., with the various denominations at Saxton's River. This meeting, though not associational, had quite an extensive influence, and was well at- tended. For many miles the people came, on foot, in private carriages, and by public conveyance, some- times packing every available seat and standing- place in the church. At times the entire congregation seemed swayed by the power of the Spirit, sinners were crying for mercy, and Christians were pleading with and for them, and for one another. But Jesus, ever nigh to hear and save, turned the mourning of many into rejoicing, and the terrors of a broken law gave way to the joys of pardoning grace. The closing meeting was one of great refreshing ; our Father bestowed his benediction upon us, and w^e parted, faith pointing to the meeting above, where separation never comes. ** There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A long eternity of love, Formed for the good alone ; And faith beholds the dying here Translated to that glorious sphere." But the work did not stop with this four days' meeting. Says a friend, in a letter nearly a month later ; " . . .1 want to tell you what is being done in Saxton's Eiver. The Spirit of God is moving with mighty power ; it does seem as though the place was being shaken from centre to circumfer- ence ; old and young are coming to Christ; and religion seems to be the theme in every shop and store in the village. . . . " We all thank our dear Savior for directing you here, and we feel that God through you has worked a great work among us. It is the saying of many that this place has never been visited by the Holy Spirit with such power as at the present time. . . ." One of the pastors, writing for a Boston paper, at a still later date, says, "... The true revival spirit was poured on the place, and we are enjoying a more general and deeper work of grace than has been witnessed here, perhaps, for forty years. . . . "Both the churches in the pla(?e united in those meetings, and both are now reaping a rich harvest. "A very beautiful scene was witnessed as brother Earle closed his labors with ns. When leaving the house of God for the last time, as he was about to start for home, an interesting company of little girls were gathered in the vestibule, weeping, and de- siring to speak with him. When asked by him what they desired, with sobbing and tears they said, 'We are all sinners, and want you to pray for usi' He knelt in their midst, and in simple ftiith commended them to God. Four of the dear little girls, at least, are rejoicing in the Savior's love, as we write." Weary in body, but glad in heart, because of what God had done, I reached my home ; and though I had worked hard, preaching usually three times a day, meeting inquirers from sunrise until midnight, and travelling often by night, I felt that I would not exchange the sweet memories of that journey for those of the most tempting route of pleasure travel. Amsterdam, N. Y. — The meeting here began Thursday morning, January 17, 1868, and was continued throngh live clays. Four denominations united in the work, and met one day in one ehnrch, the next day in another, and so on through the meeting. The Young Men's Christian Association, men- tioned in another place, had for some time been helping prepare the way for the meeting, and now gave to it all their characteristic energy and ear- nestness. Prayerful ness, zeal, and brotherly hxve marked this entire season of lal)or. Frequently prayer was continued until the midnight hour. The heavenly showers at once began to descend on all the place. The Master of the vineyard was present to direct and bless. The attendance soon became too great to be accommodated in any one church. Accordingly, Christians retired as fast as necessary, and gave their places to the impenitent. In this way, on Sunday evening, the Presbyterian church was densely packed with a congregation quite largely made up of those who had no hope ; l)elievers bad retired to the session-room, where they con- tinued in prayer during the sermon ; others had gone to private houses. One group remained on their knees in prayer, without once rising, from seven until nine that evening. And we may believe prayer was heard ; for at that time the Spirit fell in great power upon the congregation in the church. So deep was the conviction for sin, we were obliged to ask Christians to vacate the session-room for the anxious, nearly two hundred of whom immediately resorted there for prayer and direction. On Monday evening the meeting in the Methodist church was of much the same character. Christians were greatly blessed in their own hearts. The remark was made in regard to one of the ministers, and one who came to be a faithful worker, "You would not know him; he appears altogether different ; even . his voice is entirely changed, — I actually would not have recognized it, had I not seen him when he was speaking." So marked is the change when the joy of salvation is restored to the Christian ! Many sought a closer union with Christ, — a rest in him by faith. A little company have since met with reference to that object, and very sweet and precious, I learn, have been their experiences. A letter says of the close of this meeting, " . . . The farewell meeting on Tuesday morning was melting. The love and union between the ministers, and also the churches, were truly beauti- ful. There seemed to be one common interest, — no more feeling for their own than for other churches." The interest had reaehed such a height, that at this closing service nearly two hundred anxious souls requested the prayers of Christians. God's people met the responsibility, and carried the work forward for weeks with great success. A letter, written some weeks after my departure, says, "... We have had a glorious work in Am- sterdam. There must have been two hundred and fifty conversions, already, and they are all such bright, active converts. Large additions have been made to the churches. An unusually large propor- tion of the converts are young men. And still the work goes on. We all iind plenty of work to do for Jesus. . . ." Such is the outline of some of the four days' meetings among the churches. And from these my own experiences in such meetings, from the success that has everywUere attended them, and from the fact that the church, years ago, reaped similar blessings from them, I am led to the firm conviction that in them we have one of the most valuable agencies that can be em- ployed, at the present day, in promoting revivals of religion. They can hardly be objected to on any ground : They are practicable ; neighboring churches can easily come together for such a work for four days. They bring together the best, most active, and earnest element of our churches for deliberation, prayer, and labor. They thus lead out of forms of service that have become stereotyped and life- less, correct mistakes, and give to all the benefits of the experience of each. They promote harmony and love between Chris- tians of different churches and denominations. They enlarge our conceptions of the power and resources of the church, and thus strengthen our faith and courage. And, to crown it all, they are generally followed by a precious revival of religion. CHAPTER XX. REVIVAL GLEANINGS. BOSTON, MASS. —In the spring of 1859 I hold a meeting in Treniont Temple, and preached about eighty times. This was a very precious meeting, and wide-spread in its results. As the Temple will seat about three thousand persons, and the seats are free for all, it is a great resort for the multitude. Many came from dif- ferent parts of the city and country to this meet- ing, found Christ precious, and carried the in- fluence far and wide. I learned that between one and two hundred converts united with the Temple church, and many with other churches, as the fruit of this meetino^. I held another meetino: in the same place in 1862. This meeting continued about three months. My home during this last meeting was in the family of Deacon Timothy Gilbert, the founder of the Temple enterprise, who has since gone to his reward on high. *' The memory of the just is blessed." Ill the spring of 1866 I held a union meeting in Boston with the Shawraut Avenue (Baptist), Park Street, and Mount Vernon (Congregational) churches ; dividing the five weeks of the meeting between the three. I need say but little more about this meeting than to refer the reader to the notice given of it in the fifteenth chapter of this volume, by Kev. Dr. Kirk and Rev. Dr. Hague. I held another meeting of four weeks in Boston, in the First Baptist church, January, 1868, Rev. Dr. Neale, pastor. This meeting w^ill be cherished among the pleasant memories of my life. There is a noble class of working members in this renowned church of two hundred years' standing. The work is still progressing. I give below the pastor's account of the meeting, taken from the "Watchman and Reflector" of January 23, 1868. "Rev. a. B. Earle in Boston. " Allow me to say a word in your paper of the recent labors of Rev. Mr. Earle in my church. I had hoped that by special and continuous meetings, the church, pastor, and all, might be quickened anew; that the effort might be blessed to the children of the Sabbath school ; that Christians who have thought to cherish their piety in secret might bo led to make open profession of faith ; and that strangers in the city, young men from the country, and persons "svho do not attend church anywhere, might be induced by the excitement of the occasion to come into the meetings, and thus be reached by the gospel. It is with grateful emotions that I am able now to say that these anticipations have been more than realized. Many conversions have already occurred among the young people of the congregation, and the number is multiplying daily. The members of the church are awakened to new life. There is among them a fervency in prayer, a sense of personal responsibility, and an activ- ity of individual eflbrt, that I have not seen for years, and which are so essential to a church's prosperity. " Mr. Earle is admirably fitted to this service by his long experience and personal character. He is a laborious, praying, and most trustworthy man. His preaching is faithful, earnest, direct. He deals in no claptrap or otfensive personalities. He interferes with no pastoral prerogative, but goes to his work like a true ambassador of the cross, with strong faith and most untiring persistence, and watches for souls as one that must give account. Resorting to no arts to secure personal favor, he has yet greatly endeared himself to us all. The farewell meeting and the parting interview will be loug remembered by the church ; attached friends, rejoicing converts, and a grateful pastor gathered around him. There was a delightful mingling of smiles and tears as we took him by the hand and sung, — * Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love.* " The kindest wishes and many prayers will fol- low our brother in his future labors." New York City, Fifth Avenue. — The meet- ins: in this church was commenced the last of January, 1868. Although I had engaged to be with them the year before, I was released until after my return from the Pacific coast. The church is not so central as those " down town," along the old and crowded thoroughfares of business ; still the ability of its pastor, the character of its members, and its position in the midst of the wealth and fashion of the city, gave it a wide in- fluence, and drew to its services quite a large attend- ance. The ordinary congregations were sometimes increased to overflowing during the meeting, but usually, only enough to comfortably fill the house. Among those who came in from other churches were man} whose familiar faces called to my mind plciisaiit memories of former meetings in the city. The pastor had been preparing the way for the meeting, and without reserve threw his whole heart and strength into it. I trust we w^ere one in heart and effort. The church slowly but surely rallied to the work, and put on their strength, and went out after the unconverted, and led them to Chi'ist. So that a precious revival was enjoyed. My principal object, however, in this account is to o-ive a sin2:le incident in this meetino:. A Broad- way merchant was awakened by the artless words of his little son: "Father, are you a Christian?. I don't see any seal on your forehead." The circumstances were these : During the morning service, one Sabbath, a gentleman devoted to his business and the pleasures of the world, noticed his little boy persistently holding his lingers in his ears. Surprised, he asked, " Charlie, why do you hold your lingers in your ears?" "Why," said he, "Mr. Earle made us all cry, in Sunda}^ school, this morning, and I don't want to cry here in church, so I am not going to hear what he says." By and b}^ looking around him, and noticing that nobody seemed to be crying, he ventured gradually to remove his lingers from his ears. Just then 1 was speaking of the *' sealing " mentioned by John in the seventh of Revelation, and I made a remark something like this : " My brethren, would you be willing to have a plain, broad seal put upon your forehead, so that, wherever you went, every one could see it, and learn that you were a Christian? Would it not keep you from some places \yhich you now visit?" This aroused his attention and curiosity, and, turning about, he whispered, "Father, what is a Christian ? " The unconverted father replied as best he knew how. The boy looked searchingly at his father's forehead, and asked, "Father, are you a Christian? I don't see any seal on your forehead." The fiither afterwards said, that had his boy drawn a pistol on him he could not have startled him more suddenly and painfully. The question sped straight to his heart, as an arrow of conviction ; he knew not what to reply. He was determined, however, not to yield to his feelings, and in the afternoon went out for his customary pleasure drive. But the pleasure was gone ; he felt no interest in the ride ; his boy's Bermon was rankling in his heart, — he could not get rid of it ; his eyes went straight to the fore- head of every one he passed, in search of the <* seal." He resisted the Spirit for several days ; but at length yielded so far as to come again to the meet- ings. The sermon, that evening, was on " The Unpardonable Sin." His conv^ictions grew stronger ; Charlie's words sounded louder than ever, — "Father, are you a Christian? I don't see any seal on your forehead." Fear lest he had com- mitted the sin that never can be forgiven, now added its termr. He felt that he could not, must not dela}' ; if it were not already too late, it soon' might be. He seized the offered opportunity, and presented himself as a subject of prayer ; with his whole heart he sought pardon. Soon he was re- joicing in hope, and, not long after, he was baptized, and received into the church. And, before I left, little Charlie came to me, say- ing, "Mr. Earle, I wish you would put my name in your little book ; for I think I love the Savior now. I don't want to stop my ears ixny more when you speak." People from other churches and other cities shared in the blessings of this work. Thus, I am told, a precious revival was commenced in Patter- son, N. J. Many families and churches in differ- ent parts of the city were blessed in the same way. Such seems to be the divine plan in regard to revivals ; by some providence, people from other localities are drawn into them, and thus the work is e:x tended. Tabernacle Church. — Here I found a noble company of working members. The Spirit had preceded me — all was ready, and a blessed work followed. This church is located on the crowded thoroughfare ; the throng came, and many found Christ precious, and carried the influence of the meeting in every direction. Although a large amount of wealth is found in this church, and an able pastor, I have seldom found a more humble, working body of members. Many of the converts united with this church, and large numbers with other churches in the city and vicinity. A further account of this and the Fifth Avenue meeting is given by their pastors, in another chapter. Philadelphia, Penn. — I left New York, and commenced meeting here, in April, 1868, with the First and Tabernacle Baptist churches, alternating between the tw^o. With the strong hold both pastors have on their people, and the large number of regular attendants in each congregation, our audiences were very large, sometimes numbering two thousand. The Spirit had prepared the way, so that the city of William Penn seemed all ripe and ready for the sickle. Many were gathered into the fold of Christ; but I have no space for particulars, and cau ouly say, after a short, but precious meeting of three weeks, I left for Syracuse, thankful for the acquaintance formed and the blessings received. Lawrence, Mass. — In 1859 I assisted the pas- tor. Rev. F. Remington, in a meeting of four weeks in this city. More than fift}^ converts were received into the church the last Sabbath of the m.eeting, and many others gave themselves to Christ in that precious revival, among them some who were shortly afterwards killed by the falling of the " Lawrence ]Mills." Dover and Great Falls, N. H., and South Berwick, Me. — This was my first series of meet- ings in the fall of 1864. Twelve churches united in this work of four weeks. A part of the time I preached in Dover in the morning, South Berwick in the afternoon, and Great Falls in the evening, and so on day by day. I can only say here, I expect to praise God forever with many happy souls brought to Christ during this glorious union meeting. Concord, N. H. — This meeting was held In 1 S64. All the evangelical churches united. Meet- ings were held two days in one church, then two in the next, and in this way with each one. A verj precious revival was enjoyed, the sweet fragrance of wliich will spread throughout eternity. BiDDEFORD AND Saco, Me. — Nine churches united in this meetino' in 1864. Meetings were held in two large halls, one in Biddeford, the other in Saco, alternately, a day at a time in each. The power, and preciousness, and wide-spread results of this meeting will only be seen when we reach the " better country." Our dear brother Packard laid down his life at the commencement of this work. Brooklyn, N. Y. — This meeting was held in 1866. As Strong Place and the Tabernacle churches called this meeting, the largest share of the services were held with them, but mornings, and several times during the whole day, in other churches of different denominations. In this way we held meetings in twelve different churches. The meeting continued forty days. The season was glorious. The pastors and members of these churches will ever hold a warm place in my heart for their earnest and hearty cooperation in these services, and their great liberality to me. May our dear Savior bless and keep them all. The volume in heaven contains a full account of all these meetings. May the final review bo pleasant to us all. Syracuse, N. Y. — I commenced meeting here ill May, 18G8. This meeting also was with the two Baptist churches. Their pastors are young, but men given up to God, and of fine talents. I do not know how many have united with the churches, but hear the work continues. I thank God for my visit to Syracuse. It was now June, and having preached more than four hundred times since October last, without rest, 1 bade the churches good by, and hastened to my home in Newton, ^Nlass., to rest for a season, and complete this volume. CHAPTER XXI. THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST. THE recent remarkable work of grace ia the Pacific States having been watched with un- common interest in the other portions of our country, because of the peculiar relation of their people to us, they having gone out from among us, leaving here their youthful homes, their friends, and often their families ; and, as a natural conse- quence, a very general desire having been expressed that I W(nild give fuller information concerning it, I have consented to do so in this form ; yet I shrink from the attempt, since the canvas herein afforded is too narrow for anything but a bird's-eye glance — the merest outline. What a marvellous history of incident and experience belongs to any revival ! How then hope, in these few pages, to describe this work, embracing as it does so many revivals, and interest and influence so 'wide! And this t-hrinking is increased by the fact of my ignorance of much of the work, since, in the differ- ent places I visited, it continued after my depar- ture ; and, besides, many a lamp was lighted in those places and then borne away to distant and neighboring towns, where other revivals were kindled by it. In all these movements the circles swept beyond my vision, and their results and character are, to a great extent, unknow^n to me. Still, perhaps, I may be able, in some measure, to meet the desire on both sides of our continent, and also realize the hope I cherish of lierebv increasiuof faith in Christian labor, and above all of h(>norinJ merchant remarked, a few days since, that the mass of his class were never in a state of such readiness to be influenced and won to Christ. Some, whose busi- ness or professional engagements call them away, seem very sad in view of the possibility of not being able to attend on your services. "Many of these impressions are the result of appeals from relatives and friends in other cities, who have been subjects of the Spirit's operations in connection with your labors, — many, the life-long subjects of prayer on the part of pious friends, and DOW looking for a work strong enough to carry them beyond the partial and unsuccessful endeavors of other occasions. ... "All the ministering brethren, with God's people, and many of our first-class non-professing men, are ? intensely anxious for you to come immediately. . . . "The future of this metallic state must now be made, and will be more aflected by the mighty out- pouring of the Spirit on your visit than any and all othei eflbrts. This city and state must be saved. We must all put our hearts and strength with yours in the hopeful endeavor. ..." As soon as the meeting here was opened, all that had been said of the interest, and more, was ap- parent; people of every name, age, and condition came, quiet and earnest, crowding every seat, aisle, and corner\)f the house of God. The busy, driving throng were moved by the Spirit's power. The Spirit reached men's hearts, in the mines, in the crushing-mills, on the street, in the nois3^ marts of trade, in their quiet homes, as well as in the sanctuary. In the latter place God honored most the faith and labors of his people, and there displayed the riches of his grace in daily bringing many into his kingdom. An editorial in one of the daily papers of Virginia City, "The Trespass," says, " This city never before witnessed so profound an interest in religion, as is now evident under a single wreck's labors of Eev. Mr. Earle. " Six services were held yesterday. All were thronged. The preaching service of the morning was one of uncommon tenderness ; there was scarce- ly a dry eye in the house ; stalwart men were melted under the winning representations of the truth. " The evening sermon on the * Unpardonable Sin reached a culmiDation of impressiveness which can be realized only by those who witnessed it. The church was crowded inside and out by assembled multitudes : no efFort for excitement, no strange, startling statements ; but the simple, conclusive setting forth of the subject brought the whole mass, almost without an exception, to their feet, in a most solemn testimony of a fixed purpose to cherish the interest each felt in his personal salvation. " The community seemed to be there almost in a body ; and yet so thoughtful and quiet, the tickiug of a clock could have been heard. " At the conference meeting, scores of men and women, heads of families, — husbands and wives, ? — came forward for prayer. " Many submitted to Christ on the spot. ..." Here, among these large-hearted people, occurred one of those never-to-be-forgotten episodes in the minister's life, w^hich turn towards him the silver lining of the cloud that may have gathered over him. It was in the very solid and substantial form of a silver brick, weighing some thirty pounds, "Presented" — as was engraved upon its polished surface — "to Kev. A. B. Earle, by his friends in Story County, Nevada." , I was then, and am now, unable to express my appreciation of this gift, which so generously rep- resents not only the business of these people, among whom this meeting was held, and the great wealth of their mines, but, especially and above all, the wealth and the greatness of their hearts ; yet my thanks — if I cannot express them as I w^ould — are none the less warm and fervent in my heart. Through the kindness of " Wells, Fargo, &, Co." the brick was forwarded to New York free of charge. Kind donors, each and all, may He who sits on the circle of the heavens, and " keeps count," repay you with that " loving favor, which is to be chosen rather than silver and gold." Carson, Nevada. — Seventeen days, filled with work from morning to midnight, and rich in heaven- ly blessings, went their rapid round, and I passed on to Carson, the capital of the state, the centre of much refinement and wealth, and not lacking in worldliness. My home was with Governor Blasdell ; a man to w^hose excellences as a statesman there is added the crowning glory and qualification of a Christian character. There was the same craving for special revival labors as elsewhere. People came long distances to attend the meetings, sacrificing money and the comforts of home, with the hope of receiving better treasure. • * Tlie blessings of mercy and love were bestowed abundantly on every band, on all who came to the cross and submitted to Jesus. The multitudes that came, thronging the places of meeting, were sometimes moved, as one man, by the Spirit's power, and, when the oppor- tunity was given, would rise, with one consent, to express not merely an interest in the things of religion, but a purpose to share in its hopes and enjoyments. Christians came to be refreshed, and, having received the coveted blessing, almost invariably went out to work for Jesus, — to such activity does the enjoyment of religion ever tend. And I rejoice that there is this working side so closely connected with the rejoicing side of our religion. Herein is its outward, aggressive, and progressive power. Christian, go work, not repiningly, but gladly, — thanking God every night that each day is a day of w^ork ; be content, though here we toil, "there's sweet rest in heaven ; " here, the sowing and the reaping, — afterwards, the thanksgiving feast, in our Father's house on hiofh. o " Beyond the gatliering and the strewing, I sliall be soon ; Beyond the ebbing and the flowing, Beyond the coming and the going, I shall be soon. Love, rest, and home ! Sweet hope ! Lord, tarry not, but come ! " The work prevailed in every part of the city : where life was busiest and most crowded ; in quiet avenues and suburbs ; in store and office, and in dwelling, — so that in every neighborhood and street, and almost in every family, there was the light of an earnest, loving. Christian life ; and thus that " leaven," of which our Savior spoke, was at work in all the city, leavening and transforming the outer, and much of the inner life of the city. Said one of the pastors, in a letter some time after the meeting, " Our town life has changed. ..." Governor Blasdell, with his peculiar advantages for discovering the real condition of the city, also wrote me, "... The good done is not confined to those who have united with the churches, /or a dif- ferent spirit pervades the entire eomraunity. ..." This was my last meeting in Nevada, though the call was almost universal for me to remain, and the field one of great promise and attractiveness. Professors of religion and non-professors stood side by side to welcome me. Let me give a single illustration — the caso of Austin, a city ranking high in importance and inflnence. Among the re- quests from this place was one signed by ninety- nine of its principal men, quite a large number of them in the legal profession. The clerk of the District Court, who circuluted the petition, said h*; believed every man in the city would have signed it had there been an opportunity. The governor also urged the case, and even offered to accomp uiy mc. But I could not go. Such were the fields spread out before me through the state. Friends in Nevada, in heart I reach out my hand towards you, and grasp yours in loving greeting; and I beseech you, do not give up the work. Con- secrate to it the riches of your material resources, the activity of your hands, and the earnestness of your hearts, which you have ah-eady so well em- ployed in building up the temporal interests of your state. Then will you, by the blessing of God, in like manner secure that spiritual prosperity you so much iesire. May God help and richly bless you ah ! CHAPTER XXV. THE WOEK ON THE PACIFIC COAST — CONTINUED. VER the Sierras again ! Now riding, and now walkins: to liofhten the stasfe ! One hour blinded with the drifting dust, and another, slowly toilino* throuo^h the drifted snow ! So was the twenty hours' ride from Nevada back to California diversified, until, at early morn, I found myself once more in the familiar streets of Placerville. And at seven and a half o'clock on that summer morning I had the pleasure of meeting the people again in one of the chnrches. Warm were the greetings. The whole service, — the attendance, the interest, the spirit manifested, — carried us vividly back to former meetings. I was preaching to the same ready hearers, listening to the same voices. In that brief hour we lived over the past, and, with brighter hopes and stronger faith, looked across the dark river, — " To the spring-embosomed shore, Where the sweet light shineth ever." Nevada City, Cal. — Only a few hours iit Placerville, then on through Sacramento to Nevada City, — an active business place, the noise of whose manufactories and quartz mills greets the oar by day and by night. Prosperous as was the city in material thii\gs, in spiritual it was represented as very barren. One uf the pastors wrote me, « . . . Nevada City is emphatically a hard place. . . . There is no time to entertain the blessed Savior. . . . Ordinary means are powerless to awaken the people here. If you can come, they will hear jo\x. Some who never see the inside of a church are inquiring for you. . . ." But whatever the indifference had been in the past, the Spirit seemed to have dispelled it at the opening of this meeting. From the first there was no lack of interest. The largest places in which we assembled were filled with attentive hearers. The work was deep and thorough ; the foundations of men's hopes were tried as by fire. Some in the church saw they had been building " on the sand." One of the pastors w^as almost ready to assert, posi- tively, he had never known anything about religion, by experience, until that meeting. Sceptics threw aside their infidelity, and fled to the cross ; miners left their unsatisfying search after go.d and silver, and sought with success enduring riches, and clasped to their hearts, with an ever- lasting hope, a title to boundless wealth, and a hap- py home above ; and many a man, f\ir away from loved ones, took up his hitherto wearisome, lonely round of daily toil with zest and pleasure, because n^w it was done for Jesus. Christians Avere at work as though they had never thrown ofi' the harness, or allowed the rust to gather on their armor. The converts, too, were a large company of active, rejoicing laborers. Grass Yalley, Cal. — At the end of fourteen days duty called me away from that pleasant field of labor to Grass Yalley, a city four miles distant, presenting many attractions, — a happy home, where one may be sure of warm friends. The city was waiting for the work, — looking for the opening of the " windows of heaven." The blessing seemed already on its way, and when it came there was abundance of work for all to do. Some faithful ones were ready for work ; but the great mass, as in every revival, had first to build ovei against their own houses before they could help others. The cono:re£:ations crowded the church within an-i without, presenting an appearance something like those of John Foster, in England, who, it is said, " was accustomed to have two audiences, one with- iu the church and the other withcuit, listeninor eagerly through the open 'windows." The hardest hearts and the most tender were alike touched by the Spirit. Men grown gray in sin, and children who nightly lisped that simple prayer of childhood, "Now I lay me down to sleep," kneeled together among the anxious, seeking Jesus, and none were turned away because too young or too old : " Over the city went the cry, * Jesus of Nazareth paSseth by ! '" and as it was in those days, when he was on the earth in human form, so now the multitudes thronged about him, and were healed by him, not indeed of bodily, but of spiritual diseases. The expressions and letters of these rejoicing ones are full of interest. A little girl, who, though young in years, had drunk deep of the cup of sor- row, wrote me a letter, containing this little ser- mon, and bit of experience : " Tell the little chil- dren about the Savior ; tell them how a young girl found him while she was the chief of sinners. Tell the girls, in your travels, not to wait till they get to be as old as I am. I have no father, and am starting out on God'* mission alone ; no one to guide or take me by the hand, and say, ' Come, my daugh- ter, ^ome to Jesus ; ' but I think Christ may bring me through. ..." In his own artless way, a little boy wrote me, "1 want you to pray that i may grow up to be a true Christian. If I die before you do, I would like to hold a light in the Avindow for you ; and if you die before I do, I should like for you to be the one to hold it for me. ..." One Vvho had long been a Christian wrote, "I thank God for a brighter sky, and stronger faith, through your preaching." Santa Cruz, Cal. — After twelve days, I left this wide and growing work, to meet an engagement of long standing with the churches of Santa Cruz, a favorite resort of those seeking rest and recreation at the sea shore, and not inappropriately called " the Newport of the Pacific." My stay was very limited, as the time for sailing homeward was near at hand. Yet, brief as it was, I was permitted to see a quickening of religious thought and feeling through the city. "What shall I do, then, with Jesus?" was the frequent inquiry. Some rejected him, others em- braced him. The clouds were lifted from many hearts and homes where Jesus was welcomed as a guest. O, how his presence lights up and beautifies any dwelling, be it lowly or elegant ! Then does it become truly a home. " For aye, by day and night, He keeps the portal ; suffers nought Defile the temple he has bought, And filled with joy and light." Those few da^'s at Santa Cruz will ever furnish a pleasing retrospect ; not simply because of the attractions of that lovely watering-place, much as they were prized, but chiefly because the thanks of pastors and their people, and of rejoicing converts, assure me that Jesus was honored in the awaken- ing of the careless, the salvation of souls, and the reviving of his love among his disciples. On my way thence to San Francisco, the people of San Jose had arranged for me to preach once more in their city. The church was crowded with familiar faces. The ties of Christian love seemed stronger than ever. The w^ork had gone on ; new tv?stimony was given of pardoning love ; converts had grown strong, working for Jesus. We parted sadly ; yet most of ns, as Christians, only for "a little while," — *' A little while to tell the joyful story Of Him who made our guilt and curse his own ; A little while, ere we behold the glory. To gain fresh jewels for our heavenly crown." From San Jose 1 went on, directly through San Francisco to Oakland, where a service similar to the last had been appointed. It was a delightful reunion of hearts endeared in a common and holy cause. The peace that Jesus gives was with us. There was much to be told of God's dealings with us since our separation. The hour was much too short ; but at its close we could look up and sing, — " We shall meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll." On the morrow I went back to San Francisco to take my leave of the Pacific coast, arrangements having been made by the Ministerial Union for farewell services on that evening in the large and handsome church just built by Dr. Scudder's society. My heart was growing sorrowful, — the realiza- tion that my work there was drawing to a close could not be kept back. Ministers, brethren and sisters, young converts, and the impenitent, whom we had learned to love, were calling upon us, and expressing their sorrow at our departure. Sweet memories of the past mingled w th sad thoughts of the regions still asking and entreating help. Nine and a half months before, I had landed on those shores, a stranger ; sent for to work with the pastors and churches for the Savior, and not knowing what was before me. Some, timid and unbelieving, had whispered of failure, and consequent dishonor to Jesus: "The field is difficult; men become indifibrent to spiritual things in the search for gold ; the ablest pastors are there, and yet say they fail to reach the masses." True, abler pastors than were laboring on the Pacific coast could not be found ; and had success de- pended on mere human power I should never have gone, for I could do no better work than the pas- tors. But as God had said, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit," I was ready to go in his name, believing his promises were as reliable on the Pacific coast as in the most favored cities of the Atlantic. And so putting my trust in God, I had obeyed the call, and entered on the part of the work as- signed me. The pastors had done their part. The results — some of which are here given — can only be known fully in eternity. And now, though that work was still going on, my part therein was done ; no more was I to share in its cares, its joys, and its sorrows. I was now going away, — no more, however, a stranger; — tender chords of friendship bound me to mm um- bered hearts and homes, and everywhere I was welcomed as a brother beloved. We were now to meet — pastors and people of San Francisco, and of other places where I had labored — to recount God's doings on the coast, and utter the sad farewells. The hour came. Up to the courts of the Lord came his people, a victorious host. My heart was moved at the sight of such a general and hearty tribute to one whose services had been so imper- fect. I could only say, down in my heart, "Jesus, thou hast used me — as thou hast many others of these brethren — as a channel for conveying thy blessings upon these people : for the warm place this has given me in their hearts, I thank thee ; but the glory all belongs to thee I " The exercises were tender and melting ; pastors and other brethren spoke out of warm hearts, I am sure, and their kind words are not forgotten. Amid such scenes and crowding memories I preached my fiirewell sermon ; gathering into it some account of the work over the coast, which the brethren had desired to hear and I could find no other opportunity to give. The meeting closed ; but long we Imgered, press- ing into the fiying moments those last and sweetest expressions of friendship which live in the heart through life and beyoud the grave. , 111 the morning our friends again surrounded us ; this time, at the wharf where we were about to embark. Hurried but tender were the W(;rds, — quick but hearty the grasping of hands, — until the steamer loosened her fastenings from the Paciiic shore, and bore us out over the beautiful bay to the sea. With tearful eyes we watched those loved friends, the receding city and shore, uiitil at length, a dim speck in the distance, they faded from sight, ours, thereafter, only in memory's watch and ward. Our voyage was cheered by the company of several of our Pacific friends ; among them Rev. William M. Martin, of Virginia City, — a man w^hose large heart, genial culture, and Christian nobility have forever endeared him to the people of Nevada; also, Rev. D. B. Cheney, D. D., of San Francisco, — an able pastor, and one whose rare executive ability had given him a wide and moulding influence on that coast, and who was now, with his family, reluctantly leaving his post, compelled by physical prostration to seek a change of climate. The thoughtful kindness and Christian care and courtesy of Captain Farnsworth, the commander of our steamer on the Pacific, made for him a host of f. lends of those who, like ourselves, were so fortu- nate as to secure a passage in his vessel. Daily, at the twilight hour, our Father's watch- care was publicly acknowledged and invoked ; and, perhaps, never did such worship seem more pre- cious than there amid the dangers of the ocean. On a quiet Sabbath evening, under the light of August's full moon, our vessel glided to her Wharf, and we stepped once more on the familiar shores of New York, grateful for the care and blessing vouchsafed to us during our absence. Many who had bid us " God-speed " on our de- parture, had assembled in Strong Place Church, Brooklyn, to welcome us home ; but an unexpected delay of the steamer in quarantine prevented our reachiug the city in time to meet them. On the morrow we hastened towards home and children ; and, at length, welcome came the cry, « Home at last ! " Very soon a reaction' came on, — I had over- worked, — and for weeks I was under the physi- cian's care, in a very dangerous and suffering condition. With the return of health, the brethren in New York and Brookl3'n again arranged for a reception. We met in the same church where the farewell services had been held : but now all was rejoicing. Fervent and loving was the welcome. Some account of the work on the Pacific coast was given ; and, together, we praised God for his great goodness. CHAPTEK XXVI. THE WORK ON THE PACIFIC COAST — CONTINUED. G^ O with me, in the swift, silent trcacl of thought, r once more along my Pacific pathway. Bright and sunny it winds among the lands and cities of three states, a full five thousand miles, bridging almost a year, and linking two ocean-journeys of six thousand miles each. Scattered here and there over this route are eleven different denominations, many times that number of churches, and more than three hundred ministers, with whom I labored, receiving the most unbounded confidence and cooperation ; and at least one hundred thousand people who heard from me the glad news of salvation, as it fell from my lips in more than five hundred sermons, and which was again repeated and testified to by believers, in almost as many prayer and inquiry meetings. Here, among these people, it was believed I was permitted to see five thousand souls born int(; the kingdom of Christ; and a work not far behind this in importance, in the increase of religious fervor and activity among Christians. People who, after a long absence, have visited some of these cities since the meetings, have said to me, "I hardly knew the place; old acquaintances, who used to care only for pleasure or money- making, began at once to talk about religion, — everybody seemed different." As this work was invariably carried on by the anited efforts of different denominations, it perma- nently increased tlie love and sympathy between them. It was seen that differences of creed among Christians need not be walls of separation, and sources of distrust and envy ; that the Christian church, under whatever name, in its mission on earth, is a means, not an eiid, — the staging of the one great spiritual temple, whose foundation is Christ. Said Gen. R., "There has been no revival like this since the days of Whitefield." The following extract from a communication made by a committee of ministers of Virginia City and Gold Hill, Nevada, repeats a sentiment often expressed in other places : " . . . Mr. Earle's labors have resulted in a lasting blessing to these cities, to the ministers, to the churches, to public and private :norals, to families, to individuals, to children, .and to strangers. He will never be forgotten by these people ; hundreds will bless hun, in the New Jeru- salem, who, but for his labors, never would have entered there. ..." The following, from a pastor in San Jos^, rep- resents a class of letters that reach me from the coast : — " San Jose, December 13, 1867. " Dear Brother Earle : Your works and la- bors of love meet us in the prayer meeting, the Sunday school, and in social life. . . . Thus far not one of the converts here, so far as I know, has gone away backward. . . . No man need hope for a warmer reception, this side of heaven, than the people of San Jose would give you, if they had an opportunity. . . . You know something of my deep interest in your meetings in California. But really I had, at the time of your leaving, by no means an adequate idea of the greatness and glory of the work, even to human view. ..." None of us can take credit to ourselves in this work, — the way was so thoroughly prepared by the Spirit, and all was so plainly carried on by him. He seemed to have left no portion of the coast unreached by his special influences ; and the people, thus aroused, were ready to enter into the .meetings with that whole-heartedness so character- istic of them. With too little confidence in their own unaided efibrts, they turned to me from every quarter, when I landed among them, as one divinely sent to do the work of an evangelist. The call w^axed louder during all my stay. From all parts of the three states to which my labors were confined, and from Idaho, Colorado, and Washington, came the most urgent appeals, signed by representative men in the churches, irrespective of denomination, and by representative men out of the churches. One of the requests from Oregon, for instance, asking me to visit the county seats, was signed by the governor, by twenty pastors, and by men in other positions. And wherever I went, whatever the business of the people, whatever the weather, there was au enthusiasm and- an interest in the meetings almost unlimited. The services were invariably quiet and orderly ; never was there the slightest disturbance ; and the treatment shown me was always kind, cordial, and generous. Tl ere was no time or place for rest. Only a single day did I take for recreation or visiting the natural wonders with which the Creator has so richly furnished that coast. On my way to a meeting in the region of tlie ^ big trees " of California, I could not resist the temptation to make a pilgrimage of a few hours to those monuments of the past, — trees whose infant branches may have b6en stirred by winds that had hardly been hushed since they bore towards heaven the last incense from the altars of the Jewish Temple, or hurried Paul on his way to Rome ! There they stood in silent grandeur I From a throne four thousand feet above the sea, they towered up beyond, towards the blue sky, three hundred and four hundred feet in height, and in circumference nearly one quarter as great ! I have listened to the thundering voices of Niagara ; have gazed on mountain peaks forever buried in snow ; have looked upon the majestic, speaking ocean, bounded only by the blue sky ; — but among them all nothing has so hushed my soul into silence, with a sense of the majestic presence of the Intinite, and the place of his dwelling, as did these mighty, untitled peers of the forest, — these living witnesses of unnumbered generations of the dead. We have now glanced over this work, the mem- cries of which are among the sw^eetest of my life ; have together visited some of its scenes ; heard some of its records of joy, and gathered up some of its results : we have made but a flying visit, when it needed to have been like that of the tourist who spends days and weeks at each point of interest along his route, — so crowded with incident and thrilling with interest is the history of every day of this work, every meeting, and every place in which it was carried on. But we can no longer linger : and turning away from the retrospect, while standing, ns it were, among the wonders and glories of Nature just mentioned, we could wish the place were some Pisgah, from which we could, with reverent hand, lift the veil of the future, and look upon the full, garnered harvest of this work of grace, whose beginning only, we hope, is herein traced, — but such a vision is not for mortal eyes. But when " this mortal shall have put on im- mortality," — when time shall be no more, — then^ what is unknown here will be known ; what is un- finished here, finished ; and then we shall have an eternity in which to talk of these and all the wonders of redeeming love. To you, in these Atlantic States, whose hearts were with us in this work, I turn, in the name of our Pacific brethren, to thank you for your interest and your prayers. You did "hold the ropes." Your messages over the " spiritual telegraph " reached the throne of grace, and thence those for whom they were sent ; for them and for myself I heartily thank you. Some time before my departure from the coast, eM letter the Ministerial Uniou sent me the following kind " San Francisco, May, 1867. ' Eev. a. B. Earle. " Esteemed Brother : At the regular meeting of the San Francisco Ministerial Union, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted, and ordered to be sent to you. . . . ^^ '' WJiereas , This Union, one year ago, entered upon the consideration of " our duty as gospel min- isters to the masses of this city, who are unreached by the gospel," which consideration resulted in call- ing to this coast Rev. A. B. Earle to labor as an evangelist; and, '''Wliereas, The labors of Mr. Eai-le have been most signall}^ blessed of God, in promoting revivals of religion, and in leading sinners to the Savior; and, " * WTiereas, There is the fullest reason to believe that the continuance of his labors here would be productive of great good to the cause of evangelical religion ; therefore, ''^ ^Resolved, That we gratefully recognize the guiding hand and abounding mercy of our heavenly Father in leading his servant hither, and in giving him so great success in his chosen sphere of labor, and that we express to Mr. Earle our full and cor- dial approbation of his labors iu this city and on the coast. " '•Resolved, That we earnestly invite Mr. Earle to prolong his stay on the coast, at least another season, to labor with such church or churches as may invite him in city or country, resuming his labors here as soon. as may be after completing his present engagements, and securing to himself a suitable season of relaxation and rest.' "A. L. Stone, Qhairman, "H. A. Sawtelle, Secretary'^ Brethren of the Ministerial Union, this letter, so full of confidence and good will, only adds another to your man}^ and constant acts of kindness and cooperation. From the spirit of your call, from my knowledge of some of your number, who, like your chairman, — the former loved and honored pastor of Park Street Church, Boston, — are known and esteemed here at the east, I knew I might expect much from you : but so much as you were ev^r ready to do I had hardly anticipated. I thank you most sincerely for it all. I am still in the hands of the Master who sent me to you, and whatever his bidding in the future, I shall joyfully obey, and none the less so if it be to visit your coast again. And now, brethren and sisters on the Pacific coast, over the ^vide separating lands of a continent my thoughts hasten, and linger among you. For your confidence in me, for your open hearts and homes, for your generous support, I thank you. For your willing minds and hands, for the prompt- ness with which you sprang to the work, for your union of hearts, for the honor you have added to the cause of our Savior, in the name of the church, and, above all, in the name of Christ, I thank you.. Go on ; be not weary in w^ell doing. It is for you to say where the work you have so well begun shall end. *' 0, watch, and fight, and pray; The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore." Young converts, you have a warm place in my heart ; I saw you when the burden of sin lay heavy upon you, and afterwards when Jesus had rolled it away, and you were at peace ; I saw you at work for the Master, and learned to lean upon you. Keep near Jesus ; visit no place, engage in no pursuit or pleasure where Jesus cannot go with you ; cultivate his love ; let that be the controlling power of your life ; it will never lead you to do wrong. Trust Jesus to keep you; you cannot keep yourself: but he is able to keep your heart, and the streams that flow from it. ** Man's weakness waiting upon God, Its end can never miss ; For men on earth no work can do More angel-like than this." My unconverted friends, yon gave me a cordial welcome ; you were kind and generous ; you mani- fested a deep interest in the meetings, and seemed to stand almost on the threshold of the (^pen door of mercy, yet you did not enter, and there I left you. The parting was a sad one to me ; not sim- ply because 1 loved you and prized your friendshijj, but chiefly because you had no hope in Jesus. I could better have borne the brief separation here had there only been the assurance that, at the judgment dajs we should not be compelled to say " farewell " forever. O, how could I see any of you turning away " on the left hand 1 " " The Spirit calls to-day; Yield to his power ; O, grieve him not away — 'Tis Mercy's hour." Brother ministers, — fellow-laborers in a work sometimes trying, often toilsome and self-denying, and yet with a bright side ever sweet and delight- ful. — above the noisy dashing of two oceans I seem, even now, to hear your bold, clear, unmis- takable trumpet-blasts from the walls of Zion. 1 believe still greater victories are before you. For the confidence you gave me, for your forbearance with my faults and mistakes, for your kindness, I thank ycu. For your unwearied labors during all the days and months of the work among you, the whole church honor and thank you. I have wanted to mention each of you by name, and tell the worth and character of each, and the affection I have towards you, but I have been com- pelled to forego that pleasure. Nowhere have I found more devoted and more able pastors, more genial companions, than among you ; and, though you labor under peculiar difBcul- tics, nowhere on our continent have ministers such opportunities for moulding states, and laying the foundations of social and civil life. With the completion of that bond of national life and strength, that route for a world's commerce and travel, — the Pacific Railroad, — 3^our coast is des- tined to march with giant strides to one of the proudest and most influential positions on the face of the globe ; and for the teeming life, the new and manifold wants of that hastening period, you, under God, are to be the leaders towards a true Christian development and character. May God help you, and prepare you for the great and noble work ! Just now, hero in my New England home, as my pen is finishing this sketch, I turn my eyes towards the far west, where the setting sun is hicliug itself from the gathering darkness, behind its curtains of crimson and gold : and in heart I follow the waning light over the distant hills to the rich, warm shores of the Pacific ; and there, with my eye upon your faces, my loved friends, one and all, and my hand in yonrs, "I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named ; that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man ; that ye may be able to comprehend, with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge ; that ye might be filled with all the fullness of* God." And as the last rays of the sun glimmer and die on the western horizon, I seem, with you, and with the long line of saints whom Christ has ransomed out of every nation and people, to catch the glad strains of the imprisoned apostle's ascription of praise : "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, accord- ing to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." CHAPTER XXVII. THE REST OF FAITH. CHRIST'S chilclreo, in different parts of the country, are earnestly inquiring how they can abide in the fullness of his love. The Holy Spirit is moving the whole Christian church in this direc- tion. Many think there is a place of rest herey where the soul can enjoy, without interruption, the fullness of Christ's love. They are seeking light on this subject ; they seem to be asking for " the old paths," "where is the good way," that they " may find rest to their souls," and, like Enoch, walk with God. In this hungering after Christ, this inward un- rest, this longing for the fullness of Christ's love, I see signs of great promise to the church and the world. Christ is saying to his church, " Come up higher;" and she is coming. Christians in the past have felt the need of this llcssing, and sought and found it. Rev. Dr. Payson says, "Were I to adopt tho figurative language of Bunyan, I might date this letter from the laud of Beulah, of which I have been for some weeks a happy resident. " The Celestial City is full in my view ; its glories beam upon me ; its breezes fan me ; its odors are wafted to me ; its sounds strike my ears, and its spirit is breathed into my heart. Nothing sepa- rates me from it but the river of death, which now appears but as an insignificant rill, that may be crossed at a single step whenever God gives per- mission. "The Sun of righteousness has been gradually drawing nearer and nearer, appearing larger and brighter as he approached, and now he fills the whole hemisphere, pouring forth a flood of glory, in which I seem to float like an insect in the beams of the sun, exulting, yet almost trembling, while I gaze upon this excessive brightness, and wonder- ing, with unutterable wonder, why God should deign thus to shine upon a simple w^orm." After experiencing this great increase ot faith, Dr. Pay son cried out, in view of his former distress- ing doubts, and the great loss he had thereby sus- tained in his own enjoyment and usefulness, " O that I had known this twenty years ago ! " Mrs. Edwards, wife of President Edwards, says, "In 1742 I sought and obtained the full assurance of faith. I cannot find language to express how certain the everlasting love of God appeared : the everlastins: mountains and hills were but shadows to it. ]\Iy safety and happiness, and eternal enjoy- ment of God's immutable love, seemed as durable and unchangeable as God himself. Melted and overcome by the sweetness of this assurance, I fell ii:to a great flow of tears, and could not forbear weeping aloud. " Tho presence of God was so near and so real, tviat I seemed scarcely conscious of anything else. My soul was filled and overwhelmed with ligJU^ and love, and joij in the Holy Ghost, and seemed just ready to go away from the body. This exaltation of soul subsided into a heavenly calm and a rest of soul in God, which was even sweeter than what preceded it." I could give a great cloud of witnesses, all testi- fying to the same thing : that is, after receiving evidence of regeneration, they felt a longing of heart for something higher — a fullness of love — a state of heart that would enable them to abide in Christ without interruption. This they sought and found, and many of them, after ten or twenty years, are still enjoying the same blessing with increasing sweetness. The anxious inquiry presents itself, "How can I reach this state of rest in Christ?" You must believe such a state is attainable. To ask and soarch for a thing you do not believe can be obtained, is solemn mockery. " What thing soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." The first thing, then, to be settled in your own n 'nd, is this : " Do I fully believe Christ has made provision for me to abide — without interruption — in the fullness of his love?" If one doubt remains in your mind about this, you will not obtain it, however anxious or earnest you are in your efforts. This blessing, as well as all others, must be received through Jesus. There is no other name or way through which any soul can find rest. " If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it;" that is, any promise, with Christ's name on it as the indorser, the Father will honor. So that every promise in the Bible is "yea and amen in Christ Jesus." Nothing is too good or great for the Father to give you for the Son's sake. "How shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Jesus is the pledge , of all you need, or that Infinite Love can bestow. Yoa must come to Jesus by a simple, childlikb faith, believing just what he has said. When he says to you, "Come unto me, and I will give you rest," your immediate reply should be, — " Just as I am, tliou wilt receive, "Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve. Because thy promise I believe, — O Lamb of God, I come, I come." This rest will be found only when you seek it with an undivided heart. " And ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." You will need to trust God in all things, tempo- ral and spiritual. If he hides his face from you, and all appears dark, you need not be troubled ; " God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain." If you hav0 no emotion, no joy, no light for the present — no matter, trust God in the dark. Let your faith look to the other side of the cloud for the " silver lining." *' Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face." Having consecrated all to Jesus, take nothmg from the altar ; but expect him to give you the evidence of your acceptance, without one doubt, just when and as he pleases, with or without emo- tions, whether you realize any change in your feel- ings or not. Do not stagger at the promise : " Though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry;" that is, it will not tarry a moment after you are prepared for its reception. This rest is retained by faith alone — not by faith and works. Christ needs no assistance from you or au}^ one else, to keep your heart in perfect peace, hut asks you to leave it all to him, and says, "Only believe." Then you can say, "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep what I have committed unto him against that day." Be faithful and watchful ; but do not depend on either. Your own promises and resolutions, so far as keeping you in the love of Christ is concerned, are ropes of sand. " We are kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation." . Christ says Lo you in this matter, " Only believe." Your faith, like Abraham's, is counted to you for righteousness. If your faith in Christ is unwavering, nothing can interrupt your peace and rest. The darkness and the light are both alike to faith. If your way seems dark and hedged up for the present, you need not be troubled. " Faith is the brightest evidence Of things beyond our sight; It pierces through the veil of sense, And dwells in heavenly light." There is one way by which we may know when we are resting in Christ by faith. It is when wo are bearing the fruit of the Spirit, whieh is " love, joy, peace, long-sullcring, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." If we do not bear this fruit, we are not abiding in the fullness of Christ's love, no matter what we profess. It is well for every one to test himself by this rule. I am very sorry to find persons claiming to live near the Savior, who manifest a harsh, unkind, and even a fault-finding spirit ; and in some instances their lives are unchristian. In this way Christ is greatly dishonored, and many anxious Christians, who long to get up higher and abide in Him, are hindered and kept back. A Christian, sweetly rest- i.ig in Christ, will have great patience ; will speak kindly even to those he thinks are wrong; will have warm and glowing love for Christ and his people, and will walk in the light. If he lacks these things, he is not right, and Jesus says, "Friend, come up higher." He may have severe trials of his faith, but will say, "It is the Lord, let him do what he will." His emotions may be changeable. The wind may ruffle the surface-water, but the deep fountain beneath is calm and peaceful. lie, no d()ul)t, will keenly feel the trials that rfj]()ve loved ones from him, yet will say, "The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord." Christ's own finger takes up the bleeding veins severed by these afflictions. This state will prevent gloomy and distressing fears about the future. It teaches the Christian, the great lesson : In whatever situation Providence places him, therewith to be content. The fear of death is greatly removed ; he knows he has not dying grace now, and does not need it, but believes Christ's word, "As thy days, so shall thy strength be." He sweetly rests in Jesus, expecting grace and help just when needed. "Lord, give us such a faith as this, And then, whate'er may come, We'll taste, e'en here, the hallowed bliss Of an eternal home." My own Experience.— About ten years ago, I began to feel an inexpressible hungering and long- ing for the fullness of Christ's love. I had often had seasons of great joy and peace in Christ, and in his service. I had seen many precious souls brought i^ito the fold of Christ. I fully believe I then belonged to Christ — that my name was in his family record. I loved the work of the ministry, but had long felt an inward unrest, a void in my soul that was not filled. Seasons of great joy would be followed by seasons of darkness and doubt. If I had peace, I feared it would not continue, and it did not. Many anxious Christians came to uic, complain- ing of the same thing. How could I help them on that point, when I did not know how to get right myself? 1 took them to the seventh chapter of Romans, and there left them, saying, "O, wretched man that I am ! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" I was there myself, and supposed I must live and die there. In this state I was exposed to severe temptations and attacks of the enemy. I made strong and repeated resolutions that I would be faithful, but could not keep them. Then I sought and found forgiveness again, and was happy, and said, " O, that I could always enjoy such peace ! " But it was soon disturbed by some word, or act, or heart- wandering. Thus I lived on for many years : now happy in my Christian experience, and now unhappy ; some- times doubting and fearing, and sometimes resting. God gave me success in winning souls, and granted me many hours of sweet communion with my Savior, for which I am truly grateful ; still I was unsatisfied — I wanted an uninterrujpted rest and peace. I often read those precious words, uttered by our Savior, "If ye abide in me, ancj my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." I longed and prayed to be there, but knew not the way. O, that some one had then taught me the way of rest in Jesus ! I frequently met Christians who claimed sinless perfection; many of them were, indeed, a better type of Christians than ordinary professors ; but they did not seem perfect to me. The rest in Jesus, for which I longed, was still unfound. At last I felt that the question for me to settle was this, — Can an imperfect Christian sweetly and constantly rest in a perfect Savior, without con- demnation? This I revolved in my mind for a long time. I read, as far as I could, the experiences of those who seemed to live nearest to Christ. I searched the Scriptures for light, and asked such as I believed had power with God, to pray with and for me, that I might be led aright on this great question. At length I became satisfied that Christ had made pro- vision for me and all his children to abide in the fullness of his love without one moment's in- terruption. Having settled this, I said : — I need this ; I long for it ; I caunot truly represent religion without it, and Christ is dishonored by me every da}^ I live without it. I, therefore, deliberately resolved, by the help of my Eedeemer, to obtain it at any sacrifice ; little realizing how unlike Christ I then was, or how much would be needed to bring me there. I first procured a blank book, which I called my "Consecration Book," and slowly and solemnly, on my knees, wrote in it the following dedication: — " Andover, February 10, 1859. " This day I make a new consecration of my all to Christ. " Jesus, I now and forever give myself to thee ; my soul to be washed in thy blood and saved in heaven at last ; my whole body to be used for thy glory ; my mouth to speak for thee at all times ; my eyes to weep over lost siiniers, or to be used for any purpose for thy glory ; my feet to carry me where thou shalt wish me to go ; my heart to be burdened for souls, or used for thee anywhere ; my intellect to be employed at all times for thy cause and glory. I give to thee my wife, my children, my property, all I have, and all that ever shall be mine. I will obey thee in every known duty. A. B. E." I the.i asked for grace to enable me to carry out that vow, and that I might take nothing from the altar. I supposed, with this consecration, entire as far as knowledge went, I should soon receive all that my longing heart could contain ; but in this I was sadly mistaken. I think I then came nearer to Christ. But as clearer light began to shine into my heart, I saw more of its vileness. I find in ray journal the following : — "Boston, December 22, 1859. " The last three weeks have been weeks of great searching of heart. I never had my heart so searched before. I detect pride, envy, self-will, a great deal of unbelief, my love to the Savior to be very weak. Yet I have consecrated all to Christ, and cannot withdraw it from the altar. O, can a worm so vile be like Christ? I know it is possible ; and if I am ever to be like him, why not now, while I am where I can do good in leading others to him?" I felt like a patient who, though in the hands of a skilful physician, groans and writhes under the severe treatment which has been found necessary in order to save his life. But my constant prayer was, "Be thorough with me, Jesus; be thorough." Many a discouraging day followed this consecration and these heart-searchings. I grew weak, ind small, and unworthy, in my own estimation. At times my joy and peace were almost rn- bounded. Sometimes I felt that I grasped the prize so earnestly sought, but was shown some hid- den sin in my heart which greatly humbled and distressed me. How fully I realized the words of J. B. Taylor, who said, while seeking this blessing, " Notwithstanding my profession that I had crucitied the world, the flesh, and the devil, I have had keener sorrows for indwelling sin than I ever ex- perienced before conversion. " O, the distress which I have felt on account of pride, envy, love of the world, and other evil pas- sions which have risen np and disturbed my peace, and separated between God and my soul I " How many have realized all this, and even more, in their struggles after abiding rest in Jesus. One sin that troubled me most, and was the hard- est to overcome, was a strong \vill, — a desire, and almost a determination, to have my o\vn way; — •.. and thus — even in regard to little things, or any little injury or supposed wrong — to speak without reflection, and sometimes severely, even to those I knew were my friends; to say, "I will do this," and «I will not do that." This I clearly saw must be overcome, if I would become a consistent and useful Christian. As I could not do it myself, I gave it over to Jesus : he could give me grace to overcome even this. But I f jund I gave nothing into the hands of Jesus, ex- cept by a simple faith, ^ly faith w^as very deficient and weak : to believe the promises fully was not so easy. I believed the theory of religion, but to have my heart grasp the reality, without wavering, was more difficult. Yet I found my faith growing stronger, until at last I came to believe just what God has said in his word. I found first the blade of faith, then the ear, and then the full corn in the ear. No rest could be obtained until I could be- lieve just what God had said, and trust him fully. I felt that I must have in my heart something I did not then possess. Before I could be tilled with the fullness of Christ's love I must be emptied of self. O, the longing of my heart for what I then believed, and now believe, to be sweet and constant rest in Jesus ! I believed I should receive it, and thought it was near. I soon found it easier to resist temptation. I began to trust Christ and his promises more fully. With this mingling of faith, desire, and expecta- tion, I commenced a meeting on Cape Cod. After re-dedicating myself, in company with others, anew to God, I was in my room alone, pleading for the fullness of Christ's love, when all at once a sweet, heavenly peace filled all the vacuum in my soul, leaving no longing, no unrest, no dissatisfied feel- ing in my bosom. I felt, I knew that I was ac- cepted fully of Jesus. A calm, simple, child-like trust took possession of iny whole being. I felt that if I had a thousand hearts and lives, I would give them all to the Savior ; my grateful love to him found expression in those glowing lines, — " O, for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praise; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace ! " Then, for the first time in my life, I had that rest which is more than peace. I had felt peace before, l)iit feared I should not retain it ; now I had peace without fear, which really became rest. That night I retired to sleep without one fear, — much like a tired babe resting in its mother's arms. I believed Jesus had received me, and would keep me. I had no fear of losing that happy state ; the fear which had so disturbed my rest was taken away. I seemed in a new world ; my burden was gone, my cup was full, and Jesus was present with me. I felt not only that I was forgiven and cleansed, but that Jesus would hereafter keep me; that I should not have to help him keep me, as I had been vainly trying to do, but could trust it all to him ; that now I had two hands instead of one to" work with. I was a Christian before. I loved Christ, and his people, and his cause ; 3^et did not, could not, trust myself without fear in his hands. But now I seemed all at once to lose a great burden of care and anxiety. I found that much of my care had been not only useless, but a hinderance to my success, rendering my work in Christ's cause much harder and less pleasant to myself. I had been like the traveller with a heavy burden on his back, who, when in- vited by a friend to ride in his carriage and rest himself, took his seat with his burden still weighing him down. When asked to lay his burden off while riding, and rest, he replied, " O, sir, yon have been so kind to let me ride, I will carry my burden myself." I had not learned to lay my burden on Jesus while toiling in his vineyard, which would have rendered my work comparatively light and easy. The Bible seemed like a new book. I had, as it were, read with a veil before my eyes. All through the week I labored on without fear of losing the long-sought, and now so highly-prized, blessing. T believed, in the hour of temptation, Christ would keep me, and I should not lose that happy state. This change occurred about five o'clock on the evening of the second day of November, 1863 ; and although I never felt so weak and small, yet Jesus has been my all since then. There has not been one hour of conscious doubt or darkness since that time. A heaven of peace and rest fills my soul. Day and night the Savior seems by me. Preaching is a luxury, — it is a glorious work. In prayer Christ does not seem far away, but near and with me. The Bible still appears like a ucw book. All Christians are clearer to me than ever before. All earthly ties arc more precious to nie ; — home, friends, all blessings, temporal or spiritual, are dearer and brighter than ever before. That terrible fear and torment about death is in a great measure gone. Thought is quickened. My views of truth are much clearer than before. I have come to believe just what God says. I can trust him, and go forward, even " with sealed orders." My success in leading souls to Jesus has been much greater than before. My joy in telling the world of Christ and his goodness constantly in- creases. And as I realize more and more the great- ness of his love, and the perfection of his character, my swelling heart often cries out, — ** 0, could I speak the matchless worth, O, could I sound the glories forth. Which in my Savior shine ! " O, that I had an angel's tongue, or could in some way express to others the love I bear to Jesus I ?' I'd sing the characters he bears, And all the forms of love he wears, Exalted on his throne." If any one should ask if tl/: is "sinless perfec- tion," I would answer. No, by no means. I feel very imperfect and weak, yet I am enabled to believe and trust Jesus ; and he is so near that I have realized, in several instances of little i neons s- tcncies, that before the dark wave reached my soul to produce condemnation, Jesus said, "Peace, be still." Temptation is presented, but the power of it is broken. I seem to have a present Savior in every time of need ; so that for several years I have done the trusting and Jesus the keeping ; it is much easier now to resist temptation than it was before. I feared the crosses would be much heavier if I was nearer Jesus ; but they are much lighter now ; so that I can sum it all up in a few words, and call it, not perfection, not a sinless state, but rest, — the rest of faith, — a calm, sweet resting all with Christ. This state of heart is reached only by faith, and retained only by faith — not by helpmg Christ take care of us, but by trusting him to do it all. Does any one ask how an imperfect Christian can rest in a perfect Savior, and feel no condemnation? I answer. It is by Christ's meeting all the demands of the law for us, in such a way that the soul Kializes no condemnation. Suppose you h.\\l a great many debts coming due every day — a constant source of grief and pain because you were unable to meet the demands, though they were just. After a long season of dis- tress and worrying, a kind, rich friend says to yoi;, "I know all about your indebtedness, and your in- ability to meet it, but if you will come to my house and trust all to me, I promise you undisturbed rest as long as you choose to remain with me ; no one shall trouble you." You fully believe and trust him, and go to his home. A short time after reach- ing his home, you hear his bell ring. He goes to the door. Some one inquires if you are in the house ; your friend replies that you are, and asks what is wanted. The creditor at the door says, " I have a bill of fifty dollars I would like to have him settle." The bill is promptly paid by your friend, without disturbing you. Thus your rich friend continues to meet all just demands brought against you during your stay with him. He knew, before he made the ofler, just what he was undertaking to do, and that he had all needed means to do with. Do you not see how you could rest, and yet know that your rich friend was daily meeting de- mands that you were entirely unable to pay, while his means were unbounded? This rich, precious friend is Jesus, who said to me long ago, when I was worrying over my inability to keep myself, 6r atone for one sin, <' Come unto me,~and I will give you rest." "All power in heaven and in earth is given into my hands." "I came into this world to help just such sinners as you are." But I did not, and seemingly could nc»t, believe it, and continued to worry. But, at last, 1 was enabled to believe just what Jesus said, and trust him entirely, and at once he gave me rest, — not fear — not torment, — but sweet, constant, abiding rest. Thus, while I believe and trust Christ entirely, nothing wavering, he gives me rest — not Jesus and my faitV fulness, but Jesus alone, gives me rest. So that Christ is made, at this very point, to those who trust all to him, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Christ meets at first, and all along the way, the demands of the law against us, on the simple condition that we fully believe, and trust all to him. In this way, an imperfect Christian can, by a firm, unwavering faith, rest in a perfect Savior without condemnation. "There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." In this way unwavering faith is counted (as it was to Abraham) for perfect satisfaction for every claim the perfect law of God brings against the soul. So that we are saved from eternal death by faith, and saved now from fear and condemna- tion by faith ; and those who thus believe do (not shall) enter into rest. The diiferencc between his experience before and after this rest in Jesus, is this : Before, he was complaining, and confessing his departures from Christ; now, he is joyful, and sweetly rest- ing in Christ : before, when he was happy, he was fearful he should lose his happiness ; now, he is very happy, and has no fear of losing it. The very steps by which he has reached this state show him how to retain it. There is no change in his doctrines or opinions — his sentiments were never dearer to him. The difference is in his faith — he has let go of all but Jesus, and relies on him alone for peace and rest, and is not disappointed. Reader, are you sweetly resting in Christ by faith? If so, make an effort to lead all around you there ; but if not, let me urge you, at once, without dismissing the subject from your thoughts, to give yourself to the Savior anew, and do not cease your importunity until you are filled with all the fullness of his love. You then are just prepared to grow in divine things. The roots of your faith can strike deep into the soil of truth and love, and need not be dis- turbed again until transplanted into heavenly joil, there to continue to grow and flourish in the garden of the Lord. *' Then shall I see, and hear, and know, All I desire or wish below, And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy."